Our final Year 11 Parents’ Evening takes place next Thursday (6th March). This is an incredibly important evening as the final examination season for GCSEs is fast approaching and this is an excellent opportunity to get up to date feedback on how your child is progressing. If you are a parent of a Year 11 student, please check that they are making the appointments for you. If you have any concerns about appointments please contact Mrs Cain (Head of Year 11). Congratulations to Katie Hedderson (7T) who has been awarded the Jack Petchey Award for February. Katie made a presentation in assemblies on the dangers of using mobile phones on the tube and for young children to be aware of their surroundings when traveling on public transport. Katie was incredibly brave and courageous in delivering this assembly. Congratulations also to our Year 7 Football team who drew 3-3 with Forest School yesterday in what was a very exciting, fast paced game of football. Highlight of the game though was the great goal scored by Max Wintle (7U)-a great effort! Finally, well done to everyone who was on the Ski Trip to Torgon in Switzerland this half term. The feedback from the students was great and the staff who supervised the trip were very complimentary about the excellent behaviour of our students. Thanks also goes to all the staff who gave up their half term holiday to supervise the trip. We have some important events taking place next week. Next Thursday (6th March) is World Book Day and there will be a number of events taking place across the school to celebrate. Lunchtime will see our usual book sale/book swop with other activities taking place in the hall. The 2nd Year 7 disco takes place next Friday (7th March) from 6.30pm-8.30pm. Tickets are £5 and can be bought using ParentPay. Cash sales can be made in the foyer at break and lunch time. Finally, for those children who are going on the Sorrento Trip, there is a meeting for parents in the hall at 6.30pm on Monday (3rd March). I would also like to draw parents’ attention to a very special event taking place on 31st March 2014. Further details are contained later on in the bulletin, but we are hosting a Charity Dinner to raise funds for our ‘Team Zambia’ trip to Africa this summer. It would be good if we could sell as many tickets as possible to this event and I would like to thank ‘The Olive Tree’ restaurant in Loughton for agreeing to host this event. I would like to wish everyone a good weekend. Paul Banks Headteacher
You can follow us at www.rodingvalley.net , on Facebook at the ‘Roding Valley High School Official’ page or on Twitter (@RodingValleyHS). You can also sign up to our free electronic media release service at rodingvalleymedia@gmail.com
Katie Hedderson - Y7 Katie has been nominated for writing a speech that she delivered in assembly about the dangers of using mobile phones on the tube and to warn everyone to be more aware of their surroundings. Katie was incredibly brave and courageous to do so
Year 11 Summer Reading Challenge – volunteers needed Essex libraries are looking for volunteers aged 14 and over to help with the summer reading challenge during the summer holidays. It’s a great way to gain new skills and it’s also excellent for CVs. Volunteers just need to commit to a minimum of 15 hours of volunteering between 19 July and 3 September. Registration forms are available from the Essex Libraries website. The closing date is Friday 23May. For more information please contact Sue Pringle on 01277 624624 or email sue.pringle@essex.gov.uk. Libraries taking part in the scheme include: Buckhurst Hill, Chigwell, Ongar, Debden, Epping, Loughton, North Weald and Waltham Abbey. UniFest 2014 Anglia Ruskin University are hosting an action-packed, inspiring and family friendly fun day called UniFest. Ideal for students between the ages of 6 and 16, expert academics will be hosting sessions designed to help young students to think about their futures, as well as having plenty of fun. Full details of the programme are available from the website www.anglia.ac.uk/UniFest Unifest will be running at both campuses: Saturday 1 March – Chelmsford Campus (Drop in between 10am and 3pm) Saturday 29 March – Cambridge Campus (Drop in between 10am and 3pm) National Apprenticeship week is 3-7 March 2014. Only one week away On Thursday 6 March Hertford Regional College will be holding an Apprenticeship event from 4.30 – 7.00pm at Broxbourne. This is open to pupils and parents to come and find out more about apprenticeship programmes and vacancies aimed at post 16. www.hrc.ac.uk To coincide with National Apprenticeship Week, The Marriott Hotel is holding a culinary awareness day at the Waltham Abbey Marriott from 4pm – 6pm on 6 March. The Marriott wants to give young people the opportunity to come to the hotel and experience what a career in culinary with Marriott can offer. There will be an opportunity to get involved in some interactive hands on activities, have a look around the hotel and speak to the chefs about their careers. If you are interested in attending, please contact Lauri Giambrone Telephone: 01920 885019 | E mail: Lauri.giambrone@marriotthotels.com I am continuing with Year 11 workshops. If any students wish to find out about apprenticeships they can come along during any lunch time. Kind regards Mrs Mason Careers Development Manager dmason@rodingvalley.net
Year 8 & 9 Trip to The Somme Battlefields The English Department trip to The Somme Battlefields on 9th May 2014 for year 8 and 9 students is selling out quickly. We only have 15 places left for this exciting trip. If you would like a place for your son or daughter on this trip, please see Miss Peter for a letter. The trip is a perfect opportunity for students to gain a deeper contextual understanding of WW1 poetry and understand more about some of the most important poets of the 20th Century.
