Week beginning: 23rd March Week 2 FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
CHALLENGE YOURSELF Announcements/Notices: Assemblies—Monday Year 11 in Hall, Tuesday Year 8 in Hall, Wednesday Year 9 in Hall Thursday Year 7 in Sports Hall Friday Year 10 in Hall Year 7 inter-form bake sale—Thursday-this week 7S Year 10 French Writing controlled assessments all week FRIDAY INSET DAY EASTER HOLIDAYS 30TH MAR—10TH APRIL (INCLUSIVE) Easter Revision Programme Year 11 runs from Monday 30th March –Thursday 2nd April
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 10 French Conference: Tuesday Year 11 Music controlled assessment: Thursday Year 8 Parents Evening: Thursday WSD—Thursday in L6 3.05—4.35pm Home Learning Support—Thursday 3.05-4.15pm in IT5 Weekly School Attendance: 95.3% Year 7: 96.4% Year 8 : 96.2% Year 9: 93.9% Year 10: 95.1% Year 11: 95.1%
Highest Attendance
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the Forms with Highest Honours: 7Q 8U 9X 10W 11T and Pupils with Highest Honours: Declan Comas 7Q, Abigail Ward 8U, Kevin Turner 9S & Elliott Gipson 10W