Week beginning: 18th July Week A FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Focus on your achievement! Announcements/Notices: Celebration Assemblies All in the Hall—Mon Year 8, Tues Year 10, Wed Year 7 (swopped from Fri) & Thurs Year 9 Drop Everything & Read (DEAR): Lesson 3 SCHOOL FINISHES FOR SUMMER—FRIDAY AT 12.20PM (End of Period 4) RETURN TO SCHOOL: Thursday 1st September—INSET DAY Friday 2nd September—Start of Term for Year 7 & 12 students only Monday 5th September—Start of Term for Year 8, 9, 10 & 11
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 10 Statistics CA: All week Weekly School Attendance (last week): Whole School: 93.9% Highest Attendance Year 7: 95.4% Year 8 : 94.2% 7 Year 9: 92.6% Year 10: 93.2% Congratulations to Forms with Highest Honours: 7Q, 8R, 9R & 10V and Pupils with Highest Honours: Ella Payne 7X, Jasmin Kelly 8R, Anna Vidojevic 9X & Joshua Roberts 10V