KScout Issue 1

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Derbyshire County Scout Council Newsletter - Issue 1 - February 2010 In This Issue

COUNTDOWN TO PEAK2010 As we only get one Peak year in every five, they are all special, even though for some it means hours, perhaps even days or weeks, away from home getting things ready and then running the event – not to mention the cleaning up afterwards. This is the case for Stuart Groom, Ann Medcalf and their dedicated team in order to ensure Peak2010 is a great success….so what's the story so far?

31) - please check availability of places with

Already booked in are:  51 Scout groups  54 Guide groups  2 International groups


This gives a total of 2,635 campers including 420 adults.

Phase Two of the booking process will open online shortly. Every group booked in will receive notification of this by email.

before sending any fee for the extra places.

In addition to the participants, 1,075 people have applied to attend as staff – consequently we had to stop online applications until all those on the list had been allocated jobs. It is now only 25 weeks until the Site Services Team moves on to Chatsworth Park to start setting up camp, but it is not too late to book in your group if you have not already done so. Numbers within an existing booking may be increased up to the final payment date (March


Tom’s Turn

Scouting In Hospitals


Network Going International

Flying High

Shelterbox Challenge & Global Challenge


Adult Training Update

2010 theme „One World – Our World‟ and to consider how you can personally make an impact. Could you do a project based on the theme as part of your Scout or Guiding award schemes or your leadership training? Contact us via the website and let us know. www.peak2010.org

For those who asked for information by post, should be receiving the forms shortly. Peak2010 also gives the opportunity of being able to join in marking 100 years of Guiding and we ask you all to join in wholeheartedly as both Scouts and Guides celebrate during the camp. Finally the organisers are asking you at the start of this special year, to think about the Peak

K.Scout is the Newsletter of the Derbyshire County Scout Council. All contributions and photos gratefully received and should be sent to news@derbyshirescouts.org for inclusion. Deadline for next issue: 19th March 2010!

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rn Tom’csoutTCu ouncil

S ire County h s y rb e D r, missione County Com Hello to you all (assuming the editor includes my bit) and how exciting is this our very own County newsletter. How fortunate we are to have a volunteer of Nick The new‟s calibre. To pull it all together, edit and publish for us. Having listened to lots of leaders has made Communication one of my priorities for the county K.Scout being the start, also new is the Derbyshire facebook page which I hope all districts will appoint someone to load their information on. Finally I am pleased to tell you all that Dan Weaver has agreed to be our new County media manager . A new position in Derbyshire with a lot of learning for all. I hope that by this time next we are in th e pr em ier l e ag u e f or communication. Of course there are two sides other to the communication coin is your input and I look forward to you sharing your news with the rest of the County. You will by now be aware of a few other changes in the County mainly administrative. I will write details of the changes for the April K.Scout when all involved have been informed. Another of my targets is to understand where we need to be concentrating our support. To this end the rag assessment already in use is the tool for doing this. Perhaps not quite how I was intending approaching the same issues but as it is the format that is being used nationally, then clearly the way to go.

These assessments are something you will be hearing about in the near future indeed in some Districts they have already happened. I hope every one takes part with a positive attitude and not get to hung up on colours so that district‟s, county and the region can look at areas where we are doing really well and pick those who are involved brains . It will also I hope show areas where we should be concentrating our resources. I am told by counties that are further down the line that it is proving well worth doing and giving some surprising answers. Mic helle Swain Regional development officer will be putting something about this work in a future K.Scout. Only today I met the Jamboree contingent and some very tired leaders who have had a marvellous week ends team building at Drum Hill this weekend. I just wish I could bottle the enthusiasm. Finally I would like some good photographs of Scouting in action in Derbyshire for future publicity use . It would be brilliant if you could send me just one photo that you consider your best that sums up either a section or a district event. To cc@derbyshirescouts.org by the end of February.

A VIEW FROM THE CHAIR Carole Grew My first contribution to K.SCOUT – how exciting. I hope that the newsletter will become a must read for all of you and that it will provide useful and interesting information for all of you. I will try to keep you up to date with what the executive are doing or are planning to do. Please remember that we are here to support Scouting in Derbyshire as much as we can. Our meetings receive reports of what is happening in the county and how we may be able to offer support. We currently have a group looking into the accommodation provision at Drum Hill – many of you will have been asked to feed back on what you think is needed, please add your voice to the debate. This year the executive will be looking for at least two new elected members, Sally Eccles and Mick Wells have served their time!!!! Please put your thinking caps on now, talk to those in your district who you feel may be able to contribute. This could be your chance to get a voice on the executive. We are especially interested to see more young people coming forward, we need their input and their challenges “Why do you do that?” is a very useful question sometime and one we do not ask ourselves often enough.

