Week beginning: 17th March 2014 Week A FOCUS OF THE WEEK: No headphones on school site
Announcements/Notices: - ASSEMBLIES: Monday Year 10 in Hall, Tuesday Year 11 Cohort B side in Canteen, Wednesday Year 8 Cancelled, Thursday Year 9 Cohort B side in Canteen, Friday Year 7 Cancelled. - Year 11’s-Remember revision classes for Passport to the Prom - Science & Engineering Week! - The following are the dates for the end of term Maths exams: Year 7 Tues 18th March, Year 9 (UVWX) 18th March, Year 9 (QRST) 20th March, Year 10 Thursday 20th March - Outstanding Shorefield and Skern Lodge payments must be brought in ASAP
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Yr 10 Drop Down Day: Monday—Instructions for the day will be given to you by your FormTutor Yr 10 Maths Mock Exam & Yr 11 resits: Wednesday am Yr 11 Sets 2, 4, 5 & resits IGCSE Eng Lang: Wed am Year 8 Parents Evening: Thursday pm Yr 10 Maths Mock Exam & Yr 11 resits: Friday am Yr 11 IGCSE English Lit Paper 1: Friday am Pastoral Detention—Thursday in L6 WSD—Friday in L6 3.05—4.35pm Weekly School Attendance: 95.1% Year 7: 93.8% Year 8 : 94.9% Year 9: 96.9% Year 10: 93.5% Year 11: 96.2%
Highest Attendance 9Q
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the following students who received the Highest Weekly Honours in their Year: Lola Allen 7V, Jay Austin 8T, Ben Broder 9S, Demi Wrate 10U Congratulations to the Forms with the Highest Honours: 7V, 8T, 9R, 10U, 11V&11W