RVHS Bulletin No.5 w/e 17th November 2023

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Message from the Headteacher

0pts 1st 685pts

0pts 2nd 609pts

3rd 0pts 581pts

th 50pts 510pts

5th 0pts 472pts

Dear Parents/ Carers This week has been a very busy but productive week at RVHS. This week we held one of our excellent whole school assemblies to commemorate Remembrance Day. We held a 2-minute silence and we were very proud of the respect that was shown by our students.

We also held our half termly ‘House Week’ this week, where our students took part in house related activities, had an assembly with their fellow ‘housemates’ and were encouraged to take part in all of our house competitions to earn those important house points. Please click here to see what was on offer. I also wanted to say thank you to all parents & carers of Year 8 that joined us for our Year 8 Parents Evening on Thursday. Ms Reed, YPL for Year 8, was really pleased with how many of you joined us in school; I really hope that you found the experience useful and enjoyed being on our school site, meeting my team face to face. As you will know, literacy is a really vital part of our school curriculum & I wanted to highlight to all parents/carers of students in Years 7-11, that they participate in weekly Bedrock sessions. Bedrock is an excellent online tool that builds students' understanding of tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary & we firmly believe that it contributes to our excellent outcomes across all subject areas. You will have also recently received a Bedrock activation code letter, to ensure that you can log in to the platform and see the progress that your child is making. Bedrock is running some online parent sessions that are set to be very useful. Please click here to register for a session.


There are lots of exciting things coming up in the school diary at RVHS. We wanted to highlight a few dates below: • • • • • •

Wednesday 29th - 6th Form Open Evening - click here to sign up for a talk. Tuesday 5th December- Winter Concert (6.30pm - 7.30pm in the main hall) Thursday 14th December- Pantomime evening performance 6.00pm-7.00pm Tuesday 19th December- Celebration Evening for last year’s Year 13 cohort (5.30-7.00pm) Wednesday 20th December - Last day of Term. Students exit at 12.20pm. This will also be a non-uniform day. Monday 8th January- students return from the Christmas break- ready for a new year!

I also wanted to remind all parents & carers that school is closed for all students on Friday 24th November for staff INSET. Lastly, I did want to remind all parents/carers about our drive to maintain excellent standards of school uniform. Every Monday, students have been lining up in their academic mentor groups, where mentors are ensuring that all students are in full school uniform. Please support us by ensuring that your child comes to school wearing our uniform. Please click here to be reminded of our policy. Thank you, as ever, for your continued support. Kind regards Mr Charlton Headteacher

Messages from Our Year Progress Leaders Our team is proud to be your child’s Year Progress Leader and very much looking forward to supporting your child and with such a great cohort of students, we are sure it will be a great half term. To ensure that you are aware of who your child’s Year Progress Leader is and who to contact, please refer to their details below:

Year 7: Ms Hegerty To contact Ms Hegerty, please email chegerty@rodingvalley.net

Year 8: Miss Reed To contact Miss Reed, please email hreed@rodingvalley.net

Year 9: Mr Ryan To contact Mr Ryan, please email fryan@rodingvalley.net

Year 10: Mrs Wills To contact Mrs Wills, please email rwills@rodingvalley.net

Year 11: Miss Pinches To contact Miss Pinches, please email tpinches@rodingvalley.net

Year 7 News Message from Ms Hegerty Students in Year 7 are well into their second half term at RVHS and have adapted brilliantly to yet another time table change. Behaviour amongst the year group has been wholly positive and the effort and attainment of our students in lessons has been brilliant - keep it up! Please note that we have very limited catering facilities at RVHS at the moment owing to the RAAC disruption so we do encourage that all children bring their own food to school if they are able to do so to avoid disruption at break and lunchtimes. Some standards of footwear have been slipping amongst Year 7 recently - all students should be wearing appropriate black footwear to school. If students are wearing trainers they will be given different shoes to wear each day until their shoes are rectified - trainer passes will no longer be issued unless in exceptional circumstances.

