April 2013
from me to YOU! 2"33.453*/64$7$*.)($8 Like they say, “April showers bring May flowers,” but since we live in the most beautiful place in the world, I’m moving ahead with some wishful thinking and predicting no more rainy days! We start out the month on a funny-note thanks to 53*/649))6&4:" steer clear of fake dog “do-do” and be sure to check for Saran Wrap on the top of any and all bottles. Oh, and don’t forget about the standard sugar/salt mix-up! If you make it through April 1st, you have two weeks before the dreaded 53*/64;<#+4#"=4 >/6/(?4'$"'6/($! I don’t know about you, but I think April 16th should be a national holiday, we'll call it All-day Happy Hour Day (& the tab is on Uncle Sam of course)! For your entertainment this month, we’ve included some great features including :)@(4 #)4A"*#+4:"'B454C"=/(?4D+)/,$ and E/(#$*$&#4E/,!&B4A"*#+4:".. On this A"*#+4:".4 F53*/64GGH be sure to reboot your inner tree-hugger and aim to make some more earthconscious decisions for the rest of the year. From participating in more beach clean-ups, to organizing more garage sales or clothing swaps with friends, let's do out part and set an example for our youngsters. We also have tons of great local events listed on our I),"64A7$(#&4D"6$('"*B4J+"#K&4 2"33$(/(?, but our top pick for April is definitely the L"(4:/$?)4M/'&4A=3)4N49"/*4"#4 #+$4:$64O"*49"/*?*)-('&453*/64GPQGR. Be sure to come to the event and follow our E"&&3)*#4#)49-( and be entered to JST4)-*4U*"('4E*/V$! (Trust us, this prize pack is worth it!!) Simply come to the M/'&4A=3) and visit all of the exhibitors on the E"&&3)*#4 #)49-(, drop off your completed Passport to our booth, and you are entered! Our featured T)*#+4D)-(#.4!/'& are some of the most talented we've spotlighted in the magazine yet. Check out our L!"#$W)"*'$*4)>4#+$4O)(#+, L-*>$*4)>4 #+$4O)(#+, T)*#+4D)-(#.4M/'4)>4#+$4O)(#+, and the newest addition to the list, O-&/,/"(4)>4#+$4O)(#+8 As always, thank you for choosing North County Kids magazine and shoot me an email with any suggestions or comments...that’s what I’m here for! E$",$4N4I)7$4N4C",)&X
Kate Schlicher
It’s all about
FACEBOOK! Be sure to “like” our page and stay tuned for some awesome upcoming giveaways. Our page is full of fun craft and recipe ideas, as well as what local events you just can’t miss! Facebook is a wonderful way to stay connected and we promise to do our best to keep you up to date with all things North County, while entertaining you at the same time!
Read our digital issue here!
This month I recommend ... !""#$%&$'(")#(!"#$%&'()$*&+,$-./)$0$1"&23((*$(")#(
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21 26 issue spotlight
5!!!!!!"#$%&!'#()%*!+,-!#.!%&/!0#)%&!1 !!!!!!!! Angel Lopez 6!!!!!!23#%%/-4
7!!!!!!2($./$!#.!%&/!0#)%&!1!Jake Marshall 9!!!!!!23$,)5!6!2(77/$!'873!9(,-/ 10!!!2(77/$!'873!:-;/)%($/<!=,>/!"#!?%&/$ 11!!!!!@,)%/$/<%!1 Happy Earth Day! 13!!!!!2>8%/$!#.!%&/!0#)%&!1!Klara Vrklan 14!!!!A#B)!%#!C8$%&!A8-!1!A Taxing Choice 15!!!!2A!+,-<!CD3#!6!E8,$!@8<<3#$%!%#!E() 18!!!!'/F/G!@8$/)%!H$8I>/$!1 Earth Day Edition Advertising Inquiries: s INFO SDNORTHCOUNTYKIDS COM s [ ] Graphic Design by Krista Connolly s DESIGNKCY COM s FACEBOOK COM DESIGNKCY #OVER PHOTO BY 3TEFANIE 0OTEET 0HOTOGRAPHY s STEFANIEPOTEET COM s FACEBOOK COM 3TEFANIE0OTEET0HOTOGRAPHY
North County Kid of the Month: Angel Lopez, 15 years old 4
April 2013
19!!!!0(<,I,8)!#.!%&/!0#)%&!1!Nick Wallace 21!!! :!,<!.#$!:33 22!!!=#I8F!C;/)%<!'8F/)-8$ 26!! 9F(%/)!E$//!J8)8)8!J$/8-!K/I,3/ 27!!!L/$#!#.!%&/!0#)%&!1!Richard Galanos 28!!!23$,)5!'F/8)!M#($!:.%/$12I&##F!2)8I>< 29!!!0#7!%#!0#7!J##>!K/;,/B 30!!!L()-$/-<!#.!K#I>!N#F()%//$< !!!!!!!!2&#B!O3!%#!PK#I>!M#($!',%*Q