With many thanks for all you do for Derbyshire Scouting.

Happy Scouting – lets hope we have seen the last of the white stuff!!!

The difference between try & triumph is just a little umph


Chris Dolby ACC Explorer Scouts Hi everyone in Explorer Land, just a quick update with what has happened and could be happening in the future.

The Scout Association and Official Partner, Shelterbox offers a brilliant opportunity for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Scouts to find out about disaster relief work.

The county camp for 2009, was Explorers In The Towers, held at Drum Hill in July of last year. The Saturday was the main day, when 2 coaches loaded with explorers & leaders, went to Alton Towers & on return, everyone attended the disco in the evening, a great time was by all. As for the future, well obviously there is Peak 2010 but from a section point of view, there is the possibility of an environment camp, in the early part of the year. A cyclo-cross event, in the latter part of the year & more excitingly, plans are coming together for a week long county camp, in Cornwall, for 2011. This will be launched to the section at Spring Bank camp & then to the districts, around the county, so watch out for one coming to you.

This all ties in nicely with the Global Emphasis this year with PEAK2010 international camp theme of One World Our World, and in particular the Scout Section across the County with the emphasis and Scouts achieving their G l o b a l Challenge award although should spur both Scout Groups and Explorer Scout Units towards achieving their Global Challenge, and for Explorers their International section of the Chief Scout Platinum Award.

With the appointment of the new CC there are plans afoot, for various training days for leaders but these have yet to be looked at. Finally, there is a Chief Scout Award presentation coming up in February, where 8 Explorers are receiving their certificates at the county presentation held at Edensor, Chatsworth, well done to those. Thanks & see you all soon.

Working together with The Scouts Association, Shelterbox has created a programme of fun and imaginative activities that cover 10 months - one for every year ShelterBox has been helping people all round the world. Each month explores a different theme and will challenge a section to complete one activity. After successfully completing 10 activities, one for each theme and each month, you‟ll be awarded a ShelterBox mystery prize. The monthly themes are all

supported by 10 separate ShelterBox Info documents. These are also part of The Shelterbox Challenge page on the website and give information about how the themes relate to their work. They have also included an extra unnamed month, just to give you a choice in case you want to replace one of the existing themes. In order to assist sections in the running of this challenge, you will find „How to run‟ guide and all the resources needed for that activity from the Scout Leaders‟ page of the Young Shelter Box website: www.youngshelterbox.org The other good bit of news is lots of the activities included in The ShelterBox Challenge also count towards other badges . . . so have a look and find out how you can take part in The ShelterBox Challenge! If you take up this challenge with your section, let Shelterbox know! Simply email youngshelterbox@shelterbox.or g your name, address, the name of your group and how many of your section are taking part. We will then send you a complimentary pack of additional goodies to accompany the programme.

Be prepare

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OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PAGE LAUNCHED So that we keep up to date with changing technology and methods of communication, an official "fan page" for Derbyshire Scouting has been set up on facebook. Along with the website, this will form our public-facing web presence and is one element in a wider plan to improve communication across the county. It will run alongside the new newsletter and other channels of communication. The page is accessible to anyone with a facebook account - which will include the large number of adult volunteers and older youth members (mainly Explorers and Network) already registered on the site; along with parents and any other interested parties. Anyone that "becomes a fan" of the page will be able to view news items, photos and videos; as well as engage in discussion with other "fans". The site is interactive and will be kept up to date and relevant through the regular addition of news, events and media. This is where you come in - both in terms of promoting the site to members and parents, and in submitting contributions. We'd like to set up a network of people around the county who will be responsible for posting local news items - a local contact for their District with editor access to the facebook

page. If you are interested, please contact Dan Weaver via danny.weaver@btinternet.com.

