It was an absolute pleasure to host our Year 6 transition evening last night for those children who will be joining us in September this year. The hall was absolutely packed and we look forward to welcoming everyone into the Roding Valley community. The Year 6 practice day is in two weeks’ time, Friday 27th June, and we look forward to welcoming all of the students who will be joining us in September for a day at Roding. I would just like to warn parents who drop their children off in Brook Road in the morning that the traffic in Brook Road can be exceptionally busy on this day. It may be worth considering finding an alternative place to drop your child on this day. We have received a couple of phone calls asking us to clarify the school’s uniform policy in warm weather. As we do in the winter, we always relax our rules on uniform when the weather starts to get really warm. At the moment we expect students to be in full uniform at all times, however on days like today (when the temperature was around 27°) we allow the students to not wear their blazers around the site and, for the boys, to loosen their ties etc. We did explore the possibility of a summer uniform a couple of years ago but we felt the cost was going to be very prohibitive. Congratulations to the 4 students who represented the school and the local district at The Essex Schools Athletic Championships last week in Chelmsford. To reach the standard that enables you to qualify, we were delighted that all 4 students made their respective finals-a significant achievement in itself. Special congratulations go to Max Wintle (7U) who came second in his final, running a personal best, and now anxiously waits to see whether he will be selected to represent the County. Congratulations again to the other students who made their finals: Greg Gilbert (11U) who ran a personal best in the heat to qualify for the final, Louise Gilbert (8R) and Nancy Callagher (9W). Congratulations also to every one of the GCSE Art and Photography students whose work was displayed in our annual exhibition last night. I say this every year, but the standard of work produced amazes me and everyone involved should be very proud. The examination season for our Year 11 students is almost over and I have to congratulate every single student for the way that they have approached these examinations. I know how hard everyone revised and prepared for these exams and I am really confident that this will be reflected in another outstanding set of GCSE results. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Draper (Examinations Officer) for her superb organisation throughout the exams. Finally, please remember that next Wednesday (18th June) is a non-uniform day and we will be raising money for the British Heart Foundation. I wish you all a good weekend. Paul Banks Headteacher
You can follow us at , on Facebook at the ‘Roding Valley High School Official’ page or on Twitter (@RodingValleyHS). You can also sign up to our free electronic media release service at
The Science Department would like to say a really big thank you for the generous donation of both a new dishwasher and fridge freezer. Both items will be put to very good use.
Thank you
GCSE ICT Catch up sessions Every Tuesday Lunchtime Starting 10th June IT4 These sessions are for students who have fallen behind or want to improve their grade. Please encourage your child to attend Miss Wilson
Maths End of Year Test Dates Paper 1—Non-calculator Paper 2—Calculator
Year 7 Year 7 Year 8 Year 8 Year 9 Year 9 Year 10 Year 10
Date 20th June 24th June 9th June 11th June 13th June 17th June 4th June 6th June
Day Friday Tuesday Monday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Friday
Tickets now on sale Pay via ParentPay or at Student Reception Tickets £22.00 Price includes a photo and a £2.00 donation to the Zambia trip
Paper 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Epping Forest College Taster Day On Wednesday 2nd July students in Year 10 are all attending a taster day at Epping Forest College. Students will be given the opportunity to try out courses they may be considering when they leave Roding Valley in Year 11. All students have been given a letter to by signed by parents I am still awaiting lots of permission slips to be returned,. Please ensure your son/daughter returns their permission slip ASAP. Students are to make their own way to the College to arrive by 8.45am. If they have chosen a sport session, please remind them to bring their sports kit and a towel. Kind regards Mrs Mason Careers Development Manager
PE Kit At the end of this academic year, RVHS is changing the PE kit. If you have any items that have been lost or are too small, please call the office where we have a large selection of donated, good quality PE kit that your child can have until the end of term.
Science Revision for Year 10 every Wednesday a er school
Geography Catch-up Clinic and Homework Help Every Monday at 3.10pm Starting 23rd June
Library 'kicks off' the World Cup! The library has been getting ready for a colourful World Cup competition. Students have been preparing bunting and colouring in the national flags of all countries taking part in the World Cup finals. The bunting will be put up around the library for the duration of the World Cup competition. Amber Rex 7W has also coloured in continental maps and produced her own map of the world, coloured in with the colours of the countries' national flags. To recognise her wonderful contribution to the project she was presented with a special certificate and a pocket atlas. Amber is pictured with Mrs Martin, the librarian, and her fantastic map of the world.
Congratulations to Max Wintle Receiving his silver medal at the Essex Athletics last week
Year 7 and Year 8 World Cup Tournaments Netball & Football Year 10 students are organising lunchtime activities in the playground next week (w/b 16/6/14) Tuesday - Football Wednesday - Netball Thursday - Football Friday - Netball Football : Boys and girls can enter 7 members per team Y8 and Y7 playing together in same team or against each other The teams will meet the Year 10 students on Tuesday on the main playground to register for the tournament Teams will randomly pick the name of a country and matches will start on that day. Year 10 will organise and keep score of the matches played Netball: Girls from Y7 and Y8 Teams can be composed of both Y7 and Y8 Teams will need to register on the main playground on Wednesday next week and matches will start on that day.
