2nd March 2015

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Week beginning: 2nd March Week 1 FOCUS OF THE WEEK:

WORLD BOOK DAY Keep reading Announcements/Notices:  Year 11, Year 8 & Year 9 (Mon-Wed) assemblies in Hall, Year 7 (Thur) & Year 10 (Fri) in Sports Hall  Year 9 French Controlled assessments all week  My Fair Lady Drama Performance Thursday 7-9pm

EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 11 Road Safety assembly—Monday Reg into Per1 World Book Day—Thursday—10.30am drop everything And read session for whole school Year 11 OFQUAL Maths Exam—Thursday 9-10.30am GCSE Drama Rehearsal—Thursday 9am-3pm WSD—Friday in L6 3.05—4.35pm Home Learning Support—Friday 3.05-4.15pm in IT5

Weekly School Attendance: 94.8% Year 7: 96.1% Year 8 : 94.6% Year 9: 96% Year 10: 95% Year 11: 92.3%

Highest Attendance


SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the Forms with Highest Honours: 7X 8S 9Q 10V 11U and Pupils with Highest Honours: Oliver Wells 7X, Albie Offer 8T, Abigail Thompson 9T, Demi Braxton 10T & Daniel Sivarajah 11U

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