A VISION FOR 2018 2018 may seem quite a way off, but the Scout Association are constantly planning and reviewing the direction the movement is going in. Over recent months lots of workshops have taken place across the United Kingdom looking at various aspects of Scouting culminating in a publication called Shaping The Future. As a result of this, a vision is being considered under three headings:

What we will do (our impact) Scouting in 2018 will:  have a positive impact in our communities  prepare young people to be active citizens  embrace and contribute to wider social change. Ever yone no w has an opportunity to comment on the vision, and further details can be found at: http://www.scouts.org.uk/ cms.php? pageid=2524&pagenotlive=1

COUNTY NEWSLETTER DETAILS Welcome to the first issue of the County Newsletter.

What we will look like Scouting in 2018 will be:  shaped by young people in partnership with adults  as diverse as the communities in which we live  enjoyed by more young people and by more adult volunteers. How we will feel Members of Scouting in 2018 will feel:  empowered  valued  proud.

My Name is Nick Griffiths, and I have volunteered to put together all the information/news and good work that happens across the County in to the publication called K.Scout. In order for this to succeed, we need your news, event details, whether you are an individual, group or a district...please send it in! You can submit news via: www.derbyshirescout.org

Log on to the official Facebook page at www.facebook.com/pages/Derbyshire-Scouts/238359033036

The deadline for inclusion in the next issue is: 19th March 2010


Up and coming training modules, all held at the Bemrose Centre, Drum Hill. Saturday 27th Feb 2010 Mod6 Valuing Diversity Sunday 28th Feb 2010 Mod5 Fundamental Values Mod8 Skills of Leadership Mod9 Working with Adults

As previous years the International Peace Light from Bethlehem was received at New Sawley Methodist Church on 14th December, as part of its journey across Europe, Russia, North and Central America.

Saturday 20th Mar 2010

The County Beaver Scout Team is in the process of creating a “Programmes on a Plate” and Games resource especially for Beaver Scout Leaders in Der b ys hir e . T hes e ar e programmes and games used successfully by Beaver Scout Leaders in Derbyshire with their Beaver Scout Colonies. We hope this will be a growing resource and plan for it to provide relevant contact details for talks and visits in Derbyshire too. However, we need some help to get all this into a style and format which can be easily searched and downloaded from the web. Can you help? We have several pages already in a Microsoft word format but need assistance to move the project on. If you think you may be able to help – then please contact Joy the ACC Beaver Scouts for Derbyshire for a chat about the project. She can be reached via accbeavers@derbyshirescouts.org or ask your District Beaver Scout contact /ADC for Joy‟s phone number.

Mod11 Administration Sectional Mod12 Providing Balanced Prog Mod13 Growing the Movement Mod14 Young People Today Sunday 21st Mar 2010

The Light was escorted into Church by Members of 1st Sawley Scouts and Cubs and Brownies from 3rd Sawley Brownie Pack, before being transferred to other lamps as part of its journey across the UK.

Mod15 Challenging Behaviour Mod17 Activities Outdoors Mod18 Practical Skills Mod19 International Application forms are available from www.derbyshirescouts.org and Please send completed application forms for all courses to the County Administrator, Jacquie Riley post: Derbyshire Scouts PO Box 7782 Belper Derbys DE56 9EB Or e-mail: admin@derbyshirescouts.org Application forms must be received 6 weeks before the date of the course. Failure to do so may result in your application being refused.

The Service of Reception was attended by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Erewash, our County Comm iss ioner, Sc outing representatives from Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Loughborough District, South Derbyshire, Ashfield District Fellowship, Members of the local Guide Association and the general public, many taking the light back to their local communities or passing the flame onto others. Further details of the project and distribution can be found on www.peacelight.org.uk .

1st Highfield are Chilled Out at Gilwell Winter Camp 2009

Dave MacAlister The ACC (Scouts) view on the Scout Section Across The County Over recent weeks I have been pleased to visit some District meetings and have been impressed by the good Scouting that is going on around the County. The enthusiasm of the Leaders involved is surely rubbing off on the Scouts – marked by the activities both undertaken and planned. Recent visits to Ilkeston, Long Eaton, South Derbyshire and Peak all proved this point. I look forward to going to other Districts over the next few weeks.

Challenge Badge Guidance Sheets At our ADC meetings over the last few months, we have shared best practise in how we im plem ent som e of the Challenge badges, the aim being to provide the busy Scout Leader (aren‟t they all!) with some guidance and examples of running the Challenges. To date we have completed five – Promise, Community, Fitness, Expedition and Global. All of these can now be downloaded form the County website

Chief Scout’s Gold Awards At the point of writing, I am pleased to say we have a record number of awards to present at our County presentations at Cavendish Hall on 7th February. Sixty three awards representing 9 Districts from across the County. .

