Week beginning: 9th February Week 1 FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Safety on the Internet Announcements/Notices: Year 11 assembly cancelled due to exams Year 7, 8, 9 assemblies all in the Sports Hall & Year 10 assembly in Hall on Friday as normal Year 11 Exams all week—check individual timetables Year 11 Revision sessions IT5 Mon-Thu 3-6pm & Breakfast sessions in canteen 8-8.45am Mon, Tues & Thurs HALF TERM MON 16TH—FRI 20TH FEB 2015 INC EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 11 Exams: Monday—ICT U1 & Cat & Hosp (P1&2), English Lang Paper 2 (Sets 1 & 2) (P3&4) Tuesday—Geography U2 (P1&2), Maths Exams (P3&4) Wednesday—French List & Reading (P1&2), Triple Science & Sociology (P3&4) Thursday—English Lit (P1&2), Btec Music (P3&4) Friday— Psychology U2 (P5) Year 9 Options Evening — Thursday pm WSD - Friday in L6 3.05 - 4.35pm Home Learning Support—Friday 3.05-4.15pm in IT5 Weekly School Attendance: 95.4% Year 7: 94.1% Year 8 : 93.6% Year 9: 95.2% Year 10: 96.7% Year 11: 97.2%
Highest Attendance
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the Forms with Highest Honours: 7T 8T 9T 10W 11U & 11W and Pupils with Highest Honours: Sean Thurgood 7T, Megan Clark 8T, Darina Zhecheva 9R & Daniella Benattar 10Q