Week beginning: 13th January 2014 Week A FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Mobile phones are not allowed on school site
Normal Assemblies all week Year 9 Options Evening cancelled rescheduled for Feb 13th Attendance Incentives: Year 7 & 8—Term from now until 28th March in green group 95% and above—Non-uniform day. Year 9—Weekly attendance lottery draw in assembly for 100% attendance. Year 10—Now until break-up on 23rd May—98% attendance lunch pass Year 11—To be announced.
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Netball Wednesday 16th:St John’s (Home) Year 7, 8 & U16’s Non-Uniform—Genes for Jeans: Friday Year 11 Drama Unit 1 Exam: Wednesday Year 11 Business Controlled Assessments: Mon—Fri Pastoral Detention—Thursday in L6 WSD—Friday in L6 3.05—4.35pm Weekly School Attendance:95.4% Year 7: 97.4% Highest Attendance Year 8 : 95.1% 7V Year 9: 95.5% Year 10: 93.9% Year 11: 95.1% SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the following students who received the Highest Honours in their Year: Thomas Abbott 7T, Sayeem Ahmed 8X, Holly Carter 9W Congratulations to the Forms with the Highest Honours: 7T, 8X, 9W