Global Challenge a challenge for 2010 In this Peak year, we are promoting the Global Challenge and to encourage this, we are to have a “Roll of Honour” which we will add to as we go through the year. It will be on display at Peak 2010 and awards gained throughout the week will be added to it. Look on the C o u n t y website for more details and promotional flyer.

1st Highfield Scout Troop from Chesterfield District braved the severe snow to attend the famous Winter Camp held at Gilwell Park annually on the first weekend in January. Here's Simon, our GSL on Friday morning preparing camp ready for our other Leaders and scouts arrival later that evening. Simon and Kevin (our Chairman) went one night ahead to transport all the equipment, and to test out the freezing temperature on Thursday night!!

Leaders and scouts arrived safely on Friday evening, eager to enjoy their 2 nights under canvas at -6 degrees!! This one was definitely a freeeeze camp. What a fantastic adventure, with 70 'cool' activities on site, sounds like quad bikes were a favourite along with zorbing, brush boarding, digger driving, pedal carts and 3G swing, to name a few. Sunday teatime arrived back; tired adults and snowballing scouts (you'd think they'd have had enough of the snow)....adults unpacking trailers and hanging up wet tents.....with help from the older scouts (between snowball fights). The members would like to thank the organisers and volunteers at Winter Camp and their amazing Leaders for taking the scouts on a camp to remember - until the next camp at least!!

e Around Th ounty C Send us yo

ur news!

Wilmot Wander Congratulations to all who took part in the Wilmot Wander which is a 32 mile open event for both competative walkers and fell runners and is organised by the 27th Derby (Chaddesden) Scout Group. The route circles Derby and includes strenuous hilly sections, field paths,parkland and canal tow paths. The event has 2 classes of competition for teams of 3 to 6 members - competing for: The Les Gaskin Trophy for Walkers The Wilmot Wander Trophy for Fell Runners More details including a history of this event will be included in next months issue. Runners


FLYING HIGH 2010 Derby East Scout and Guide Gang Show Flying High has been performed every two years since 1968 and this year‟s show promises to be the best yet as we are back in the old Playhouse building, The Derby Theatre.

SCOUT FELLOWSHIP soon to be SCOUT ACTIVE SUPPORT UNITS On behalf of all Fellowship embers in the County, I would like to welcome Tom Stoddart as our new County Commissioner and would like to thank John Queening for all his hard work and support for Fellowship for the last seven years. I am sure Tom will support Fellowship during our change to Scout Active Support. Tom is well known to a lot of us and I know from past experience that he will ‟Do His Best‟ as a former leader and Commissioner in the Cub section. By now most will know about the change to Scout Fellowship. The change is not major and Scout Active Support will still support Scouting in Derbyshire as it did with the Scout Fellowship. The main County launch for Scout Active Support will take place at Peak 2010, to which Fellowship members not on the staff will be invited. More details nearer the time. Our annual quiz this year will take place on Thursday 25th March at The Abbey Pub in Darley Abbey. Price is £4 per head in teams of four to include hot food, so please get your teams together, all are welcome. Our thanks to Derby North Fellowship for hosting the quiz this time. Please put the date in your diaries.

The show will take place from 23rd to 27th February 2010, Tuesday to Friday at 7.15pm, Saturday at 1.30pm and 6.00pm. Tickets are on sale from the Derby Live box office on 01332 255800 or online at www.derbylive.co.uk or in person at either the Derby Theatre or the Assembly Rooms. Prices are £12 with £9 concessions for all performances. Please come and support the only major Gang Show in Derbyshire. We look forward to seeing you there. Jean Roulinson Producer

oyal R d l e i f r e t roup Ches G e d i u G & Scout Hospital, Chesterfield Working W

