CURRENT PARENT HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Northwest Catholic is fortunate to receive considerable financial support each year from the parents of our students. Recognizing that tuition alone does not cover the cost of a child’s education, many parents choose to make a gift to the Northwest Catholic Fund that helps to subsidize the difference between the actual cost and the tuition. These important gifts make it possible for us to maintain a reasonable tuition relative to other private schools. Parents also support Northwest Catholic through gifts to endowment and capital projects. We are grateful to these parents for the investment they have made to enhance the educational experience for our students. Gary and Jennifer Akin P ’21 John and Tierney Alissi P ’23 Thomas and Julie Armstrong P ’22 Willie Asberry and Antoinette Jiles P ’21 William and Monique Bannon P ’24 Stewart and Lauren Barnhart P ’24 Dominic and Nancy Barone P ’22 Jason and Sara Beaudin P ’23 Javier and Katherine Bello P ’22 Brian and Stacie Berry P ’24 John and Yolanta Bonk P ’21 Christopher and Jeannine Borowiec P ’22 Douglas and Corinne Bowie P ’24 Christine Rensen Bradley ’91 and Patrick Bradley P ’22 ’24 Larry and Gina Breen P ’24 Shawn and Kristen Brennan P ’24 Timothy and Marsha Bryant P ’21 Elizabeth Bryden and Cheryl Desmond P ’21 ’24 Michael and Leslie Burgeson P ’23 ’24 Roel and Madonna Caguitla P ’21 ’24 John and Kirsten Carew P ’22 Joao and Dorothy Carvalho P ’23 Christopher and Carrie Casciani P ’22 Tin-Pai John Chan and Leehan Alice Chong P ’22 Wayne Chen and Sharon Tan P ’21 Allan and Katie Chipps P ’23 Thomas Chyra and Susan Janik Chyra P ’24 Seth and Patricia Cioffi P ’23 Todd Clark and Nichol Modeste-Clark P ’21 Edmund and Mary Clark P ’22 Joseph and Seleena Cole P ’23 ’24 Frank and Dawn Conde P ’22 James and Joan Corradino P ’24 Bryan and Janine Cote P ’23 Douglas and Jennifer Coté P ’23 Julio and Evelyn Cruz P ’23 ’24 Michael Culligan and Deidre Galbo P ’22 ’23 Patricia Keightley Dabney ’84 and John Dabney P ’21 Thomas and Susan Daily P ’21
Bernie and Sandra Davis P ’22 Laurie Deneen P ’21 ’21 Martin and Melissa Deschamps P ’23 John and Teresa Desrosiers P ’21 Debbie-Ann DeVito P ’21 Andy and Barb Dimauro P ’24 Frank and Peggy Discenza P ’21 Thomas Donohue ’76 and Kristin Triff P ’22 Todd and Eileen Doyle P ’22 ’24 Daniel and Mandy Drain P ’21 ’23 Eugene Duarte and Karen Smith P ’21 Donald and Valerie Dugan P ’22 Gerald and Gale Dwyer P ’24 Robert and Diane Earley P ’22 John and Karen Eckert P ’22 John and Janet Esposito P ’22 John and Teresa Farrelly P ’24 Brian and Vicki Ferrell P ’21 Carl and Carol Ficks P ’23 Mark and Mary Fitzsimmons P ’23 Michael and Stacey Flammini P ’23 Steven and Peg Flower P ’21 Douglas and Maureen Frink P ’21 David and Jennifer Frioni P ’24 Marc Fusco P ’21 Randall and Sarah Gage P ’21 ’23 Paw Gay and Pi Mu P ’21 Stephen and Shawn George P ’24 Ken Goldstein and Shannon McCarthy P ’23 Brian and Anne Gouin P ’21 Scott and Alaine Griffin P ’21 Matthew and Elizabeth Gunsalus P ’23 John and Mary Beth Gustavsen P ’21 Elliott Halpern and Jacqueline Lynch-Halpern P ’24 Richard and Sheryl Hart P ’22 Douglas and Anna Hasson P ’21 Sharon Hennessey P ’22 Greg and Laurie Hicks P ’21 ’23 ’23 William and Jill Hogan P ’24 Therese Horn P ’21 ’24 Niall and Erinne Houton P ’22 ’24 Maung Htoo P ’23
N o r t h w e s t C a t h o l i c H i g h S c h o o l 2 0 2 0 - 2 1 A nn u a l R e p o r t
Keith and Natalie Hubert P ’23 John and Christina Hurley P ’24 Michael and Margaret Hydeck P ’24 Todd and Olga Jacobs P ’21 Martin and Jacqueline John P ’21 ’24 Beth Ann Johnson ’82 and John Moran P ’21 ’24 John and Diana Kalamarides P ’22 ’24 William and Heather Kaliden P ’24 Jacek and Renata Kalinowski P ’22 Donald and Kellyanne Kasheta P ’21 Robert and Kathryn Keefrider P ’21 ’23 Maria Romaniak-Kumik and Richard Kumik P ’23 Richard and Noreen Kuziak P ’23 The Lachance Family P ’22 Maryann and Michael Lacouture P ’21 Brian and Kerry Ladouceur, Jr. P ’23 Ming Lam and Ching Yee Chan P ’21 Marc and Alison Lamberty P ’21 ’23 Larry and Fonda Lampson P ’23 Karyn Lancaster P ’21 Michael and Sarah Landi P ’21 Lee LeBlanc and Maureen O’Connor P ’22 ’24 Bernard and Beverly Lebrun P ’22 Christopher and Joanna Link P ’21 John and Diane Lipari P ’23 Steven and Cindy Liu P ’22 Rachel Lobo and Ron Lowry P ’24 Timothy Machon and Virginia Ferlan P ’21 ’23 Jeffrey and Heather Maguire P ’22 ’22 Donald and Wendy Mahoney P ’22 Abraham and Achamma Mathew P ’24 Kimberly May-Miller ’88 and Wayne Miller P ’21 John and Melissa McDermott P ’22 David and Kerry McElroy P ’22 Matthew and Tiffani McGinnis P ’22 Paul and Karen McKenna P ’21 Timothy and Marie McNamara P ’22 ’24 William and Sandy Micari P ’23