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RVHS Parent Bulletin Aspiration Respect
Week ending: Friday 8th September 2017 “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do�. Pele
Greetings from the Head of School. Welcome back to all in the school community. It has been very exciting to welcome our new Year 7 & 12 students. It has been a really positive start to the New Year. With more of our students achieving the highest levels of attainment at GCSE, we have welcomed many students into our Sixth Form to start their A-Levels with us. Thank you for ensuring that they are all immaculately dressed in the correct school uniform and with a full complement of equipment. The school is buzzing with excitement for the New Year and we have welcomed some key staff including Mr Cheema our new Deputy Headteacher and Mr Ali our new Assistant Headteacher. We are fully staffed in all key areas of the school.
We were delighted with our GCSE and A Level results this summer and are extremely proud of the efforts of all students. In the new, reformed GCSEs in English and Mathematics, 67 per cent of all Roding Valley High School students achieved a good pass (Grade 4+) in English and 69 per cent of students achieved a good pass in Mathematics. These results are above the national results for these new GCSEs. These new GCSEs use a new numbered, grading system from 9 to 1, with Grade 9 being the highest grade. We are also delighted in the number of students who achieved Grade 9 in one or both English and Mathematics. All other GCSEs were following the A*-G grading system and we were very pleased with the results in Biology, Chemistry and Physics which were excellent and well above the national average.
Our A Level results were the first cohort through our Sixth Form and we were pleased with our 98% pass rate. 33% of all grades were awarded at A*-B and this was a great achievement for our first cohort through. An outstanding 93 per cent of our Year 13s had applied for university and most the students achieved their first choice university because of their achievements at A Level.
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We have welcomed all students back through our assemblies and have been talking to them about our expectations for them and the school over this academic year. I have written to you today regarding the changes that we have made to our Rewards and Sanctions procedures and a copy of the letter is attached with this bulletin. Once again there has been a great deal of activity on the school site during the summer break. The new 3G pitch is well on the way to completion and has an expected completion date of the 22nd September 2017. To ensure the students’ safety during the construction of the pitch, all students, except Year 7 will remain on the main playground at lunchtime. The Year 7s will use the playground section by the sports hall. Once completed the Year 7 & Year 8 will spend their lunchtimes over on the sports hall playground and will be able to play football on the pitch as long as they bring the suitable footwear to change into. The preparations for the construction of the new teaching and resource centre started over the summer break which has resulted in the Brook Road pedestrian entrance being removed for the period of the build. The planned completion date is the end of July 2018. During this period the students will have to access the school from the gate by the Brook Road vehicle entrance or the Alderton Hill pedestrian gate. Both gates will remain open until 9am with those students arriving after 8:35am being marked late. From 9am all students can only access the school through the main reception on Alderton Hill. Please remind your children to be extra careful when walking to school as there may be pavements closed and diversions in place. They must follow these diversions as they are there to ensure their safety. If you have a child in Year 10, please note that Thursday 14th September is the Year 10 Parent Information Evening at 6pm. This evening will provide very useful information relating to new exam structure and ways to help your child succeed. Please also note that on Tuesday 12th September it is the Whole School Photos. Before the summer we introduced a Parental Communication Tool called MyEd (ConnectEd which is now PS Engage). This tool will help us to improve communication about your child and share Achievement, Progress and Behaviour information with you going forwards. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, it can be found by searching MyEd in the app store for your device. It is important that you register with the same mobile number and email address that we have on record as this is how it syncs your child’s information to the app. If you have any problems with this, please contact Rob Mammen, Deputy Headteacher ( Can I remind parents that the preferred payment option is now ParentPay. Please contact the finance department on 02085081173 Option 3 or email for your login details and any help needed to access the ParentPay system. If you do not have access to online services the finance staff will take a card payment over the phone. Please contact Karen Salmons on 0208-418-8286 if this causes you any problems. Students will still be able to add cash to their lunch accounts using the revaluer located on the covered bridge by the Maths classrooms. Show My Homework is the internet based system that all staff will use to set your child’s homework. We launched this towards the end of last term and therefore Years 8-11 and Year 13 are already familiar with the system. Year 12 has also now been introduced to it and we will be launching this with Year 7 on Friday 15th September and parents of Year 7 students will receive login information week beginning the 18th September. Homework and independent learning is a very significant factor in the academic success of your child and we value your support with this as they develop the skills they will need for GCSE, A levels and University.
With Kind regards Mrs S Jenner Head of School
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“Get caught Reading� During the summer, we challenged our staff and students to take pictures of themselves reading, we have had a huge response. Please take the time to look at some of the photos that have been received.
Winners will be announced soon
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Year 7 Our Year 7 students have successfully completed their first week here at Roding Valley high school. They have made an impressive start to the year and it has been fantastic to see students quickly get into good routines and habits. I have been delighted to be able to visit a large number of lessons and see how well all students are enthused and engaged in their learning.
Students were reminded that organisation is key and students are expected to be prepared with all their equipment every day and make full and efficient use of the new technology we have introduced such as Show My Homework. It is crucial that students are focused and organised from the start. With this is mind we will be placing a greater emphasis on students taking responsibility for their own learning and supporting them every step of the way to becoming independent learners now they are in secondary education.
Students started their first day with an assembly where they learnt about our school community and core values to aspire, respect and endeavour. We discussed the importance of a school community where relationships are positive and respectful, responsibilities are embraced and successes are celebrated. All students were encouraged to set their own high standards and work hard to achieve them. Our dedicated team of tutors will play an integral part in ensuring they achieve and reach their full potential. Tutors are the first port of call for any issues and will see their tutees first thing in the morning. Excellent attendance is also essential for students to make good progress. Students are expected to be in school every day and students that have 100% attendance are rewarded regularly throughout their year. Our rewards system also ensures that all students displaying outstanding work and effort are recognised, receiving certificates in assembly, positive phone calls and letters home as well as earning places on extracurricular trips.
