KScout Issue 11

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K.Scout is the Newsletter of the Derbyshire County Scout Council. All contributions and photos gratefully received and should be sent to news@derbyshirescouts.org for inclusion. Deadline for next issue: 20th Dec 2011!

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Hello and once again I start K. by saying what an amazing & busy time you have had since the majority started back in September. I have been involved with and seen lots of imaginative an creative activities taking place across the age ranges. The Scout section being particularly busy. Border Hike well done the 3rd Buxton keeping Derbyshire in the trophies. (highest placed Scout team) and can we please have a Derbyshire explorer unit take the John Bradbury trophy? Leicestershire have won it enough. Fish & Chips on me to the Derbyshire team that win it in 2012. Judging by this years entries do not leave it to late to enter. Also thanks to the High Peak team that put it all together you all made me feel very welcome over the week end and the crumble with scrumped apples mm mm.

team for instigating and especially all our leaders for their enthusiasm. It goes without saying that over the last few weeks I have met and spoken with a lot of leaders and young people and one area of disappointment (something I very rarely feel) is the apparent lack of information still getting through to some of our leaders and some of the membership. The lack of response to the international opportunities has highlighted it recently as when talking to Scouts and some leaders they are totally unaware of the opportunity, that is not to say they would necessarily be able to go but they are not even getting the chance to say no. Jacquie currently sends an Email to some 1600 addresses and post‟s out circa 24 printed copies of K Dot, and I know of at least two district secretaries who mail the link on again, Face book has nearly 900 friends. Can I ask that as in times past with printed newsletters someone prints a copy off and puts it up in their meeting place to spread the news that bit wider.

Kinder walk and Challenge again brilliant turn outs and good walking / fun by all even the team who got a little misplaced. Heather and myself do enjoy check-pointing at Hayfield and chatting with all (a very long chat with Quest supporters).

You could also help by checking your own details on my backpack to see if you have you‟re current E mail address there as this is the source for Jacquies E mailing list. If you need help accessing my backpack please call Jacquie.

And so it goes on with Rampage, the Network Alton towers week end 200 + attending, Belper district camp , 240 graduates from Rolls-Royce working at the County camp site and as for ready steady cook with the Cub Scouts what a good turnout and such style. On arriving I really did think Tracy had invited some trainee chefs / hoteliers / ? to judge. I was surprised when I quietly asked who the posh professionals were, to be told young leaders / Cub assistants from Chesterfield and Ilkeston all in suits and posh frocks well Nicola anyway, again well done to all of you

I know I promised a K. + to be out by now and it is not for the want of trying I now think we have found someone in Belper district to undertake this for us ( fingers crossed ) and hope to see this slimmed down version (special K! ) to go live in January . If anyone has other ideas to improve communications further please let me know.

Of course the Beaver Scout section are still enjoying the aftermath of Bonanza by completing Furry Freds challenge, it has been good fun going with Joy to present awards to those colonies who have already completed the Challenge. The standard of work completed and the opportunities their leaders have made available is truly outstanding and imaginative. I particularly liked the Beaver from Chatsworth who said his backwoods soup was “ very very very very drastic” !! again thanks to Joy and

It does seem a little early to be signing off by wishing you all a merry Christmas but having had the information about stamp and deliver it has made me realise this will be the last K. until January. So once again a very sincere thanks for all all of you do and for the enthusiasm with which you do it . I am aware of some for who this year has been and continues to be difficult and I am especially grateful that you keep smiling and whistling as we used to say.

Peak District Beaver Scouts attended Gulliverâ€&#x;s Kingdom for the evening on the 30th October We arrived at 1pm in the afternoon, all 52 people with pack up teas we split into smaller groups so getting on the rides was easier, beavers scouts from both Bakewell colonies, both Chatsworth colonies, and one of the Ha th e rs ag e colonies had representatives attending, We all attacked the rides with great enthusiasm, the group I was with attacked the tea cups, the log flume three times and the mine train other groups went on the pirate ship and the carousel horses amongst others. We all congregated in the play house for tea time pack lunches and had a free play in the soft play and indoor games. Then we all found the rides again, roller coasters were favourite after tea, one little beavers sat next to me found it really amusing the faster it went, she giggled more uncontrollably and quieter as the speed took her breath away and as it finished its lap she turned and said we go again, I replied no I think we are finished and she looked at me and said no it goes 3 times round first, as it sped off again, and she giggled more.