North County Kid of the Month! Presented by
Hometown: Oceanside Age: 15 Grade: 10th School: Oceanside High School Hobbies: Running & collecting old clothes (vintage) Favorite Food: Grandma’s tamales Favorite thing about living in North County: Location, because of the beach Favorite North County Beach: Del Mar
Angezl Lope
Congratulations are in order for 15-year-old Angel Lopez for winning the title of The BGC San Diego County’s Youth of the Year award! Angel competed against seven other San Diego youth for this honor and won due to his sincere dedication to the BGCO and commitment to his schoolwork H)#(D-@9(5$%(O&639(P38<(-.(*0#5$9&%#(15&$ as well as all of the vigorous Youth 051A89/(-$(P-8$"6@(P38<(Q$C/(&9(8$%#6'-&$'(9-1# of the Year requirements. The Boys 5+#9-1#(6#1-%#3&$'(:(&9(9#"("-(6#K-A#$(5"(")# #$%(-.(45@/(+&")(0#3#<65"&-$(#;#$"9(&$(R8$#= and Girls Clubs of Oceanside has 70 staff members who passionately mentor 1,400 youth every day to develop self-confident, productive, responsible, and caring citizens. Angel’s mentors, Stephanie Peterson and Rosa Barajas, couldn’t be more proud of the teenager. As Stephanie puts it, “there is no doubt in my mind that this is just the beginning of Angel’s success. He’s an inspiring young man, with a story of strength that will represent San Diego perfectly.” Now let’s hear from Angel:
When did you start going to the Boys and Girls Club? Summer 2010 What did you like about the club? Get to meet new people and the staff is great. Did you have friends that were part of the club as well? Yes, like on of my good friends, Isay. What life skills have you learned as a result of spending time at the BGCO? How to become a leader and a positive role model to my friends and younger brothers. Tell us a little bit about the Youth of the Year Program. What is the criteria necessary to win that honor? Having good grades, volunteering at the club and to be 14-18 years old. We hear that you are going to Sacramento April 17-18 to compete at the state level! How do you feel about that? I am excited, to go on to the next level and be in a new city for a once in a lifetime experience. If you win that honor, on the state level, what is your reward? College scholarships, money, gift certificates. Is there anything else you would like to add? I want to thank Ms. Stephanie for always believing in me and supporting me through this experience. Also, to Mrs. Tanya Gover, Ms Amy Caillouette, Ms. Jodi Diamond and Ms. Tammy Walz. A very special thank you to my mom, for everything she has done for me and my brothers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
Spotted! Little cutie Otto, & bulldog Rumor, enjoy scootinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; around together!
Tehya & Christine Foussat of Tehyathon enjoying Feeding the Soul Foundatonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 3rd birthday party in Oceanside!
Photo Credit: Natalie Warr Photography
(Also, Happy Birthday to Otto, who turns ONE on April 11!)
4S Ranch Sports Fun, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego
Kirana, 5, is striking a pose at Next Generation Yoga, a studio that teaches families to practice Yoga on & off the mat!
Photo Credit: Brian Lew
April 2013
Dive into a different kind of camp SeaWorld Camps like multi-night Resident Camp, Day Camp or one-night Sleepovers bring campers incredibly close to their favorite, amazing animals. Plus, they have a blast exploring SeaWorld's exhilarating rides, spectacular shows and awesome attractions.
