Maths Broadcast Issuu 14

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Issue 14 March 2021


2 ∞ & Beyond! Maths Bulletin

“Our vision is to be the school of choice for our local community, developing successful young people with high aspirations, who show respect for all and endeavour to become the very best that they can be.”

Welcome Welcome to another edition of the Maths Bulletin where we hope to share some fun Maths and celebrate the work over the last few months. I am extremely pleased to have students back with us in school but I was amazed at how well the students adapted to remote learning. Good luck to our Year 11 and 13 students who are currently sitting assessments. Remember that your Maths teachers are available via email just as they were while remote learning. The last few weeks have been busy and I hope that you all get some rest over the Easter break. Please enjoy this issue and peruse the delightful mathematical puzzles and memes, try the latest chess moves just like in the Queen’s Gambit! Mr Edeko, Head of Mathematics

House Points Heroes! Rank













It was awesome to see the great work from Alexandra in Year 7 as she sent through her answers for the KenKen puzzle from the last bulletin. If you are trying these puzzles or Maths Challenge questions, remember to send in your answers to or post them onto Twitter and tag @RVMathematics to gain House Points. I'm looking forward to seeing if Junior Maths Challenge in April.

can maintain their lead after the upcoming UKMT Shared by Miss Smith


TT RockStars With lockdown over, a new Times Table RockStars competition will begin! In the new competition, accuracy will be key as the winners will be determined by how many they answer correctly. The competition will be running longer and the final tally will be checked at the end of the next half term on 27th May. The results will be published in the next Maths Bulletin. As always, the top 5 students from each year group will earn House Points. 50 points for 1st place, 40 points for 2nd, 30 points for 3rd, 20 points for 4th and 10 points for 5th. To see if you can make it onto the leader board next half term, head over to the TT RockStars website, Your login details can be found in Edulink under the documents section. Contact your class teacher if you have any problems. Speed is important but it’s no good if you are not accurate! Good luck and let's get rockin! Mr Rahman

Origami Challenge - Easter Special! For this edition, I thought we could try something special for Easter. A double challenge this week with a bunny and a basket for our Easter eggs! You will need to start with square paper but you can easily make some using any rectangle shaped paper. You will need one sheet for each rabbit and two sheets for the basket. Follow the instructions below to make square paper And below are instructions on how to make a bunny and the basket. v=6QqBvy_yO_M v=wyAhfsd2PL0 Miss Smith helped with making the bunnies and with the Mini Eggs in the basket! The basket was able to hold quite a bit but as always, chocolate does not last long in the Maths office… Give this a go and share your pictures on Twitter using @RVMathematics. Mr Rahman, 2nd i/c and KS4 Coordinator


Student Work Back in school now, but we are still very much pleased with the quality of the work our students produce. Except this time, we can see them do it! From a safe distance, of course.. Unfortunately space is always an issue but here is a small selection below.

Mr Qureshi is pleased with how his Year 11 class are working in preparation for the assessments currently taking place. Some exam practice here on Ratio questions.

Mrs Thompson is very pleased with how her Year 10 class seamlessly transitioned back to working in school. Excellent work on Upper and Lower Bounds and on Translating Shapes.

Excellent work on Real Life Graphs. Mr Rahman was impressed with his Year 8 class.


Some excellent work from Mr Dennis’ Year 12 A Level Further Maths class on exam practice with Critical Path Analysis.

Chess Corner Can you solve these two problems? In each of these problems white plays first. Mate in 2 Problem

Mate in 3 Problem

If you think you know either of the answers, please share on Twitter using @RVMathematics. The first correct solution will be awarded 50 House Points for each problem! Last editions solutions: Mate in 2: 1. Bf5+ Kd6, 2. Be7#, Checkmate! Mate in 3: 1. Re8+ Bf8, 2. Bh6 Qxd5, 3. Rxf8#, Checkmate! Mr Dennis, KS5 Coordinator