I would also like to congratulate the following students who received the largest amount of ARE points last week – well done and thank you for being such great examples for your peers!

 Dominic Hulka 7Ne

 Pippa Loveman 7Be

 Diya Amin 7Li

100% Attendance

LOST PROPERTY To report any property lost, please email: lostproperty@rodingvalley.net We ask if you could provide a detailed description of the item you have lost so that we can reunite you with your missing property.

Year 8 News Message from Miss Reed I would like to start by saying thank you to all of those parents and students who attending parents evening last night. It was great to be able to meet parents face to face and I hope you found this evening useful and received valuable feedback from subject teachers. If for any reason you were unable to see any teachers, please feel free to contact them via email or phone and they will be happy to discuss your son/daughters progress and attitude with you. Email addresses for staff can be found on the school website. Duty Student I hope you received my letter yesterday regarding an exciting initiative that we have launched for Year 8 students where they have the opportunity to gain some valuable experience. This will take place from Period 4 - Period 6 and students will complete this one/two days over the academic year. If you wish your child to be opted out of this, please do complete the online form. Canteen Food A gentle reminder that the expectation is that children bring in a packed lunch to school as our canteen service is still very limited. We do have drinks and snacks available at break and lunchtime but it does remain limited. We thank you for your understanding in this. Bedrock A reminder that students are expected to complete 20 minutes of Bedrock as homework as part of our Literacy programme. This should be done on a weekly basis.

BEDROCK Top Students this week .

 Mark Molotov

 Macey Davis  Joseph Zoula  Guneve Setia

I would also like to congratulate the following students who received the largest amount of ARE points for the last 2 weeks.  Lucas Teixeira  Amber Roberts

Mrs Doubtfire Year 8 Trip – Final Call!! There are still a few tickets left for our trip to see Mrs Doubtfire at The Shaftesbury Theatre on Thursday 7 December. If your child would like to attend this performance, use ParentPay to book a place for them.

Year 9 News Message from Mr Ryan I would like to start off by talking about the behaviour of the year group over the last two weeks. I have had the privilege of walking a large group of students over to the second astro for their lunch break and this has been lovely. This offer is open to the whole year group so if anyone would like to join us they can. I have also enjoyed teaching a few year 9 classes. It is always lovely to see how well the students in the year group behave and look after each other. This week we launch our Chelsea Mentoring program for a select group of students. These students will be encouraged to work as a team, make the right decisions and work on their communication skills. This is a 6-week course and other students will be invited to join in the Spring term. As I mentioned in my previous bulletin, information for the DofE enrolment will be released within the next week. Please keep an eye out for any communication from Mr Ifrim.

Congratulations to Charlotte Williamson who walked over 15 miles on the weekend for Children in Need!

BEDROCK Champion this week 9 Argon 9 Beryllium 9 Carbon 9 Fluorine 9 Lithium 9 Magnesium 9 Neon 9 Oxygen

Mr Baidoo Mr Perera Mr Melvin Mrs Abbott Mr Ohmeng Miss Stringer Miss Yea Mr Allen

 Ignas Vasiulis

pbaidoo@rodingvalley.net cperera@rodingvalley.net pmelvin@rodingvalley.net aabbott@rodingvalley.net kohmeng@rodingvalley.net cstringer@rodingvalley.net kyea@rodingvalley.net jallen@rodingvalley.net

Can you please urge your sons/daughters to remember to collect their food from T1 at the end of the day of their Food & Nutrition lessons. Unfortunately, we do not have the refrigerated storage capacity to store food left at the end of the day. Many thanks, Food & Nutrition Department

Year 10 News Message from Mrs Patel & Miss Aston It has been great getting to know you all over the last couple of weeks. Just a few reminders – Students should ensure they are in school on time for Period 1, they must be in school by 8.30am at the latest. Jewellery – students can wear a watch but no other items which include bracelets/bangles, rings, necklaces and earrings apart from small studs, this is due to health and safety.