Program components, pricing and availability subject to change. Š 2013 SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
April 2013
Spring & Summer Camp Guide
Time is running out! Be sure to check out these great, LOCAL camps & find the perfect fit for your child! !<HH'2$!EA))5$";$;A'$P2"<'2$!EA))5
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Summer Camp
Zoo Fun
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Like No Other
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Safari Park Adventures
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April 2013
Aura Skateboard Training Facility Aura Skateboarding Company provides skateboarding environments outside of the nearly 10,000 square ft. skateboard training facility located at 1074 La Mirada Court in Vista. Jim Bell has been designing & building high quality skateboard ramps & grindboxes for over half of his life. Below you will find a sampling of what they offer. They also build custom ramps to fit any need or dream! We encourage you to visit their facility & collaborate with the friendly people at Aura on your future skateboard ramp or grindbox. We’re sure you’ll be the envy of your neighborhood!
PRICE LIST: SPRING/ SUMMER 2013 GRIND BOXES 12” tall x 3’ wide x 6’ long . . . . . . $249 12” tall x 3’ wide x 8’ long . . . . . . $299
April 2013
2’ tall x 4’ wide x 4’ long . . . . . . $299 3’ tall x 6’ wide x 6’ long . . . . . . $399
3’ tall x 6’ wide x 18’ long . . . . . . $1499 4’ tall x 8’ wide x 26’ long . . . . . . $2499 4’ tall x 12’ wide x 26’ long . . . . . $3699
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!"#$%&"'$&()$&*+,%&-./*+0&1&*+"*&-$"/%&*+$&2.*$/*,"3&4.'&"&+$"'*5&'$4)/(&6+$678&& When I get a tax refund I usually treat myself to a frivolous purchase, much to the chagrin of my financial planner and my wife. Previous frivolous purchases have included things like a 1987 Indianapolis Indians American Association minor league baseball championship ring – an acquisition I obviously made before I was married, because there is no way my wife would have signed off on that one. This year I’ve got a few ideas for a possible frivolous purchase. Here are some of the things I’m considering, along with the anticipated reaction from my wife and kids.
Pinball Machine: I’ve always wanted pinball machine. My wife knows this. Before we got married I considered drafting a pre-nup that
contained a provision that allowed me to purchase one pinball machine during our marriage. I don’t just want any pinball machine – I want a Rock & Roll themed machine, like Elton John Captain Fantastic or Tommy. Wife’s Reaction: She’s not going to like it, but she knows it’s coming eventually. Kids’ Reaction: They are going to love it – for about a week. LEGO Death Star: If you had told me when I was 21 – back when I was sitting around my fraternity house drinking beer and strumming my guitar – that one day I’d grow up and become a 40-year-old guy who plays with LEGOs, I would have told you that you were crazy. Well, I am not ashamed to admit it – I like LEGOs. I never really played with LEGOs until I had a son, but those little plastic blocks are a great father-son bonding activity. The LEGO Death Star is the Holy Grail of LEGO sets. All the kids want it – big kids, too. But it’s $400. Wife’s Reaction: She will hate this immensely. Kids’ Reaction: My son will think that I am the best dad in the world.