W e then took our group round to the ladybird rides ready for the fireworks, and the beavers went on them as we waited and the scout and cub that came along to help out with our groups decided to take me and another leader on the bigger rollercoaster so off we went another fast high sped ride 3 times round

again, off we get to the familiar comment can we go again please. So we went back to our group to check if any other leaders wanted to swap with us one swapped with me and the other leader went again. When it came to fireworks we gave out a small glow stick pumpkin lolly to the beavers and any leader wanting them and stood in ore at the fantastic fireworks. Over the speakers came the comment at the end if you liked them then please come again at Christmas A quick nip to the shop the spend the pocket money and it was home time Great fun was had by all so I think we may have to attend next year too

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congratulations to all involved, including the leaders, keep up the good w o r k . So till the next issue, its tarra from Explorer land. Many thanks Chris Dolby ACC Explorer Scouts


Dronfield awards night The County Commissioner was pleased to be able to present BAR TO THE AWARD FOR MERIT Roger Hastings Guite, District Treasurer Mrs Jennifer Irene Humpage, District Secretary AWARD FOR MERIT Mrs Susan Dowling, ASL / BSL 4th Dronfield Frank Alan Hudson, GSL 1st Driffield Paul Spencer Hudson, EXSL Dronfield Donald Anthony King, AGSL 7th Dronfield together with a 40 year certificate to Alan Carr District commissioner and a 50 year certificate to Anne Athey

Explorer Scout 10 Years Hi Explorer Land, we are looking at celebrating 10 yrs of Explorer Scouting & plans are being formulated as we type. There will be 2 launch dates in Jan 2012 & the dates & venues will be announced in the n e xt edition. It is looking like, there will be a series of 10 challenges to undertake through the year (challege 10)& on completing them all, you will get a commemorative badge. The celebrations, will culminate in EXFEST a music festival at the back end of the year. Up to press, there are 11 young people, who have completed the Queens Scout Award & will be attending W indsor ne xt year,

Many thanks to all the leaders who have attended training this year for their feedback and support of the new diary structure we have used in 2011. On the whole it has been received very positively and we have taken on board comments and requests received to make some adjustments to the format for 2012. You will find the 2012 Diary at the back of this edition of KScout. Booking forms can be found in the training download section of the county web sitewww.derbyshirescouts.org. It has been agreed that the training fees will remain the same for 2012. Can I please remind anyone wishing to book on a course that we need to receive bookings at least 2 weeks before the course date. We will acknowledge receipt of your booking and then send out course details about a week before the actual session, so please contact us if you do not receive anything in case your booking has gone astray. Delivering training across the county in this way needs a large pool of trainers and we are always interested to hear from anyone who would be interested in joining the team. Finally I would like to thank the Local Training Managers and Trainers who have travelled around the county to make this possible. Sally Eccles County Training Manager

International Peacelight A lot of people asked how they can get involved with the peace light The website is :http://www.peacelight.org.uk/