ith Calow

Last autumn the newest scout group in Derbyshire opened at Calow Hospital in Chesterfield. Actually, it is a joint scout and guide group. Talks with the hospital began in the spring, and we were delighted with their welcoming response. The move to have a joint group with the guides was embraced by their county commissioner and they have been a delight to work with. Open meetings for interested leaders were held and some of us went to Sheffield to see how that hospital group worked. They were thrilled to show us around, being justifiably proud of their group. The hospital in Sheffield is specifically for children, whereas we were only going to be involved with one ward, nevertheless we picked up several tips. Thus in September we got off the ground. We meet for an hour on Wednesday evenings. We had already set the themes for the evenings and leaders simply sign up for any evening that they can manage. Our themes have ranged from „Diwali‟ to „Australia‟ to „flying things‟. The idea is that leaders simply turn up with anything that they might have on the theme. W e have a photocopier there together with all basic materials: paper, card, scissors, glue etc so it means that the children can then choose what they want to do. We work with children and their siblings between 5 and 16 years. We get very few of the older children. Numbers vary

week by week as the turnover on the ward is high and many stay only overnight. As we progress we will get to know and recognise the few who come back to the ward on a regular basis. Most times there are perhaps half a dozen youngsters. W e send materials into the side wards for any children in isolation and also visit children at their bedside. Originally it had been planned to use the schoolroom, but we have found that having a spot in one of the ward bays is far better, as the children see us working and can often be persuaded to come along, whereas they would not be so keen if they had to move out of sight of Mum or Dad. Actually parents, grandparents, carers are welcome to come along and join in. I think that our relaxed attitude is one of the reasons why we are successful with children who perhaps have only just come back from theatre. Apart from attending an induction evening on the ward, there is no specific training. Common sense and adaptability are required! We wear uniform, but it is hot on the ward, so polo shirts are preferable to uniform shirts. We are looking at getting some special t-shirts and neckers and have been searching for a logo – not too young (no teddy bears), but suitable for children. We think

we are there, more in the next newsletter. If anyone wants to be involved, please get in touch with me. Although 20 scouters initially expressed interest, only 4 have completed the induction, so we are heavily reliant on the guiders. It would be lovely to have more equal numbers, and anyway it is such fun. We do need some male leaders, especially for the older boys, sometimes they just want to chat. You have to be 18y+ at present and so far everyone has another role in scouting or guiding. Network, Fellowship/ SAS, this is ideal for you too! Anne Veale 01773 603524 anneveale@hotmail.com

Simply Scouting T h e 2 2 n d W or l d S c o u t Jamboree will be held in Sweden in 2011. The theme for the Jamboree is Simply Scouting. 22WSJ Sweden will encourage meetings between those from different cultures, religions, countries and contingents. Participants will get to know those who live outside of their own local community and find that strangers can become friends. All aspects of the camp will encourage meetings: the schedule, the programme and even the site design!! This will all take place from 27 July 2011 to 7 August 2011 Further Information In Next Issue on what the Derbyshire Contingent are up to in preparation for WSJ2011

Kandersteg 2011 Join Derbyshire Scout Network on an international adventure to the Kandersteg International Scout Centre in the heart of the Swiss Alps. In August 2011, we'll be taking a coach load of Network members camping for a week, fully catered, in our first ever large scale county-organised trip abroad. You could be a part of it, with the opportunity to take part in a wide range of adventurous activities in beautiful surrounds and alongside other Scouts from around the world. You could experience everything from glacier walking, to fishing in a m ountain lak e, or even paragliding over the peaks. Sample some genuine Swiss culture -and their chocolates and cheese too, of course! Expressions of interest are now being taken via www.derbyshirenetwork.org.uk/ kandersteg.

The event will be open to anyone in Network at the time of the trip, which will include a number of individuals currently in Explorers. We are in the process of getting information out to Explorers and Network. We will be running a series of information evenings around the county in March (details tbc soon), but in the mean time more information is available from www.derbyshirenetwork.org.uk/ kandersteg and the facebook event linked from that site.

County Ball 2010 On Saturday 9th January, the spectacular recently renovated former railway repair shedturned Derby College campus, the Roundhouse, played host to the 2010 edition of the annual ball. The event - organised by the Network on behalf of the county - attracted around 350 Network members and adult volunteers; including individuals from neighbouring counties, Dean Smith the Regional Commissioner and Adrian Wray,

the National Advisor.