 Evie Allen  Luke Simpson  Emma Williamson  Amabel Kilby  Lois Perry

BEDROCK Top Students  Toby Hedges  Kaliyah Brown this week  Malika Weekes

 Ava Conlay  Gvidas Vasiulis

100% Attendance for Last week

 Kajus Abramavicius  Micah Akplah  Suzan Aldhaifi  Xavier Alexander  Evie Allen  ZK Zarin Anjum  Bryce Archer  Brandon Bale  Jonny Bayles  Charlie Bird  Mimi Bouzaiene  Will Boyce  Emre Bozkus  Edie Bradley  Amanda Bucinskaite

 Freddie Pike  Bandy Tamon  Sapphire Fyffe  Lucy Compton  Bryce Archer  Roma Diya Desai  SK Zarin Anjum  Sonny Heath  Bailey Winslow  Mila Van Der Westhuyzen  Sarah Bujor  Nova-Leigh Canning  Shay Carlsson  Beck Carter  Robert Cioplea  Harri Collischon  Lucy Compton  Ruby Connors  Marley Corbin  Jack Crisp  Daisy Crook  Ruby Cutler  Kacper Cwioro  Faustas Dabrega  Nina De Jesus  Oliver Devereux

Year 11 News Message from Miss Pinches It’s hard to believe we are already well in the swing of the Autumn term! Now that our PPE period is over, we are returning to business as usual. Overall, the cohort has done an amazing job during the stress of exams- well done! I did just want to remind parents and students of a few key expectations we hold at RVHS. Punctuality We expect all students to be in school on time every day. The gates open at 8:15am, the bell rings at 8:25am with the expectation that all students are in their Period 1 lesson by 8:30am. For each lesson of the day: staff take the register in the first 5 minutes and if a student arrives after that point they are marked as late. Uniform Trainers are not allowed to be worn to school. If a student is wearing trainers they will be provided with school shoes to borrow for the day and this will be recorded. Blazers should be worn every day, with a coat over the top as necessary. A coat/windbreaker is not a substitute for a blazer. Home-learning Home-learning is of utmost importance to Year 11 students as they prepare for the final GCSE exams. Students need to ensure they can access their google classroom and are staying up to date with work and deadlines. Any work that is not completed is logged on our system (you can monitor this via your edulink login), and a faculty based support session will be issued. These support sessions are compulsory and provide the opportunity to complete any outstanding work with the support of subject teachers. If your child is required to attend an academic support session, this will be communicated to you directly. A reminder to parents that our RVHS Sixth Form Open Evening is Wednesday 29/11/2023 from 4:30pm. Please use this google form to book your place. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear from our sixth form team and speak with staff in the subject area of interest. And finally, I did want to celebrate student achievement on Bedrock over the last few weeks. Even in such a busy time, the students below have prioritised their literacy learning and we are so glad they did!

BEDROCK Superstars

 Vanizeh Ashraf  George Averkiou  Sophie Blundy  Dhilan Chavda  Ozan Dogan  Olivia Elsdon

 Rae Green  Hadleigh Jay  Maham Kazmi  Warren Schroder  Evie Seymour  Charlotte Stride


6 Form News Message from Mrs Curling Artist of The Month is Yr13 Hope Henry. We are very proud of Hope’s artwork, which we wanted to share with you here.

Sixth Form Open Evening for year 11 students We will be hosting our sixth form open evening on Wednesday 29th November. We hope that many of our year 12 and 13 students will sign up to help out at this event. We encourage all year 11 students to attend and ask questions to find out more about our Outstanding sixth form. To book a place, please complete our booking form. UCAS Please encourage your child to book their UCAS appointments as soon as possible. We have many universities, including Russell Group Universities such as Nottingham and Bristol, giving out places now. Our deadline for submission is 15th December. Year 13 PPE exams - 20th Nov - 1st Dec We wish all our year 13 students the best of luck with their PPE exams, which start next Monday. The timetable is on the following page. Working hard is important, but so is a sense of balance. If you are concerned about your child feeling overwhelmed, or not coping well with the pressure of exams, please do get in touch with one of us. There are also some excellent resources for parents on how best to support your child on the NHS website, and from Young Minds.