Year 11 Geography Revision Monday or Thursday Lunchtime Please see which session you have been allocated Sorrento Trip Meeting for students and parents Monday 3rd March 6.30pm
Year 11 GCSE Statistics Controlled Assessment 3rd February to 3rd March
GCSE ICT Coursework Catch-Up for Year 11 Every Tuesday Lunchtime With Miss Wilson in ICT4 Please encourage your child to attend to help improve their grade
Supported Homework Club Learning Zone Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 3.05pm - 3.40pm Everyone welcome
Year 7 RVHS v Forest School Draw 3-3 An exciting match Max Wintle’s goal was worth the entrance fee! A cracker!
Week ending 14 February 2014 Year 7 Highest Attendance
Class of the Week
Ms Kyriakou’s Year 7 English Class 7ux/En1 nominated by Ms Boyle for being fantastic in class
Pupil with Highest Honours
Eva Russell 7Q
Form with Highest Honours
Year 8 Highest Attendance
Pupil with Highest Honours
Amy Lake-Marus 8T
Form with Highest Honours
Year 9 Highest Attendance
Form with Highest Honours
Year 10 Highest Attendance
Form with Highest Honours
10V & 10T
Year 11 Highest Attendance
Form with Highest Honours
Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason then please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence.
020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter explaining the reason for the absence for our records.
Medical Appointments When possible please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible then please try to ensure that your child attends before and/or after their appointment.
Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. If you put in a request a ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception). Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy which can be found in the ‘Parents’ section on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low our Attendance Officer on the school number 020 8508 1173.
February/March GCSE (Mock) Examinations Please find below a generic copy the February/March GCSE (Mock) Examination Timetable. Students have received their individual timetables via their form tutors, these have been printed on bright green paper. Breakfast Revision Sessions will be taking place in the Canteen from 8am for students sitting exams scheduled to start at 9am. These sessions are hugely beneficial and we would urge you to encourage your son/daughter to attend. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Jenny Draper Examinations Officer Roding Valley High School
Events taking place in school: Twitter feed around the school Staff dressing up as characters from books Book Swap in Main Foyer Bring in your old books and swap for a new one
‘Drop everything and read’ time Activities for Years 7-9 in the Hall and in lesson
Students to run a broadcast
World Book Day Celebration Evening 18th March 2014
Year 7 Disco Friday 7 March £5.00 per ticket
Refreshments on sale Buy your own fresh Domino Pizza £2.00 Drinks 50p Crisps 40p Chocolate bar/sweet 20p Glow sticks 50p/3 for £1.00 Adult Quiz Night Friday 28 March 2014 £7.50 per Ticket Table of 8 £54.00 (10% discount) Doors open 7.30pm Start 8.00pm Bring your own drinks/nibbles Food Options: Cod and chips Chicken and chips Houmous/salad in pitta and chips Please return the booking form which follows to secure your place
Drum Lessons One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons available. Learn with your friends! Learn to play the drums from as little as £5 per week Contact: jameswelsted@hotmail.co.uk
Guitar Lessons Lessons slots are available on Mondays with lessons priced at £12 per half hour. Please contact Steve van Niekerk on vn.steve.vn@gmail.com if you are interested.
School Shop Opening Times Before School: 8.30am - 9.00am Break: 11.00am - 11.20am
LIBRARY OPENING TIMES The library is open to all students for homework , G.C.S.E. work and private study / reading at the following times : Monday - Friday (excluding Tuesday): Before school 7.15 am – 8.30 am , break time , lunch times and after school for homework club 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm.
Lunch: 1.20pm - 2.05pm
Tuesday: Before school 7.15 am - 8.10 am , break time and lunch times. Access for early opening is via the door by resources.
After School: 3.05pm - 4.00pm
Julia Martin / Stephen Murray
Singing Lessons Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Gemma Kirk for more details and to book your slot.
email: g.kirk_88@hotmail.com
Science Revision for Year 11 and Year 10 every Wednesday a er school
In aid of TEAM ZAMBIA 2014
258 High Road, Loughton
Monday 31 March 7pm 3 course meal Live entertainment Pupils and guest Andre ‘SAXMAN’ Brown £35 per person