In his speech, Adrian paid tribute to the hard work of Network members in the county in making Derbyshire Network one of the most succesful; whilst our new County Commissioner, Tom Stoddart, thanked his predecessor, John Queening, for his efforts in leading the county over the last few years. Thank you presentations were made to John, to Dan Weaver for his leadership of the Network section over the last 18 months, and to Ian Pownall for organising the County Ball for the previous five years. This year Ian was succeeded in the role of event organiser by Lee "Legend" Smith and Rebecca Dennett; to whom we all owe our thanks for organising an excellent, high-quality event. Whilst the change of venue was the most notable difference to previous years, the event saw a number of other tweaks for 2010. DJ Spud - Derbyshire Network's resident DJ - took over the job of entertaining us for much of the night; helped by the addition of two sets played by the local live covers band "11th Hour". The event will return again in 2011 - watch this space for details!

Your Scout Network Contact County Scout Network Commissioner Lucy Robinson lucyjanerobinson@hotmail.co.uk

that event. No specific requirement to have a ‘Home Contact’ No requirement to find and use a third party sitting at home by their phone for the length of the event. Systems like this can be used if it is deemed by the organisers that this is the best way of managing communications for the particular event, but there is not a requirement where a more effective system is identified. Applies to activities The Scout Association Home Contact System has been around for a number of years, and following a consultation period has now been refreshed. Detailed below are the reasons why this is the case and an introduction to the new approach: Communications changed

Looking for flexibility to take into account all of this A review was implemented to see how the scheme could be updated to take into account these areas and changes The main changes updated system:



have Name changed to InTouch

In this time communications have moved forward greatly, in particular mobiles phones, email and the internet. These aren‟t reflected in the Home Contact scheme

Only a superficial change, but should avoid confusion between the updated scheme and the old Home Contact system. A


system rather than a set of inflexible procedures

Not all events are run in the same way, but one system was trying to work for everything, from Jamborees to day trips, from large County events to smaller activity trips.

Rather than a set of things you must do this system is a set of things you need to think about and make sure you put a procedure in place to deal with. This should ensure that for each event the InTouch system is the most relevant and usable for

Different events






The reasons for having an InTouch system in place (to ensure; everyone involved is aware of how communication will take place between Leaders, participants and those not on the event, there are details of who is present should anything go wrong, and there is a system in place in the event of an emergency) remain the same whatever the event, from an international expedition to a weekly meeting. It is just the procedures put in place that are likely to be different. Applies to all ages The reasons for having an InTouch system in place remain the same whatever the age of the participants. This includes both adult only events (Network, Scout Active Support etc) and adults at events for young people (Leaders, Helpers etc) Further Information Further information on Intouch can be found at www.scouts.org.uk/intouch

Activity Diary Dates First response course (6 hr , 1 day), 21 Feb venue TBC and 6 March venue Sinfin Community School, Derby. The Cost for each course is £30 16 Hr NGB first aid - this is for leaders operating with a permit in Terrain 2 or ML, WGL or SPA. MLTE clearly state that a 16 hour course is required for SPA and WGL as well as ML(S). Nobody can operate as ML, WGL or SPA if their first aid has expired, or is lesser than the 16 hour!!! Cost £50 for Scout or Guide Leaders, Venue TBA Climbing/ Abseiling training – this is a 2 day training course ideal as an introduction for anyone wishing to obtain their permit for climbing / abseiling permit or anyone on the Peak climbing / abseiling team. The cost is F.O.C For more information or to book your place on any of the above courses please contact Steve Hilditch 07809 815000 e-mail: firstaid@scsconsultantservices.co.uk The cost of any of the courses above can be paid for by the Peak training fund, for more information contact Dave Mitchell 07866 728285 dave.mitchell@peak2010.org

Derbyshire Scouting & Girlguiding Derbyshire In partnership with Derby County Football Club present:

Derby County v Crystal Palace On Saturday April 17th 2010 At Pride Park Stadium A Special Scout & Guide designated match Special Scout & Guide tickets priced at only:

Children ÂŁ7 Adults ÂŁ16 1 Free Adult ticket for every ten tickets sold PLUS

6 A Side Football Competition for all Sections throughout the day at Powerleague (next to stadium) Be a part of the pre match entertainment After match Penalty Shoot Out With over 350 places available

Full details will be available on the 31st January - ask you Leader, or visit www.derbyshirescouts.org e-mail football@derbyshirescouts.org Derbyshire Scouts Registered Charity Number: 1019079 Girlguiding Derbyshire is an operating name of The Guide Association Derbyshire Registered Charity N0. 504343

County Calendar—February—April 2010

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