Week beginning: 19th January Week 2 FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Respect Each Other and the Environment Announcements/Notices: Normal Assemblies all week Year 11 Spanish speaking controlled assessments all week Well Done to Matthew Tinker 10R for being elected to stand in the Young Essex Assembly to represent Epping Forest District in the County.
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 11 Business Studies Revision Workshop: Tuesday Year 9 Parents Evening: Thursday 4.30-7pm WSD - Friday in L6 3.05 - 4.35pm Home Learning Support—Friday 3.05-4.15pm in IT5
Weekly School Attendance: 95.1% Year 7: 94.3% Year 8 : 95.7% Year 9: 95.7% Year 10: 96.5% Year 11: 93%
Highest Attendance
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the Forms with Highest Honours: 7T 8X 9S 10X 11Q and Pupils with Highest Honours: Jayga Leslie 7T, Alex Knight 8X, Cameron Grossett 9R, Conor Tyrrell 10T, Taylor Barker 11W