Vespa: If I would have lived in England in the 1960s I would have been a Mod, with a sharp suit and a cool scooter. And the coolest scooter is a Vespa. Sure, it’s not the most practical mode of transportation for a dad with a couple of young kids – but it’s really fun. Need to run to Ralphs for some milk – just hop on the Vespa. A quick trip to the Post Office – jump on the Vespa. Wife’s Reaction: She’s all for this, because she can picture herself going to her Yoga class on the Vespa, cruising down the 101 in style. Kids’ Reaction: Indifference for a few years, and then when they are older they’ll fight like cats and dogs over who gets to ride it. Hawaiian Vacation: This one is really on the list for my wife, seeing how our last vacation was a trip to Indiana in February. I’d probably rather have a pinball machine, but if we could get grandma to watch the kids for a week (are you reading this grandma?), then a romantic getaway would have to be in the discussion. Wife’s Reaction: She’d like this a lot more than a pinball machine. Kids’ Reaction: Tremendous bitterness for being left behind. Tickets to the Taylor Swift Concert: This isn’t really my favorite genre of music, but my daughter desperately wants to go to the concert in August. I hear about this constantly, along with my daily recap of Taylor Swift’s love life. I’ve suggested that we do like I did back in the day at Grateful Dead shows – stand outside, hold up one finger, and hope a hippie sells us a ticket for face value. But she doesn’t think that will work at a Taylor Swift show, and she’s probably right. Wife’s Reaction: No problem, as long as she doesn’t have to go to the concert. Kids’ Reaction: My daughter will think it’s the greatest thing ever, and my son will be mad because we didn’t buy the LEGO Death Star. Well, I’ve done my taxes; sadly there is no refund this year for my family, and as a result there is no frivolous purchase. But I think we’ll manage to survive, because we don’t need (emphasis added) any of that stuff. Life is all about keeping things in prospective. We’ve got each other and we’ve got it pretty good, and that’s all we need.
- Down to Earth Dad is a lawyer by day & youth soccer coach by night. He lives in Carlsbad with his wife & two kids.
April 2013
Passp ort to Fun! !"#$" !
Bring this Passport to the San Diego Kids Expo & Fair at the Del Mar Fairgrounds April 27-28 & be entered to win a huge, great, grand, amazing prize package for the whole family! Think yoga & pampering for moms, entertainment & products for the whole family, & awesome products for kids! Visit all of the exhibitors on this Passport, ask for their signature or stamp, & return your completed Passport to our booth at the Expo, & ta-da! you are entered to win!
Now go find that treasure, Matey! H!"#$%#!&'$(#)*%#$!$(!++&#$,-+.$/*01$2-)3/$#!+#145 Are you tired of cooking your picky eater a separate dinner? Do people tell you, â&#x20AC;&#x153;If he's hungry enough he'll eat,â&#x20AC;? but you know this is not true for your child?
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Enjoy a FREE 30 minute phone consultation today!
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April 2013
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April 2013
April 2013
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San Diego Storytelling Festival Betty Grant
Aunt Li-Anne
Saturday, April 20 Encinitas Library 540 Cornish Dr. Encinitas, CA 10am-6pm FREE, Family friendly Event
*with the exception of the last two sessions which are designed for adults*
Come for an hour or stay all day & enjoy stories for all ages!
More than 25 performers, many nationally-known & award-winning
UÊ£0 am - 10:50 am in the children's section of the library --- special preschool storytime
Mary Holma
April 2013
Charles Johnson
UÊ10am - 10:50am in the main community room ---"Earth-Friendly Tales" with professional storytellers UÊ11am - 11:50am- Students from Park Dale Lane Elementary School in Encinitas will take the main stage as storytellers
Also Come by Their Other Restaurant…
Visit Vinz Wine Bar for a Delicious Dinner with Live Entertainment for your Dancing Pleasure! 201 E. Grand Ave., Suite 1A, Escondido (760) 743-8466 s
Monday- Thursday: 11:30am-10pm Friday-Saturday: 11:30am- Midnight Closed on Sundays
Enjoy your Happiest Hour at Vinz too! Monday: 3pm - close Tuesday – Thursday 3pm - 6pm Saturday 12pm - 5pm
120 S Kalmia, Escondido On the corner of Grand & Kalmia Since 1967 (760) 745-8007
Monday: 9am-5pm Tuesday-Thursday: 9am-6pm Friday: 9am-9pm Saturday: 10am-5pm Closed on Sundays PASTA s PIZZA s SALADS s GRINDERS SANDWICHES s HOMEMADE DESSERTS CRAFT BEER ON TAP s FINE WINES s COCKTAILS g#"9(>#30-1#(*$(*86(Q56'#(P-86"@56%/(48""9(4#$8(>&")(g8AA@(g&BB5 uH-'-(-6%#69(+#30-1#/(u(P5"#6&$'(.-6(533(-0059&-$9
April 2013
HERO of the Month!