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We hosted a Fresher’s fayre at the start of the week to showcase our many after school and lunchtime extracurricular opportunities such as sports clubs, music lessons and arts clubs. All students were excited to sign up to the many clubs we offer and can’t wait to immerse in school life here at Roding.
Year 7 will be both exciting and demanding for our Year 7 students as they embark on their first year at Roding Valley. The year ahead will challenge and stretch them and staff expectations will be higher than ever. I look forward to helping students meet these challenges head on and have every confidence that, with help and support from our dedicated team, our students will succeed.
Student Quotes Reece Cann 7T: ‘I felt like I’ve achieved a lot in my first week and I know that I will achieve even more here at Roding’. Monica Jaye 7T:‘My first week at Roding Valley High school was really fun! I’ve made some new friends and really enjoyed my lessons’. Phoebe Morris 7Q: ‘I enjoyed making new friends this week and art as it was fun and challenging’ Charlotte Fox 7U:‘My first week has been really fun and busy. I have lots of interesting classes and my favourite is drama. I was very nervous at the start but now I am settled and happy’
Wednesday 13th September 2017
Year 7 Road Safety Production
Ms F Williams Year 7 Progress Leader
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Roding Valley High Sixth Form This week we welcomed our new Year 12 and welcomed back our Year 13 students. It was fantastic to see so many of our year 11’s joining us and so seeing all of our year 12’s progressing to year 13. Up and Coming Events
Wednesday 20th September - Year 13 UCAS Briefing in the Hall from 5pm.
Thursday 21st September - Year 12 Information Evening, 6:30pm prompt.
Letters will be sent out next week to parents through email, it is important to attend the Year 13 evening if your son/ daughter is attending University next year. Equally for Year 12’s the Information evening will outline expectation of the year and we plan to issue all of year 12’s with the personal Chrome books for use whilst at Roding Valley Sixth Form. A2 Results Roding Valley Sixth Form celebrates its first A Level results, with an incredible 98% pass rate. This is a great achievement for our first cohort through, with 33% of all grades achieved at A*-B grades. This clearly shows that our sixth form provision is very good indeed. An outstanding 93% of our Year 13s had applied for university and the majority of the students achieved their first choice university. We have had some individual outstanding performances from some excellent students.
Of Those Going on to University:
Olivia Tinker achieved A*A*A plus A in the Extended Project Qualification (Cambridge University to read History),
Sophie Humphries (Durham University to read Economics),
Hannah Smith (Durham University to read Anthropology),
Natasha McVey (Nottingham University to read Veterinary).
It is both reassuring and rewarding to know that all of our students are now destined to continue their education either at wellrespected universities or entering the field of work. Success of the students was down to the hard work and determination of the students, and the strong support of parents, leaders, teachers and tutors. We have created a real family atmosphere in the sixth form centre where staff know every student well and can support their progress. We wish Year 13 all the best for the future and we now look welcoming you all as new Year 12’s.
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A2 Destinations University Sussex
Course subject Social Sciences (With A Foundation Year)
Nottingham Trent Roehampton
Business Psychology
Law With Criminology History With A Foundation Year
East Anglia Canterbury Christ Church
Digital Media
Business With Finance
English Language And Linguistics
East London
Biomedical Science (With Foundation Year)
Editing And Post Production
Natural Sciences
Engineering And Physical Sciences With Foundation Year
Sussex Sussex
Business, Management And Economics (With A Foundation Year) Social Sciences (With A Foundation Year)
Veterinary Medicine
Animal Management
Nottingham Trent
De Montfort
Business And Management Ba (Hons)
Durham Essex
Anthropology Mathematics
Leicester Roehampton
Film Studies (Major With A Minor) Psychology
This has been an excellent first week within the Sixth Form and if you are a parent of a Sixth Form Student, please support the smooth start by ensuring they are satisfied with their A-level choices and that they are completing 5 hours homework per A-level, per week at the very least.
If you have any questions regarding the Sixth Form please email Ms Sellears (Sixth Form Admin, or Mr Harris, Raising Standards Post-16, and part of the Senior Leadership Team,
Mr L Harris Head of Sixth Form
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Morning Drop Off Please can Parent / Carer's remember that students must be delivered to school in a safe and secure manner, students must be dropped off in Brook Road and you must not stop or pause your vehicles on the yellow Zig Zag lines at the front of the school on Alderton Hill, so your child can hop out. Remember your child’s safety is our priority.
We would like to ask Parents to remind our students that all Mobile Phones should be switched off at all times throughout the school day. If they are seen or heard by a member of staff they will be confiscated.
Assembly Timetable Monday
Year 11
Year 9
Year 10
Year 8
Year 7
Sixth Form Assembly
Year 12
Mon & Fri
Year 13
Wed & Fri
Event th
Tuesday 12 September Wednesday 13th September Thursday 14th September Monday 18th September Tuesday 18th September Wednesday 19th September
Thursday 20th September
Friday 22nd September Thursday 28th September
Whole School Photographs Year 10 Drama RADA Workshop Year 7 Road Safety Production Year 10 Parents Information Evening A Level Geography Fieldwork Year 7 Police and Fire Safety Event Year 6 Open Morning Tours Year 6 Open Morning Tours Year 13 UCAS Information Briefing Year 8 Fire Safety Event Year 6 Open Morning Tours Year 9 STEM Event Year 8 Parents Information Evening Year 12 Information Evening McMillan Coffee Morning School Closes at 12:30pm for pupils School Open Evening from 5:30pm
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