6 Form News

Food bank donations We are collecting food bank items for two local charities: 3food4u and Epping Forest Food Bank. This is part of our house competition and the winning house will receive a prize. For ideas on what to donate, please see the suggested list. Dates for your diary: ● 20th Nov - 1st December - Year 13 Mini PPEs ● Tuesday 21st November - Year 12 Concerns Evening (invite only) ● Friday 8th December - Save the Children - Christmas jumper day for Sixth Form students and staff ● Friday 15th December - Internal UCAS submission deadline 6th Form Bulletins Bulletin 8

Bulletin 9

Another great house week here at Roding Valley! It was lovely to celebrate so much success across each house and share the good news about those successful candidates for both house leaders and deputy house captains! A massive well done to all the sixth-formers that put their name down for Deputy House Captain and congratulations to the successful candidates below who will be filling some big shoes ensuring that their house gets that top spot as well as liaising with members of their house team to create and facility exciting new opportunities across the school.

A massive thank you to all students that signed up for becoming a house leader across Year 7 to 11 and well done to those who have been successful in their application! Please do be on your emails as there will be a meeting happening very soon to hand out your badges and discuss some ideas and opportunities! There are a couple of gaps to fill below so please get an application in if you have not done so already!

The podium has shifted once again and a massive well done to Rendell for taking that top spot and leaving a 76 point gap between them and Pankhurst! Things are changing as we speak as house week comes to an end and the latest scores are bound to have a big shake up!

Christmas is the season of family, belonging and joy – to spread cheer and happiness throughout all homes and families. Can you help us provide basic food and Christmas joy this Christmas with our appeal? We are working with Epping Forest Food Bank and ‘3food4U’ to help make someone's Christmas a little easier this year! We need your help to bring in some of the essentials and every item donated equates to a house point for your house. There is a letter coming out that will have further detail on what you can do to get involved and help us help them!

In our next bulletin we can have an update on some of the activities that took place throughout this week and how that impacts the podium! Remember, get yourself signed up for the activities that are currently out there and talk to your new house leaders, deputies and captains if you have an idea about any house competitions or activities.

Halloween STEM Session Students got into the Halloween spirit and carved pumpkins today. Working in pairs, they came up with creative and interesting designs for their pumpkins. Once the students had finished carving their pumpkins, we selected the 3 biggest ones and made them “puke”. We achieved this with the simple combination of baking soda, vinegar and food colouring. Just before leaving we lit tea candles in the pumpkins and took photos with them in the dark, ending the session on a very spooky note.

STEM Club Creating Sustainable Stationary Tidies It has been another eventful time Year 7 and 8 students in the STEM Club creating stationary tidies using materials we would throw away. Here, you can see some examples of students who made their samples and are proud of their creations. Definitely showing that you can use waste to make useful things. If you want to get one of them, please speak to the STEM Club for requests.

On Friday 10th November Roding Valley held an online Remembrance Assembly for all students and staff. The focus was on service and in particular the service of animals and the impact of absence from family for those in the armed services, thank you to staff who shared their family stories and photos, which really personalised the presentation and to Mr Cocker who read For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon. As ever, we were extremely proud of our students who observed, with huge respect, the two-minute silence at the end. Thank you to all students and staff who donated to the poppy collection. Full charity boxes went back to the British Legion.

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres, There is music in the midst of desolation And a glory that shines upon our tears. They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables of home; They have no lot in our labour of the day-time; They sleep beyond England's foam. But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight, To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the Night; As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain; As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, To the end, to the end, they remain.

