This final week of term started with an amazing Charity Fundraising Dinner for our Zambia trip at the Olive Tree Restaurant in Loughton. It was a great night with over 85 staff, parents, relatives and friends enjoying some wonderful live music, outstanding food and great company all in a good cause. We hope to raise over £1200 as a result of the meal and I would like to thank Mrs Bentley and ‘Team Zambia’ for putting together such a great night. I would like to especially thank Manos and Jackie at the Olive Tree Restaurant for their generosity, support and contribution towards the evening. Nothing was too much trouble (including a surprise birthday cake) and everyone was looked after extremely well. It is superb that a local business would be prepared to support us in this way and really helps develop the sense of ‘community’ between the school and local businesses. Whilst the Easter Holiday is a time for rest and relaxation for most students, our ever popular Easter Revision School for Year 11students starts next week. Students should have already signed up for their specific sessions and the timetable for the sessions is contained in the main part of the bulletin. Regardless of whether or not Year 11s are attending the revision classes it is imperative that they are all undertaking a detailed programme of revision. With the first ‘formal’ GCSE examination starting on May 8th the time for preparing is now! Along with Mr Tisdale, I had the pleasure of judging the first ever ‘Roding Valley Bake Off’ Competition for Year 7 students on Tuesday. Whilst the competition did nothing for my waistline, the food produced was absolutely amazing and it was incredibly difficult to choose a winner! It was so close and in the end we couldn’t separate the best 2 so congratulations go to our winners: Max Collings (7Q) and Bogomil Nikolov (7X) We start the selection process with our Year 10 students for our Prefects after the Easter Holiday. There is a very clear and strict selection process that it set out in detail later on in this Parentmail. I would like to re-iterate the following to parents and students so that everyone is clear about the process of selecting a prefect: The process is a competitive, selection process for a limited number of prefect positions (64 prefect positions available). Last year we had 134 applications for 64 places. This mean that, unfortunately, there will inevitably be some disappointed students The selection process involves a ‘shortlisting’ against clear criteria (including the quality of the written application). I would be grateful if Year 10 Parents could make this clear to their child prior to submitting an application. It has been a very busy and eventful term and the school continues to progress. Our predictive data suggests that this year’s GCSE results will be the highest ever (for the 3rd year running) and the school is in a great position. I would like to thank every member of the school community (parents, students, staff and governors) for their continued support in helping make Roding Valley the great school that it is. School resumes after the Easter Holiday on Tuesday 22nd April 2014. I wish everyone an enjoyable and restful holiday. Paul Banks Headteacher You can follow us at , on Facebook at the ‘Roding Valley High School Official’ page or on Twitter (@RodingValleyHS). You can also sign up to our free electronic media release service at
Essex Youth Council Elections Following on from the Essex Youth Council Elections on Thursday 13th March, a massive congratulations goes to Doncho Atanassov and Matthew Tinker who have been voted onto the Epping Youth Council to represent Roding Valley High School. (A full article about the election day will be in the next Newsletter) A big well done to all of the candidates - Amber Wigley, Jake Forecast, Drew Lachman and Natalie Walker - who ran fantastic campaigns. Its a shame they all couldn't be voted on!!!
Year 8 West Essex League Winners
Non Uniform Day Friday 4th April
Year 8 Netball squad undefeated this season and winners of the West Essex Netball League for a second year in a row. They now face the winners of the Harlow League in a playoff final Playoff Final Wednesday 23rd April 4pm St Marks Harlow
Raised £1443.23
RODING VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL ‘BAKE OFF’ COMPETITION YEAR 7 This Tuesday was the Year 7 ‘Bake Off’ competition in which the entrants had to make biscuits, present them and serve them to the Judges. This is the first year we have held a ‘Bake Off’ for Year 7’s only. The competition was organised by one of our Year 10 Catering students, Antoni Nowak. This was a really great afternoon and everyone involved had a fantastic time. Well done to all those who entered and to Antoni for organizing. Thank you to our two Judges Mr Banks and Mr Tisdale. Well done…. Sonny Spiller 7U, Abbie Ward 7U, Alex Knight 7X, Sam Laws 7X, Mia Anthony 7S and to our Runner Up Conrad Schroder 7W and our Joint Winners Max Collings 7Q and Bogomil Nikolov 7X.
