Week beginning: 9th May Week B FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Announcements/Notices: Assemblies—All in the Hall Year 7 Bake Sale: Thursday at Break Drop Everything & Read (DEAR): Lesson 4
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 10: Post 16’s Careers Group Work— Starting Monday until 26th May Year 11: GCSE Drama Exam—Wednesday
Home Learning Support—Friday in IT5 3.05-4.15pm Weekly School Attendance (last week): Whole School: 95.7% Year 7: 95.3% Highest Attendance Year 8 : 96.1% 11X Year 9: 95.3% Year 10: 96% Year 11: 96% Congratulations to Forms with Highest Honours: 7X 8U 9Q 10Q 11English and Pupils with Highest Honours: Luke Marney 7X, Kyle Alexander 8W, Jacob Dean 9V & Sarah Naqvi 10Q