Week beginning: 12th October Week B FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Announcements/Notices: - Assemblies: All in the Hall. Normal days - Year 7—Drop Everything And Read ‘DEAR’: Everyday this week Period 5 2.05-2.25
Wednesday Football Club for all Year 8 & 9 Pupils Thursday Rugby Club for all Year 7/89 Pupils
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 11 Business Studies and ICT Controlled Assessments —All week Year 9 Road Safety Play—Tuesday Period 5 SEN Lambourne End Trip—Thursday Year 7 Information Evening—Thursday evening Home Learning Support—Friday in IT5 3.05 - 4.15pm
Weekly School Attendance: 95.4% Year 7: 98.1% Year 8 : 94.4% Highest Attendance Year 9: 94.8% Year 10: 93.9% Year 11: 95.4%
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the Forms with Highest Honours: 7X 8U 9R 10R 11T and Pupils with Highest Honours: Aya El-Hajji 7X, Lauren Atkinson 8U, Jessie Bradley 9S & Max Jessop 10X