Cerebral Palsy Sports Day I personally felt that the Cerebral Palsy Sports Day was not only a fun day for the participators but also the helpers. There were many new things to learn for everyone and it was very well organised. Furthermore, the day involved five schools, including Roding Valley, with around 30 children taking part in inclusions such as Boccia, New age Curling, Polybat and Adapted Sports Hall Athletics. The day also involved myself, and a few GCSE pupils being taught how to teach and coach the children with Cerebral Palsy. It was a privilege to be able to participate in this day, and learn new experiences as well as gaining valuable life lessons and learning new skills. In addition, not only was it a lesson but also a fun day due to the activities laid out. I felt that being put with the school who was the most able and eldest who were to participate in the activity’s was a challenge to build their confidence. However, by making them give it a try with lots of enthusiasm and as the day went on, you could see the expanding in their characteristics and personality’s. For me the most important part of it was to give as much positive feedback and to have fun, which they all said they did. Overall the day was very enjoyable and I am glad that I was apart of it. Jessica Barclay 10T
Participants from RVHS: Sasha Bingham 7T Emma Burns 7T Sarah Burns 10V Amy Hunter 10T Thomas Sugg 9U Demi Braxton 9T Alex Clarke 7T Alex Cockayne 8W Year 10 Leaders: Matthew Braniff Jack Giltnane Mitchell Scanlan Joe Southgate Tom Stephenson Charlie Webb Alua Mota Oliveira Britney Hendry Paige Joyce Amber Camp Haylee Allen McFarlane Lauren Faulkner Montana Bennett Jessica Barclay Demi Wrate Karis Shatford
Calling all Year 11 GCSE History Parents... We have added guided revision tasks to the specialised History GCSE website (as well as many other goodies) so that you can be fully aware of the opportunities being given to your sons and daughters. They have all been given paper copies of their tasks for the Easter period.. We have also attached a copy of the tasks set. These tasks are to be seen as the bare minimum if they want to achieve. We strongly advise plenty of revision for those all important GCSEs. Regards The History Team Roding Valley High School *****
Year 11 Revision programme for all History students over Easter There is lots to do but if you are organized and want to do well then this is what you need to do… Start with The American West (paper 2) in the first week and then switch to Medicine and Treatment (paper 1) in week 2. Paper 1 is on the 16th May and paper 2 is on the 23rd. Paper 3 is on the 2nd June so that can wait for the moment. After all, we have done that recently. Week 1 1.
2. 3.
American West
Establishing law and order…(page 62 main textbook, page 58-59 quick revision guide and page 76 onwards in the Edexcel revision guide). You also have the Super facts booklets that we gave you which you should also read thoroughly. In other words…read it all as you will then do an exam paper on it. Watch the Railroads programme from the website. The links are there for you to use. Read Conflict on the Plains… (Page 74-91 from the main textbook, page 60-67 quick revision guide and the Edexcel revision guide. The super facts booklet too. ) Your teacher will go through ‘Life on the reservations’ with you after paper 1 but if you are not in for those lessons it is up to you to revise it yourself. Now do the Easter Revision American West Paper. You have a paper copy but if you have lost it you find it on the website too!
5. This has lots of other stuff for you to work with including clips, old papers etc. USE IT. TOP TIP
Read through your old exercise books. They are a great revision tool. Week 2
1. 2. 3. 4.
Medicine and Treatment
Read the quick revision guide from page 1-22. Read Super facts for Medicine and Treatment. Watch ‘Filthy cities London’ on youtube (Public Health 1350) Do the Easter revision Medicine and Treatment Paper. It is the January 2011 paper. A paper copy is provided for you too! Remember… Those who put the hours in ALWAYS do well.
Year 7 ICT Chessington Zoo/Theme Park visit - June 2014 Year 7 Parents/Carers, Please ensue expression of interest slips for the Chessington Zoo/Theme Park visit in June are returned by Friday 25th April. Slips need to be returned to your son/daughter’s ICT teacher. If your son/daughter has lost their letter, please ask them to see Mr Hussain in IT5. Thanks, ICT Faculty
Year 9 French Trip to Le Touquet All Year 9 students who have opted for French GCSE have received a letter about the day trip to Le Touquet. For those students who wish to attend, please complete the permission slip and consent/ health information form to register your interest. Both forms need to be brought to Students Reception by Friday 25/04/14 (the date is wrong on the return slip) Any issues please contact Miss Darabasz
Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason then please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence.
020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter explaining the reason for the absence for our records.
Medical Appointments When possible please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible then please try to ensure that your child attends before and/or after their appointment.
Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. If you put in a request a ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception). Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy which can be found in the ‘Parents’ section on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low our Attendance Officer on the school number 020 8508 1173.
