Week beginning: 6th June Week A FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Silence Around Hall During Exams! Announcements/Notices: YEAR 11 & 12 EXAMS Year 11 & 12 Breakfast Revision Sessions Monday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday in canteen Assemblies—All in the Sports Hall—Monday Year 8, Tuesday Year 9 (swopped), Wednesday cancelled, Thursday Year 10 (swopped) & Friday Year 7 Drop Everything & Read (DEAR): Lesson 2 Art and Photography Exhibition—Thursday 46pm in A2, A3 & Art Gallery Roding Valley Bake Off—Thursday 3.15 – 4.30pm Year 9/10 Royal Navy Youth Engagement Team —Thursday, more details to follow in registers EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 11 GCSE Exams Year 9 Girls HPV vaccinations: Thursday Home Learning Support—Friday in IT5 3.05-4.15pm Weekly School Attendance (last week): Whole School: 89.9% Year 7: 94.2% Highest Attendance Year 8 : 93.4% 8R Year 9: 93.3% Year 10: 92.9% Year 11: 75.5% Congratulations to Forms with Highest Honours: 7W, 8V, 9U & 10R and Pupils with Highest Honours: Rio Gordon 7W, Joshua Worrall 8W, Kauana Alves de Oliveria 9V & Abbie Juniper 10S