Roding Valley
Sixth Form Life
Student interviews with local MP’S
Sixth Form Sports Day (with a difference)
Student Leadership Opportunities
Supporting whole school events, such as, Black History Month
Sixth Form Life Exciting visitors in school to inspire, this is Dr Leah (NHS Doctor, and Apprentice Winner)
Whole School Productions
School Trips and visits - this one is at the Emirates
Christmas Hamper Appeals
Sixth Form Life
Fun places to learn quietly around the school.
Anti-bullying week
National competitions like the fab Maths Challenge
Sixth Form Life
Visits from past students to inspire Visits from famous authors
Lots of opportunities volunteer in class
Opportunities to learn to drive safely!
Sixth Form Life
Lots of field trips
Lots of opportunities for awards and celebrations, here are some of our Jack Petchy winners
Our amazing Zambia Appeal