Winners of the Tournaments will get queue jumpers, RVHS World Cup Certificate and a medal!!!!!!
Year 7 RVHS -v- Davenant (Friendly) 12 Players for each team 12 Overs each Everyone bowled, everyone batted HOWZAT K Bailey
RVHS –v– Barking Abbey Sports College (Rematch) A convincing victory we won every match Played in sunshine in front of a small gathering of enthused PE teachers Lovely atmosphere K Bailey
Week ending 6 June 2014 Year 7 Highest Attendance
Pupil with Highest Honours
Spas Tasev 7V
Form with Highest Honours
Year 8 Highest Attendance
Pupil with Highest Honours
Miya Atherton 8T
Form with Highest Honours
Pupil of the Week
Chloe Deamer 8S & Jake Carter 8Q Nominated by Mr Bedi for determination and progress in Science
Year 9 Highest Attendance
Pupil with the Highest Honours
Max Hogarth 9W
Form with Highest Honours
Year 10 Highest Attendance
Pupil with Highest Honours
Luke Ives 10T
Form with Highest Honours
Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason then please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence.
020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter explaining the reason for the absence for our records.
Medical Appointments When possible please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible then please try to ensure that your child attends before and/or after their appointment.
Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. If you put in a request a ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception). Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy which can be found in the ‘Parents’ section on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low our Attendance Officer on the school number 020 8508 1173.
GCSE ART & PHOTOGRAPHY SUMMER EXHIBITION 2014 Further to our year 11 art exhibition in school we are now presenting a selection
Loughton Arts Centre
of our students work at on Loughton High Road (next door to HSBC bank) The exhibition runs for 2 weeks from tomorrow (Saturday 14/6) 10am to 4pm
If you are free to visit during the day then please enjoy the work and leave feedback for the students in the book provided at the gallery.
Well done to all of the year 11 students for their hard work on the course and particular congratulations to those students selected for this exhibition! Mr. Tisdale
FINAL GCSE Examination Timetable May/June 2014 STUDENTS HAVE NOW BEEN ISSUED WITH THEIR INDIVIDUAL EXAMINATION TIMETABLES VIA THEIR FORM TUTORS, THESE HAVE BEEN PRINTED ON BRIGHT YELLOW PAPER. IF YOUR SON/DAUGHTER HAS NOT RECEIVED THIS YET, PLEASE ASK THEM TO SPEAK TO THEIR FORM TUTOR OR SEE MISS DRAPER FOR ANOTHER COPY. PLEASE ENSURE THIS SHEET HAS BEEN CHECKED FOR ACCURACY AND YOU HAVE BEEN ENTERED AND SEATED FOR ALL EXPECTED EXAMS. Year 11 students should have received in registration a 'Guidance for Students' booklet with a blue cover which is full of information and advice about before, during and after examinations. Tucked inside the front cover is a 'Statement of Entry'. This lists your son/daughter's personal details plus every examination they have been entered for. Students must check this information thoroughly, especially personal details and name on certificates. This must be the students legal forename/surname. The examination boards will charge a fee for any amendments requested after certificates have been printed. Students must also check that they have been entered for all expected exams. If any information is wrong or missing, they must speak to Miss Draper, the Exams Officer immediately. If your son/daughter has not received either their booklet or individual timetable, they must speak to their Form Tutor who will have their copy in the register bag. If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me. Jenny Draper Examinations Officer
Please find below a copy of the Breakfast Revision Timetable for the forthcoming GCSE Examinations. Breakfast Revision Sessions will be taking place in the Canteen from 8am until 8.45am for students sitting exams scheduled to start at 9am. Our Catering staff will provide students with croissants and juice free of charge. These sessions are hugely beneficial and we would urge you to encourage your son/daughter to attend. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. J Draper
GCSE (Mock) Examinations Please find attached a GCSE (Mock) Examination timetable for the forthcoming Year 9 and Year 10 end of year exams which are taking place after half term. Students will have received their individual timetables via their form tutors, these have been printed on BRIGHT PINK paper. If your son/daughter was absent on Friday 23 May, timetables will be posted home. If you have any further questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me. Jenny Draper Examinations Officer Roding Valley High School
Drum Lessons
Guitar Lessons Lessons slots are available on Mondays with lessons priced at £12 per half hour.
One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons available. Learn with your friends! Learn to play the drums from as little as £5 per week Contact:
Please contact Steve van Niekerk on if you are interested.
School Shop Opening Times Before School: 8.30am - 9.00am Break: 11.00am - 11.20am Lunch: 1.20pm - 2.05pm
LIBRARY OPENING TIMES The library is open to all students for homework , G.C.S.E. work and private study / reading at the following times : Monday - Friday (excluding Tuesday): Before school 7.15 am – 8.30 am , break time , lunch times and after school for homework club 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm. Tuesday: Before school 7.15 am - 8.10 am , break time and lunch times. Access for early opening is via the door by resources. Julia Martin / Stephen Murray
Singing Lessons Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Gemma Kirk for more details and to book your slot.
Supported Homework Club Learning Zone Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 3.05pm - 3.40pm Everyone welcome