On Monday 13th November, GCSE Drama students and Mary Poppins production team went on a trip up London to see The Ocean at the end of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. Short Synopsis - A man finds himself standing beside the pond of the old Sussex farmhouse where he used to play. He’s transported to his 12th birthday when his friend Lettie claimed it wasn’t a pond, but an ocean… Plunged into a magical world, their survival depends on their ability to reckon with ancient forces that threaten to destroy everything around them. Students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and it was amazing to see how the students opened their minds to a play they knew little about but loved. All students were well behaved and enjoyed every aspect of the trip. The whole drama team was amazed with how smoothly the trip went. Thank you to Mr Ifrim for organising the evening for everyone, I'm sure the students will not forget what has been an unforgettable experience. Well done #TeamDrama Theatre review By Hannah Seres (Year 10 Drama Student) "On Monday we went after school to see a play called ‘Ocean at the end of the lane’. It was my first experience watching a play in the theatre, and it was incredible. Ocean is a thriller, but even though there were many jump scares it was still really enjoyable. What made the play so amazing was the movement pieces and the lighting. The transitions between scenes were so seamless, and some of the characters or props that would appear on or off of stage would move smoothly, and seemed to disappear without notice. The lighting was used in many different ways. It was used to create tension in scenes, and there were sudden blackouts when danger was coming paired up with loud music or the lighting would turn red. They also had spot lights on some character, or even on the props. At one point there were thin beams of light appearing upon certain objects and they would look like they were levitating. There was a hand full of blood that would appear out of the drain from a bath, coming up slowly trying to grasp the air, it was really sudden as none of us were expecting it. The play was full of things we weren't expecting. But what I found most amazing was the way they created the effect of water. A large piece of shimmering blue fabric was used to create waves. The waves would appear suddenly from beneath us, it looked like it was coming out of the stage, as we were all seated up high, and we were looking down on the performance. Two people were moving the fabric around the stage, and it felt as if you were actually watching the character swim underwater. I loved it, and we were all left amazed after the performance."

PE Students of the Fortnight Please see the students nominated for PE Pupil of the Fortnight Week Ending 03/11/2023



Year 7

Alex Sack

Meadow Alexander

Billy Raimundo

Pippa Loveman

Harvey Lyn

Sophie Jones

Ryan Smith

Lyla Lambert

Noah Walters

Emmie Collins

Alex Belnikoff

Francesca Hussain

Johnny Bayles

Ruby Sharman

Freddie Elliot

Shira Harrison

Seth King

Ruby Mace

Luke Passmore

Alana Cooper

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Hospitality & Catering Mock Practical Exam The Year 11 students made a range of dishes from scratch showing a range of cooking and presentation skills

Please be reminded that all students should be in correct uniform. PE kit should not be worn to school. If there are issues with uniform then please contact the Academic Mentor or YPL who can support with this. We are also asking for any unwanted used uniform to be donated to the school. If you have any spare items at home please do send them in with your child to be dropped off in reception.

Old PE Kit If any parents/carers have any old RVHS PE kit which their child has outgrown even if it has a name or initials embroidered on it, the PE Department would be more than happy to take this off your hands and use it as a spare kit for students. Also, the PE department is looking for any donations of outgrown trainers and or football boots that we can add to our spare kit collection. Thanks in advance for your support.

Congratulations to the following students for their fantastic work in Literacy and during Drop Everything and Write (DEAW)

Zara Kruger – 7Ca

Joe Phillips – 7Fl

Maya Ahmed – 8Ca

Selina Ou Yang – 7Ma

Deyan Georgiev – 8Ox

Harry Callender – 9Ma

Darren Wahiwala – 8Ne

Darcey Lewis 7Ox

Meadow Dalton – 7Li

Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason, please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am at the latest, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence. 0208-508-1173 On their return to School, please ensure your child brings with them a letter or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records.

Medical Appointments Please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible then please try to ensure that your child attends before and/or after their appointment.