t evelopmen RegionaailnDintroduced the team

w Michelle S Midlands in the East

Hopefully when you hear the name RDS these days, you will think of us.... Mick, Natalie and Michelle. We are the small (but perfectly formed!) team from Headquarters who can help to support you with your Scouting development needs in Derbyshire. A Little bit about us: Mick: Having been around in Scouting for many years, I started my journey as an Adult back in 1978 and have had a variety of roles, all of which I have enjoyed thoroughly. My current roles are as an Assistant GSL and Appointments Secretary – but I also help out with the Scout Troop on a Sunday too!! Being an RDO means that I can transfer my skills and help support many other volunteers to develop and grow Scouting as I know the great many benefits it can bring to everyone involved. Natalie: I have been involved in Scouting since I was 8. My mum was an ASL so of course the whole family became involved. As soon as my mum let me leave Guiding (Scouting was not really for girls in her opinion) I became a Venture Scout and was a very active member being the Chairman but also the County rep for regional consultations. Yes I was there in 2000 when discussing the changes in Uniform, Sections and programme. My other roles in Scouting have included ASL, ACSL and later CSL. My first role at HQ was as a Youth Volunteering Development Officer and my task was to recruit and retain 16-25 year olds into Scouting. I loved being able to give others all of the opportunities that I have had. Moving to the East Midlands from London was a fantastic opportunity to continue to help young people and adults alike enjoy the opportunities that Scouting has for so many. Michelle: After being around HQ for many years, I married into the Swain family from Derbyshire (some of you may well know Liz or Ian – my inlaws...). I lived in London for 30 years and started my career in Scouting as an employee at Gilwell. I enjoyed a number of years helping in a District and also being a Beaver scout Leader until I started life out in the field of Development. This is where my passion lies and believing in what Young People and Adults gain from Scouting and the magnitude of opportunities available is what drives me. That‟s enough about us – what do we do??? Our core work is to support District Commissioners and Group Scout Leaders with Growth and Development in their local communities. How we do

this depends on many factors, but ultimately, the Scouters we work with need to be on-board with the project that we support as we rely heavily on the knowledge locally to enable us to do a good job and be successful. Some of the projects we have undertaken in Derbyshire in the last three years are as follows:

        

Open a Hospital Scout Group Opening new Scout Groups District Commissioner Inductions Recruitment events District and Group development planning County Commissioner Recruitment District Commissioner Recruitment Supporting District and Groups at regular meetings to drive development

All three of us in the team really love what we do, and our aim is to be able to help Groups and Districts to grow and improve the quality of Scouting that is delivered – we don‟t have a magic wand and the time it takes just depends on what the project is, along with the available time that the Group or District Scouters have to be able to support their development too – an example of this is where we are currently working on a joint two District development project (that we also managed to get some funding for!!), we meet every month with the key Scouters from both Districts – this enables us to move forwards in a very positive way and keeps us all on track! The variety and diversity of development projects are so wide-ranging the list would be endless, but here are a few of the projects we have undertaken across the Region since 2008 and if you would like to talk to us about a project you have – contact details are at the bottom of this article... Parent recruitment Schools presentations Flexible Scouting/Volunteering opportunities Adult Recruitment New Groups New Sections Satellite Scouting GSL Induction DC Induction Group Development Planning District Development Planning Taster Sessions Parent Rotas Vacancy Boards Recruitment Training Please contact us to discuss your development n e e ds on 01623 812255 or e -m ai l michelle.swain@scouts.org.uk

T NEWS CUB SCOU Tracy Lugg couts – ACC Cub S A new cub year has begun in earnest; there are cubs about to embark on a visit to Euro Disney, run in cross country events and design board games. Six teams, from six districts, have also already competed to be the Derbyshire Cooking Champions of 2011. The event held in Buxton on the 9th October was another great success. The cubs were challenged to dress a table then cook a meal fit for Scouters at our annual County Ball and WOW, what fantastic food they produced. Once again, under close supervision from leaders, the cubs chopped and boiled, diced and fried. The judges, either experienced cooks themselves or young adult leaders dressed for the occasion in prom dresses and suits, found the experience enjoyable yet challenging as the standard was even higher than the previous year. Here is what two of the judges had to say afterwards: "I loved being a judge at the cub cooking competition! The food that the cubs produced was delicious, some at a standard that I doubt I could reach! All that took part really did try their absolute best, making it extremely difficult to decide a winner, with the top three being separated by a mere three points! Well done too all those that took part!" Nicola Cree 1st Hasland Cubs “With it being my first year involved with the competition, I really didn’t know what to expect... But the standard of knowledge and skill shown by every single Cub Cook was fantastic! I was hugely impressed. I look forward to an even greater show of talent next year!” Ryan Brown 1st Hasland Cubs