Week ending 28 March 2014 Year 7 Highest Attendance
Pupil with Highest Honours
Tom Gower 7T
Form with Highest Honours
Pupil of the Week
Thomas Compton 7T & Gabrielle Aikins 7S nominated by Miss Peters for producing excellent adaptations of Katherina’s speech from Taming of the Shrew.
Class of the Week
7qt/En3 nominated by Miss Peters for doing really well in their adaptations and being a great class to teach this year
Year 8 Highest Attendance
Pupil with Highest Honours
Zoe Donnelly 8B
Form with Highest Honours
Class of the Week:
8qt/Sc1 nominated by Mr McManners for their hard work and inquisitive scientific minds, and 8S/Hi nominated by Ms Barron for effort and engagement
Year 9 Highest Attendance
9Q & 9V
Pupil with the Highest Honours
Jake Forecast 9R
Form with Highest Honours
Pupil of the Week
Jessica Galloway 9T and Sonny Ray 9S nominated by Ms Kyriakou for their most convincing and intense Shakespeare scripts – their writing sounded as good as Shakespeare’s own
Year 10 Highest Attendance
Pupil with the Highest Honours
Aiden Tierney 10U
Form with Highest Honours
Pupil of the Week
Antoni Nowak 10T for organising and judging the Year 7 ‘Bake off’ competition and David Balcuinas 10T for doing the photography and reporting
Year 11 Highest Attendance
Form with Highest Honours
Extended Research Project
Do you have an old dishwasher you no longer need?
Letters are available for students to collect from Main Reception.
Is it still in working order?
The deadline for submission of a project is 3rd June. T Kyriakou
Year 11 Geography Revision
Or a freezer?
Monday or Thursday Lunchtime
If so, the Science Department would love to hear from you!
GCSE ICT Coursework Catch-Up for Year 11 Every Tuesday Lunchtime With Miss Wilson in ICT4 Science Revision for Year 11 and Year 10 every Wednesday a er school
Supported Homework Club Learning Zone Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 3.05pm - 3.40pm Everyone welcome
Please encourage your child to attend to help improve their grade
GCSE Examinations May/June 2014 Please find below a copy of the FINAL GCSE Examination Timetable for May/June 2014. Year 11 students should have received in registration a 'Guidance for Students' booklet with a blue cover which is full of information and advice about before, during and after examinations. Tucked inside the front cover is a 'Statement of Entry'. This lists your son/daughter's personal details plus every examination they have been entered for. Students must check this information thoroughly, especially personal details and name on certificates. This must be the students legal forename/surname. The examination boards will charge a fee for any amendments requested after certificates have been printed. Students must also check that they have been entered for all expected exams. If any information is wrong or missing, they must speak to Miss Draper, the Exams Officer immediately. If your son/daughter has not received this information, they must speak to their Form Tutor who will have their copy in the register bag. Students will receive their individual timetables shortly. If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me. Jenny Draper Examinations Officer
English Revision Timetable
Student Reception Post Box Dear Parents, To try to alleviate the student activity at student reception we are introducing a postbox where students will be able to post any correspondence to the school providing it meets the following requirements:The correspondence is in an envelope It has the following written on the envelope: Name Form Short description of content For example: Jack Smith 8S Normandy trip deposit If a receipt is required for enclosed payments this will be delivered to the student in their class during the day. Please advise students not to post any items without the requirements above as they will not be processed and the school will not hold any responsibility for the consequences following such actions. For example: a student missing out on a school trip. We hope this will help the students to enjoy their breaks more and spend less time queuing at student reception. Karen Salmons Business Manager
Year 11 Easter Revision Programme All sessions are free of charge Please complete this form and return it to the school
Drum Lessons One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons available. Learn with your friends! Learn to play the drums from as little as £5 per week Contact:
Guitar Lessons Lessons slots are available on Mondays with lessons priced at £12 per half hour. Please contact Steve van Niekerk on if you are interested.
School Shop Opening Times
Before School: 8.30am - 9.00am
The library is open to all students for homework , G.C.S.E. work and private study / reading at the following times :
Break: 11.00am - 11.20am
Monday - Friday (excluding Tuesday): Before school 7.15 am – 8.30 am , break time , lunch times and after school for homework club 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm.
Lunch: 1.20pm - 2.05pm
Tuesday: Before school 7.15 am - 8.10 am , break time and lunch times. Access for early opening is via the door by resources.
Julia Martin / Stephen Murray
Singing Lessons Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Gemma Kirk for more details and to book your slot.