Holidays in Term Time The school does not authorise any holidays during term time except if the Headteacher deems it an exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception) detailing your exceptional circumstances. Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case will be referred to the Local Authority who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.

For full details regarding attendance, please see our Attendance Policy here.

Who to contact Should you have any concerns about your child’s attendance or punctuality please contact your child’s Year Progress Leader or our Attendance Officer Ms A Parsley (aparsley@rodingvalley.net)


Explore together: Ask your child to show you their favourite websites and apps and what they do on them. Listen, show interest and encourage them to teach you the basics of the site or app.


Chat about online safety little and often: Young people are likely to want to explore new apps and websites this month, whether that is for learning or for fun. Take this opportunity to talk to them about how to stay safe on these new services, and in general. Ask if anything ever worries them while they are online. Make sure they know that if they ever feel worried, they can get help by talking to you or another adult they trust.


Help your child identify trusted adults who can help them if they are worried: This includes you and other adults at home, as well as adults from wider family, school or other support services who they are able to contact at this time. Encourage them to draw a picture or write a list of their trusted adults.


Be non-judgemental: Explain that you would never blame them for anything that might happen online, and you will always give them calm, loving support.


Talk about how their online actions can affect others: If your child is engaging with others online, remind them to consider how someone else might feel before they post or share something. If they are considering sharing a photo/video of somebody else, they should always ask permission first.


Parental controls: Make use of the parental controls available on your home broadband and any internet enabled device in your home. You can find out more about how to use parental controls by visiting your broadband provider’s website.



Direct your child to age appropriate information about relationships and sex: It’s natural for young people to start exploring their sexual feelings online and adolescents are more inclined to take risks. It’s important to understand this and to talk to your child in a positive way. Thinkuknow, Brook, The Mix and Childline all provide age appropriate information about relationships and sex that you can signpost your child to. Make sure they know about CEOP: Young people can report a concern about grooming or sexual abuse to CEOP at www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/ and get support from a specialist Child Protection Advisor.

Support your child with Thinkuknow websites The age appropriate Thinkuknow websites are a great way to start and continue chats about online safety.

 11-13yrs Thinkuknow website: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/11_13/  14yrs + Thinkuknow website – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/14_plus/ Our websites provide open and honest guidance for young people on friends, relationships and the internet, covering topics like dealing with pressure; consent; and getting support when you are worried. You will find lots more advice on keeping your child safe online at www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents. If you are worried that a child or young person is at risk of harm online, you should call the police. Young people can make a report to CEOP at https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

Other Recommended Resources Parent Info: Expert information for parents about building their child’s resilience both online and off. Produced by NCA-CEOP and Parent Zone. This free service can be embedded on to your child’s school website. www.parentinfo.org Brook: Information and advice for young people on sexual health and wellbeing, including staying safe online. https://www.brook.org.uk The Mix: Support service for young people with information and advice on sex and relationships. https://www.themix.org.uk Internet Matters: A useful tool showing how to set parental controls across a range of devices and websites. http://www.internetmatters.org/parentalcontrols/interactive-guide/ NSPCC Net Aware: Provides reviews and guidance on the most popular social networks, apps and games that children use. https://www.net-aware.org.uk/ Childnet – Information and advice for parents and carers on supporting people online. https://www.childnet.com/reso urces/supporting-youngpeople-online

How Can I Access Edulink? EduLink can be accessed on any device – PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device – via the web browser or via the EduLink app. The link to access the EduLink login page on a web browser is www.edulinkone.com Alternatively, you can download the EduLink App which is available to download for free on Apple or on Android. Both the App and the web browser will display this log-in screen. The School ID is ‘Roding’. Parents/Carers will need to enter the Username and Password they have been provided with and click ‘Log in’.

