Week beginning: 25th April Week B
No mobile phones/headphones to be used in the school Announcements/Notices: Assemblies—All in the Hall, Monday swopped for Year 7 & then the Shakespeare/English drop down day, Year 8 on Friday. Year 11 Speaking & Listening CA all week Wednesday: Rehearsal for Unit 2 Drama Exam in the Drama Studio Junior Maths Challenge—Thursday Year 7 Bake Sale: Thursday breaktimes Drop Everything & Read (DEAR): Lesson 2 FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 7 Shakespeare Day: Monday Year 11 Art & Photography Exam: Tuesday Year 11 Drama Unit 3 Exam: Wednesday Year 11 Art & Photography Exam: Thursday Year 10 Parents Evening: Thursday Year 11 Art & Photography Exam: Friday Home Learning Support—Friday in IT5 3.05-4.15pm Weekly School Attendance (last week): Whole School: 95.2% Year 7: 97.7% Highest Attendance Year 8 : 95.2% 7X Year 9: 94.4% Year 10: 93.8% Year 11: 94.5% Congratulations to Forms with Highest Honours: 7V, 8X, 9V, 10R & 11U and Pupils with Highest Honours: Lucy Richards 7T, Isabel Kimpton 8X & Abbie Juniper 10S