Week beginning: 8th February Week B FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Safety on the Internet
Assemblies—All in the Sports Hall except Year 8 Friday in the Hall PiXL Media, Business Studies Conferences— Tuesday PiXL PE, Drama Conferences—Wednesday HALF TERM 15TH—19TH FEBRUARY (INCL)
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 8 Exams Monday—Maths Paper 1 (non calc) Per 1&2 History Per 3 & Geography Per 4 Science Per 5 Tuesday—Maths Paper 2 (Calc) Per 1 & 2 Computer Science Per 3 & 4 Geography Per 5 Wednesday—French (read & writ) Per 1 & 2 English Language Per 3 & 4 Spanish (read & writ) Per 5 Year 9 Options Evening—Thursday pm Year 11 GCSE History Trip—Friday Home Learning Support—Friday in IT5 3.05-4.15pm Congratulations to Forms with Highest Honours: 7Q 8Q 9R 10Q & 11Q and Pupils with Highest Honours: Lilie Constantinou 7Q, Lily Godleman 8Q, Eva Randall 9S, Maryann Thurgood 10Q & Jack Alsford 11Q