Puzzling Puzzles! Two puzzles for you to try. Share a picture of your solution on Twitter using @RVMathematics. The first correct solution will be awarded 50 House Points! Number Fill Number fill is similar to a crossword puzzle. Your task is to use the different digit numbers listed below to fill in the grid. One 6 digit number has already been added for you. Your aim is to fill the whole grid, either by writing the numbers horizontally or vertically. You cannot form new numbers that are not on the list. 3 Digits: 078 629 105 643 133 656 158 784 178 186 299 367 370 377 446 516 544 558 616 4 Digits: 0231 6351 0254 6562 1258 6592 1346 6655 1440 6762 1532 6925 2163 7075 2375 7151 3152 7169 3435 7346 3568 7561 4617 7690 4876 8297 5089 8383 5195 9294 6134

5 Digits: 05652 07314 15616 34206 39863 43341 52765 54323 57345 57929 59055 67456 6 Digits: 155581 518390 557675 656061 948615 7 Digits: 2327354 3733182 6754147 10 Digits: 1688094379 4388156554 4445868653 5053197245 6037221282 6762508981

If you think you have completed the grid correctly, tag us in a picture of your solution on twitter @RVMathematics.


KenKen Puzzle

4+ 3+

2÷ 1-

Your goal is to fill in the whole grid with numbers making sure no number is repeated in any row or column.


The numbers in each section must equal to the number indicated using the only given operation. For example, the top left section has a 5+ and two boxes. So, you need two numbers that add up to 5.

Try solving this puzzle using the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. You can use them multiple times but only once in each row or column.

Send in your solution to Correct answers will be awarded 50 House points for each puzzle! Miss Harbutt and Miss Smith

UKMT Junior Maths Challenge The final Maths Challenge, the Junior Challenge, is coming up later in April. This time, it is the Year 7 and 8’s turn. The Challenge will be taking place on the week of April 26th. We will let you know who will be taking part in the Maths Challenge after the Easter break. It will be taking place online and we will demonstrate in class how to access the Challenge. Those in Year 8 will be familiar as it will be the same as last year. All participants will get House Points with bonus points available for those who are awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates as well as Best in Year/School award. This is the final chance to get lots of points for your House and could be the decider for the Maths House Competition! Mr Rahman, 2nd i/c and KS4 Coordinator


UKMT Maths Challenge Not everyone will get the opportunity to sit the UKMT Maths Challenge. But just so you don’t miss out, here are some questions for you to try.

Junior Maths Challenge Question The difference between 1/3 of a certain number and 3/4 of the same number is 3. What is that number? A 24

B 36

C 48

D 60

E 72

Intermediate Maths Challenge Question What is the value of p + q + r + s + t + u + v + w + x + y in the diagram? A 540

B 720

C 900

D 1080

E 1440

Senior Maths Challenge Question The numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are to be placed, one in each of the circles in the diagram, so that the sum of the numbers in each pair of touching circles is a prime number. The number 5 is placed in the top circle. Which number is placed in the shaded circle? A6




E 10

If you think you know any of the answers, please share on Twitter using @RVMathematics. You will be awarded 50 House Points for each correct question! Mrs Nisar


Puzzling Puzzles and UKMT Maths Challenge Answers Cross Number

UKMT Maths Challenge Answers Junior E All four numbers may be obtained: 36 = 20 + 16; 195 = 201 – 6; 207 = 201 + 6; 320 = 20 x 16. Intermediate D When the net is folded up to form the rhombicuboctahedron, the left-hand edge of the square marked X is joined to the right-hand edge of the square marked E so that the eight squares at the centre of the net form a band around the solid. In this band, the square opposite square P is the square which is four squares away from P, that is square D. so if the square marked P is placed face down on a table, then the square marked D will be facing up.


Senior B As the circle rolls, the centre of the circle moves along four straight lines shown as dashed lines. Each dashed line has length 5 – (1 + 1) so the total distance travelled is 4 x 3 which is 12.

Memorable Maths Meme Do you have a Maths meme you would like to share? Email Miss Harbutt at and we might include it in the next issue!

Shared by Mr Naidoo


Talking Time If you are struggling with your Maths work and would like some help, don’t hesitate to contact your teachers. We are all here to help you as much as we can. We hope you have a wonderful Easter break! Here are your teacher’s email addresses just in case you have forgotten: Mr Edeko

Mr Rahman

Mr Dennis

Mr Qureshi

Miss Dyer

Miss Harbutt

Mr Naidoo

Mrs Nisar

Mr Rahman

Miss Smith

Mrs Thompson Mr Vermaak

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