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Year 10 News
Message from Miss Pinches
Firstly, I hope everyone had a wonderful half term - especially those students on one of our many school trips. I'm sure you would join me in thanking all the staff who gave up their half term to chaperone!
We are now well and truly back in the swing of things and I want to take this chance to remind students and parents/carers of some key points:
• Can we please ensure students are only wearing their PE kits on the correct day. Core PE is either Monday or Tuesday so please check your child's timetable to ensure no mix-ups!
• Students should be completing bedrock at home in addition to during Monday Period 1 each week. This is a valuable learning tool with a direct link to positive progress in literacy.
• Can I please remind parents/carers and students that punctuality to school is vital to our success! Gates open at 8:20am and the registers are taken by 8:35am in your Period 1 bases.
I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate our students with the top ARE points for last week!
Macie Garwood
Rana Mortada
Harry Dickson
Seth King
Nina Nosa-Omede
Samy Oullaf
Freddy Rose
Tylan Sami
Micah Ansell
George Bacon
Brandon Dadson
Ozan Dogan
Mya Haines
Jesse Honeywood
Noad Kiziltas
Siena Sale-Haddadi
Archie Savage
Xenia Tseka
Let’s keep pushing forward and keep those standards high!
As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact academic mentors or myself (tpinches@rodingvalley.net)