However, as always there can only be one winner and with just one extra point the three cubs representing Derwent and Dove became the new holders of our superb shield. The team from 2nd Ashbourne (Puma) Pack cooked Tandori Chicken with spiced rice and a mint salad dressing followed by layered strawberry fool and lemon biscuits. Their centre piece was simple but affected and very inexpensive as one member of the team used his own woggle collection. He attached wire to each woggle and inserted them into a vase of green foliage cut from bushes in his garden. All the teams should be extremely proud of their achievements. Thank you ADC‟s leaders and parents for supporting the event and I hope to see you, along with other Derbyshire Districts, next October. Mark Stafford has made great progress with Shiree 2012 and in the next few weeks the booking forms will be going out to all those leaders who registered an interest online. You will only have four weeks to return your form though before the bookings are opened up so remember to return it promptly to avoid disappointment.


n Wilmot Wa

In the early 1970‟s I took part in a circular walk around Nottingham that started and finished at Bramcote Hills School, crossing the River Trent at Sawley and Gunthorpe giving a total mileage of about 55 miles. Having taken part, from then on I felt a walk of a similar type around Derby would result in a very interesting walk. In 1991 I concocted a route that was basically the same as the recently publicised „Derby Nomad Way‟ but due to the high mileage plus excessive road walking I modified the route to the following :- Starting at the 27th Derby (Chaddesden) Scout Group headquarters in Meadow Lane cross Chaddesden Park to Locko Park, Spondon; The White Hart, Stanley; Morley; Bell & Harp, Little Eaton; The Bridge Inn, Duffield; Quarndon; Allestree; Mackworth; Radbourne; Mickleover; Burnaston; Toyota; Findern; Stenson; Swarkestone; Shelton Lock; Alvaston; Pride Park; finishing back at the 27th Scout headquarters in Meadow Lane, a distance of 32 miles. The route was devised to provide a training opportunity for what were then Venture Scouts (16 – 21 age range) who were interested in taking part in some of the more arduous walks such as The Four Inns Walk and The Masters Hike. Having settled on the route we (myself and Les Gaskin, a leader with the 27th, who unfortunately died in 2000) decided to introduce six checkpoints which we later reduced to five situated at ;- White Hart, Stanley; Bridge Inn, Duffield; Radbourne; rear of Toyota factory and Swarkestone. The next decision, a name, we decided on The ‟Wilmot Wander‟ as the 27th Derby Scout Group were started when Miss Constance Wilmot of Chaddesden Hall, whose family had lived in Chaddesden since the days of Edward the Confessor became so encouraged by Baden Powell‟s ideas she persuaded the Vicar of St Mary‟s Church to become the first Scoutmaster of the Group on 8th September 1912. The first Wilmot Wander took place on 26th January 1992 and 82 members of the Scout

Movement making up 20 teams most of which were from the Derby area but we did attract teams from the north of the county and neighbouring Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire. The fastest time on the day was 4 Hrs 32 Mins with six other teams completing the course in less than 10 Hrs. The event has been run every year since. It was co-incidental that the first event took place in the Scout Group‟s 80th year and therefore next year‟s event that will take place on Sunday 29th January, will be the 20th event and will be part of the 27th Derby (Chaddesden) Scout Group Centenary Celebrations. The results of the 2011 event were as follows : Fastest Individual Runner Jon Kinder - Rolls Royce Harriers 4Hrs 19Mins Fastest Running Team Red Hill Road Runners (Nottingham) 4Hrs 27Mins Winners of the Wilmot Wander Trophy Fastest Walkers Individuals Chris & D Layton (Ripley) 7Hrs 12Mins Fastest Walers Team Flash, Dash, James ETC (Derby/Nottingham) 8Hrs 6Mins Anyone interested in walking or running the 2012 Wilmot Wander can obtain information and entry form either by email from johnpye@fsmail.net or by telephone/post at :136 Derby Road, Draycott, Derby, DE72 3NX. We would very much like to attract more teams from the Scout and maybe Guide Associations and possibly whet their appetites for the more challenging walks mentioned, if it is felt that a shorter route for scouts would be more attractive please feel free to put forward locations of feasible finish points, we are always open to suggestions on ways to improve the event. Bob Rogerson Group Scout Leader, 27th Derby (Chaddesden) Scout Group.