The displayed is dependant of the platform you are logged in to: • Via Web Browser • Via the EduLink App

Navigating Edulink You are able to navigate each of the following areas in EduLink: •

Achievement: You van view all positive achievements that have been awarded to your child

Account Information: In this section you can view the current address we have for your child on file, your child’s Year group and the name of their Form tutor

Timetable: In this section you can view your child’s daily timetable

Absence Reporting: This feature will allow you to send a direct message to our Attendance Officer, to notify us of any absence for your child

Linked Resources: This section contains links to all the schools learning resources available to your child both at school and at home

Update Information: This section shows all of the contact information we hold for yourself and your child. You can review and update this information with any changes that may occur

Exams: You can see all of your child upcoming exams; your child can also access this information so they can manage their own exam schedule

Documents: In this section you can view your child’s reports

Parents can access information on all their children currently admitted to Roding Valley High School. If you require any assistance, please contact Mr Vermaak or Miss Stewart (mvermaak@rodingvalley.net or lstewart@rodingvalley.net )

Classroom How to Log on to Google Classroom? Students can log into their Gmail using their school email address and their password. Their school email will be the year they started at RVHS started plus their first initial and surname @rodingvalley.net (example- 19plarkin@rodingvalley.net). Once your child has have logged in, they will need to click on the google apps button and then select ‘Google Classroom’ Your child will then be able to see all of the classes they belong to. They will then need to click on the class they want to use resources for and take a look at everything that their class teacher has posted for them to work on. They will be able to download items and make comments on them. Teachers will be regularly posting new work on their Google Classrooms.

What to Do if your child is a Missing a Subject their Google Classroom? If your child is missing a Google Classroom for one of their subjects, they will need to click on the addition symbol, followed by ‘Join Class’ and then enter the Class Code for their missing subject. Class Codes are available from their subject teacher.

Top Tips for Our Students  Students must keep up to date with their lessons by using Google Classroom every day.  Use their workbooks to complete the work shown on their Google Classroom.  Don’t slack on presentation! Keep their notes in order of the lessons on the Google Classroom.  Year 11 and 13 Students: There will be revision materials available on Google Classroom. Please use them.

What is Seneca? Seneca is a free home learning & revision platform that is very popular with our students. It is based on cognitive science, has adaptive learning and can be accessed by our students via their phones!

What Content is available to our Students through Seneca? Seneca has resources available for KS3, KS4 and KS5 students that has been supplied to them from AQA, OCR, EdExcel Pearson and IGCSE. Our students will be able to access content designed for each of their subjects and also for their specific courses. There is so much to choose from. Some areas are even linked to the Exam Boards Course Specifications.

Year Progress Leaders  Year 7: Ms Hegerty – chegerty@rodingvalley.net  Year 8: Miss Reed - hreed@rodingvalley.net  Year 9: Mr Ryan – fryan@rodingvalley.net  Year 10: Mrs Wills – rwills@rodingvalley.net


 Year 11: Miss Pinches – tpinches@rodingvalley.net  Sixth Form: Ms Curling – lcurling@rodingvalley.net

Heads of Faculty  Creative Arts: Mrs Bastienne – lbastienne-andrews@rodingvalley.net  English: Mrs Routledge – lroutledge@rodingvalley.net  Humanities: Mr Cocker – mcocker@rodingvalley.net  IT/Business: Mr Hussain – ohussain@rodingvalley.net  Maths: Mr Edeko – oedeko@rodingvalley.net  MFL: Mr P Melvin – pmelvin@rodingvalley.net  Personal Development: Ms Preston – tpreston@rodingvalley.net  Science: Mr Poovillingham - npoovillingham@rodingvalley.net  Sports & Nutrition: Mr Jones – ljones@rodingvalley.net  SENDco: Mr T Taylor– ttaylor@rodingvalley.net

General Enquiries  office@rodingvalley.net

Sixth Form Enquiries  sixthformoffice@rodingvalley.net

Finance  finance@rodingvalley.net

Safeguarding:  safeguarding@rodingvalley.net

How to contact any member of staff at Roding Valley High School: Initial + surname+@rodingvalley.net

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.