Week beginning: 15th June Week 1 FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
BEYOND RODING VALLEY! Announcements/Notices: YEAR 11 GCSE EXAMS all week Year 7—10 Assemblies in the Sports Hall Year 10 End of Year Exams Monday—Friday (check your individual timetables) Non uniform day FRIDAY for Beyond Roding Valley— Zambia—Wear something Red/Black/Yellow/Green EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 10 Catering Practical Assessments—Monday Year 7 Maths tests in lessons—Tuesday & Thursday Year 10 Final Work Experience Briefing: Thursday at 2.30 in the Sports Hall Year 10 Drama Unit 2 controlled assessment—Thursday KS3 War Horse Trip—Thursday Year 10 Art BTEC Trip—Friday Home Learning Support—Friday 3.05-4.15pm in IT5
Year 7: 95.7% Year 8 : 96.3% Year 9: 93.5% Year 10: 96.4% Year 11: Study Leave
Highest Attendance
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the Forms with Highest Honours: 7V 8T 9X 10T and Pupils with Highest Honours: Jasmin Kelly 7R, Gavin Ip 8T, Sam Barrett 9X & Demi Braxton 10T