Officer Richard Galanos Richard Galanos of the Carlsbad Police Department has served North County as a police officer for almost 23 years. For the last 6 ½ of those years, Richard has been leading the departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Explorer program, where through direct interaction with working field officers, supervisors and support staff, a young person (ages 14-21) is motivated to expand their interest in the profession of law enforcement as a career. His passion for teaching others and inspiring local youth is very admirable, which makes him our Hero of the Month. Read more about Richard here and be sure to learn about the Explorer program at (select post 781).
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After-School Snacks ! It’s
that time of year when families everywhere begin their spring cleaning routines. While it’s easy to remember to clean the garage and closets we often forget to focus on the pantry. With childhood obesity rates skyrocketing, it’s high time to throw out the junk food and start cleaner eating today. These small upgrades won’t break the bank and will help move you and your family in the right direction this spring. Sweep away those packaged granola bars and polish your pantry with homemade trail mixes. Most granola bars are simply glorified candy bars and that’s why kids love them. Sure, some of the ingredients may be healthy on their own but they are often bound together with sweeteners that cause them to have a high sugar content. Making your own trail mix lets you put in the good ingredients and it gives you control over the bad ingredients. Homemade trail mix is easy to make and your kids can help. Trek to the bulk bins at your nearest health food store. Pick items that you know you will all love. Let the kids pick one or two types of nuts and seeds, a few dried fruits, dark chocolate chips, and a low sugar cereal. Back home have a trail mix party by combining all the ingredients in a large freezer bag, then shake until well mixed. The mixes can be used for snack time or as toppings for yogurt or oatmeal. Scrub out the jelly and rub in the coconut butter. Jelly is high in sugar and often contains corn syrup. Coconut butter provides the body with a huge number of health benefits. It is known to boost the immune system, provide the body with energy, and is high in antioxidants. Use coconut butter as a spread on sandwiches and pancakes. Eat it by the spoonful. Blend it with honey and use it as a dip for sliced apples. Add it to smoothies. The possibilities are endless! Vacuum away the sports drinks and replace them with healthier fluids. Our bodies need and crave electrolytes but they certainly don’t need the junk that is often found in most sport drinks. There are many healthier alternatives like Electro Mix, an electrolyte powder, which you can buy in packets at most natural food stores. It contains zero sugar and has a tasty lemon/lime flavor. If you really want to go clean, buy a bottle of mineral drops that can be added to water. Bottled electrolyte enhanced water is also available at health food stores. Coconut water is another great option. Dust away the chips for organic popcorn. Sure, spicy orange coated chips may taste good but have you ever closely examined the ingredients list? I’d rather my kids get in the habit of reaching for freshly popped popcorn or a bag of organic popcorn with olive oil and salt. Popcorn is high in fiber, and, like any other whole grain, diminishes the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It’s also an inexpensive snack. Buy it pre-popped in bags at the health food store or just pop up a batch on your stovetop. Avoid buttered popcorn and microwave popcorn. Try flavoring your fresh popcorn with some of your favorite herbs and spices. - Renee Simpson, mother of two, works as a Vitamin Specialist at a local health food store and enjoys spending time with her family in her hometown of Carlsbad.
April 2013
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Enjoy our momtomom book review page written by the organizer of North County based Hip Chicks Book Club, & see what books were real page turners and which one are better left on the shelf!