acAlistecor ut Section Dave Mew on the S

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Rampage 2011 We had an increased entry again this year with a total of 63 teams actually starting the event – 36 in the Walk and 27 in the Challenge. We were delighted to welcome our first entries from the Guide section- well done to the three teams from the 2nd Ashbourne Guides who all completed the Challenge in under 5 hours – a creditable performance. Fastest time for the Walk was 3 hours 18 minutes and fastest for the Challenge was 2 hours 40 minutes. We were also pleased to present the Pennine Shield to 3rd Codnor Scout team – the first time we have had entries for this category since we introduced the Challenge in 2008. My thanks are extended to all the many helpers on the event – the Kinder Walk Committee, Derby Mountain Rescue Team, County Team and fellow Scouters without whom we could not run the event. We do of course hope to welcome them all back for the 2012 event! 3rd Codnor Scouts receiving the Pennine Shield at their Troop meeting they hadn‟t realised they had won it until then!

We were honoured to welcome Mark Tarry, the Chief Commissioner for England to visit Rampage this year. Mark presented the trophies as follows. Winners – 1 8 t h Chesterfield with 480 points Runners Up – 1 s t W oodville with 475 points Third Place - 1st Duffield with 460 points Full set of the 2011 results can be downloaded – from the County website. My thanks are extended to nearly 50 staff who ran the bases and to the Drum Hill staff for their help in setting up and the preparation for what has become a really popular event in the Scouting calendar. Date for the 2012 Rampage is Sunday 7th October – entry form will be available in July.

Chief Scouts‟ Gold Awards We now have 45 names for the presentations – to be held at County Hall, Matlock on February 5th. Closing date for this is 31st December.

ton Ann Thounrn t Again!

o Time To C istrator sus Admin County Cen

A very big thank you to all involved in the collection of census data. I know too well that it is a time-consuming and frustrating task, but even with the changes last time you all remained positive and did your „bit‟ which really helped me to complete the County census ontime thus ensuring that everyone got the Membership Subscription discount. I have spoken to HQ and am told that the process of collecting data for the 31st January 2012 is the same as last time. Details were published in the Focus Supplement of the October/ November 2010 Scouting Magazine and are still available on the link http://www.scouts.org.uk/cms.php? pageid=3087 the ethnicity and disability codes are included and forms can be downloaded from http:// www.scouts.org.uk/census Headquarters will be sending out passwords to access the Census on-line at the beginning of December. A reminder please that POR states that: The number of Members and Associate Members must be returned in an annual Census of the Group or District. b. A list of the names and addresses of Members in a Group at the date of the annual census must be collected by the Group and passed to the District Secretary who in turn will pass a copy to the County Secretary. c. A list of the names and addresses of Members of Explorer Scout Units in the District must be collected by the District and passed to the District Secretary who in turn will pass a copy to the County Secretary. d. A list of the names and addresses of members of a District Scout Network must be collected by the District and passed to the District Secretary who in turn will pass a copy to the County Secretary. Note: in Derbyshire the details need to go to the County Census Administrator (Ann) who will forward details to the County Secretary on completion of the census.

Please can I ask again that we all use the standard format for name and address lists which now includes the ethnicity and disability fields, it must be in electronic form. If you personally are not able to provide the information in electronic form then please ask for support. Your Group or District may well have someone to take on the role of data entry for you. Advice and documents can be downloaded at http://census.sbuk.org.uk/ and I have copies if needed. As always, I will not „approve‟ on behalf of County without the supporting name and address lists being forwarded to me as County Census Administrator to cross reference details entered on-line. All numbers will need to be entered by Groups as soon as possible after 31st January 2012, the deadline for District returns is Monday 20th February 2012. Tom has asked me to remind everyone that only young people who could start immediately should be entered in the „Waiting Lists‟ section. District secretaries/census administrators will need to provide the data for Network members (the list must say whether a member is a leader elsewhere). If a Network member is a leader elsewhere, then it is usual for the Group to pay, if they are not a leader then capitation will need to be paid by the member. Any Network members not included on a District Return will need to be included on the County Return. Please can you let both myself and Lucy have details of any County Network members in your District so that we can make sure that they are included on the County return and so that capitation can be invoiced appropriately. As in previous years any personal information that is sent electronically must be password protected and the passwords for each District remain the same as previous years. Please can DCs forward details of the person responsible for the census in their District to me as soon as possible and please do contact me if you need any advice or help with the process aethornton@btinternet.com