The Girls Guide to Huting & Fishing by Melissa Bank The Girls Guide to Hunting & Fishing by Melissa Bank follows Jane Rosenthal from the time she is a young teen until her thirties, as she comes of age. I first read this book right out of high school. I hated it then. I saw it on my book shelf a few weeks ago and decided to give it another try, thinking maybe I was just not ready for this book 12 years ago. Nope! It was still awful. I can’t even remember cracking a smile once while reading this (either time) even though the reviews on the cover say it is funny. The lack of happiness, love and even sex in Jane’s relationships was saddening, and left me wanting so much more. I give this book a D
Let’s Pretend this Never Happened by Jenny Lawson Jenny Lawson’s “mostly true memoir” Let’s Pretend this Never Happened is the hilarious account of the author’s life growing up in rural Texas with extreme anxiety issues, awkwardness, and a taxidermist for a father. Being a fan of Jenny Lawson’s blog, The Bloggess, for a few years, I found this book hysterical! There were even (more than) a few times I woke my husband up while I was reading in bed at night because I was laughing so much. After meeting the author at a book reading and signing event, I know you’re in for a real treat if you listen to the audio book version, as The Bloggess herself reads her book. If you liked this book, I recommend following Jenny Lawson’s blog, WARNING: If you are easily offended by very strong language, this may not be the book for you. She can put a sailor to shame sometimes. I give this book an A
Do you have an opinion about one of these books that you’d like to share? Or do you have a book recommendation for us? We’d love to hear from you! Email us:
Happy Reading!
Megan Rath is a wife and mom of a 7 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. She is the organizer of the Hip Chicks Book Club..., a large group of diverse women of all ages that meets in North County every month. A native of North County all her life, she currently lives in Vista.
Presented by
Your City
Hundreds of Rock Volunteers Show Up to “Rock Your City” As part of the Rock Church’s “Do Something” goal, over 300 volunteers recently spent their Saturday doing community service. The church’s Rock Your City event was held March 16 at Central Elementary and Park De La Cruz in City Heights. Rock Church N. County Campus also partnered with San Diego CoastKeepers to clean up beaches in Carlsbad, Encinitas and Del Mar. Dozens of volunteers showed up to beautify Tamarack Beach, Moonlight Beach and Del Mar Powerhouse Park. Volunteers at both locations raked, painted, replanted gardens and planters, and spread mulch, among other projects. One of the biggest and most impactful projects at Central Elementary was the installation of backpack racks for the kindergarten classrooms. Each classroom got 30 hooks, which is a huge improvement to the school because before, students had no place to put their backpacks but the floor. Each rack would have cost the school $88 for every ten feet. This was volunteer Michael Dimmitt’s second time participating in Rock Your City. “It’s good to get fellowship and help out with the city,” Dimmitt said. “I’m in the Navy so I can’t always make many things. Sometimes on the weekends it works out. ” Families, friends, couples, and individuals took out time in their day to come volunteer. Riley Stenehjem, a student at Our Lady of Peace, said she was volunteering to fulfill a school community service requirement and thought this would be a fun way to get the hours. “It’ll make a better environment for these kids to learn,” she said. Beverly Benschoter was a volunteer working at the Park de la Cruz location. “Going to the Rock makes you want to help out in the community and serve God,” she said. “It’s awesome to see everybody pull together and having a big project that needed to get done, get done with everybody’s help.” San Diego Unified School District superintendant and Central Elementary Principal Cindy Marten was appointed superintendent March 5. Central Elementary had already been chosen for Rock Your City even before she was appointed, and Marten was amazed at the effort. “What they’re doing is unbelievable today,” Marten said.”The kids will come back on Monday and say, ‘wow, what happened?’ We take great pride in the school being beautiful.” Marten said that she’s an advocate of partnerships in the community like that of the Rock Church. “There are big budget cuts (in the district) and there are lots of reasons why we can’t get some projects done. The priority has to be on instruction - I have to keep my focus and make sure my children are learning every day,” Marten said. “A project like this could take away district resources and district time away from the instructional core. So (the fact that) the community can come together and add this kind of work…it’s amazing.” Victoria Anderson was the Volunteer coordinator for registration at the Park de la Cruz location. “Hopefully (the impact) is going to be profound; it’s amazing how you can go back to a site a month or two later and see that the upkeep is remaining the same - as if the community really does appreciate it,” Anderson said. “It’s amazing. It’s just God at work. It’s just God doing what He does.”
ABOUT THE ROCK - The Rock is San Diego’s largest church. It was started in 2000 by Pastor Miles McPherson, a former NFL player. Over 12,500 people attend the Rock's five Sunday services online and in person at their multiple campuses. For more information go to Twitter (@therocksandiego) & Facebook (The Rock San Diego) 30 April 2013
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April 2013