Ann Thornton County Census Administrator

g….. Introducin Matt Davenport Advisor vit Water Acti


It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Matt Davenport the new County Water Activities Advisor. It will be his role to

point people in the right direction should they want to try a new water sport, need advice on best practice or are interested in gaining a permit to take Scouts out on the water. Matt started his Scouting career as a Cub at 1st Duffield Scout Group, where he found it difficult to leave and now is a Section Leader for one of the Duffield Scout Troops.

Matt is now a Level 3 Inland Kayak coach, FSRT Provider, Bell Boat Helm Tutor and an assessor for Scout canoeing permits. Matt tries to keep a balance between kayaking and open boating and throw in the occasional sea kayaking trip to the mix. His paddling has taken him across England, Wales, Scotland and France. He has been known to turn his hand to knee boarding and a little water skiing, but would be the first to admit that he never really mastered it! Every year Matt tries to get to Anglesey for a spot of coasteering on the cliffs around Porthdafarch. He still likes to get out sailing when he can, whether in a dinghy or in his friend‟s 37 footer on the Solent. Matt says “I am hoping that my experience across these sports will enable me to support others in their water based roles” and “I am happy to provide people with advice on where they can access water activities, whether it is from County Scout Active Support Units Derbyshire or further abroad. Should you wish to be able to lead your own groups on the water then I will be able to put you in touch with the relevant people that will be able and willing

Professionally Matt is a primary school teacher with a year 5/6 class in Chaddesden. Matt was introduced to water activities through Scouts, taking part in his first kayaking session on Coniston Water during a summer camp. From here he continued to develop his paddling within Scouting, achieving his one and two star. Matt went on to progress his paddling further with Midland Canoe Club, with whom which he continues to paddle with today. Aside from canoeing Matt also learnt to sail, first at Staunton Harold Sailing Club and then at Carsington. Matt used to sail a Topper then went on to a Laser II Regatta with his brother before finishing on a Laser with a full rig. Unfortunately due to time and financial constraints he had to drop sailing in order to continue with his paddling. During the 2007 Jamboree he volunteered on Splash and was one of half a dozen senior instructors in kayaking, responsible for assessing the 120 instructors and assistant instructors for their site permits.

to help you. Finally, it will be my responsibility to manage water permits and what craft are registered in the County. In the near future I will be trying to get in touch with all Groups, Units and Districts in order to get a feel for what water activities currently take place in the County. However if you would like to get in touch and share your adventures or just chat about how I can help you or vice-versa then please contact me. I am looking forward to meeting you all on the water soon!” Matt Davenport 07977447373 matt_dav1@hotmail.com

If you read the Derbyshire Times, you may have spotted a brand new fullpage feature once a month called “Scouting About”. Two editions have now been published, with contributions from Scout groups, etc in the paper‟s distribution area – which predominantly includes Chesterfield, Dronfield and East Scarsdale Districts. Feedback so far has been quite positive, and if it continues to be successful it is hoped that the feature can be rolled out more widely in Derbyshire through the other newspaper titles in the group. This provides us with a great opportunity to promote local Scouting by taking control of some of the media coverage we receive. As long as it is interesting, up to date and relevant, we can tailor the feature to suit our needs – such as including adult recruitment campaigns, fundraising events or activity news. Of course, a project such as this relies massively on local support and is only possible thanks to the articles and photos provided by leaders locally – so a big thank you to everyone that has contributed so far! And to those that I am sure will be doing so soon (hint). At the moment, I am collating the articles for the Derbyshire Times version myself and editing as necessary into a finished product to go to the paper which requires minimal further editing on their part. To prepare one feature once a month requires some chasing for articles and a couple of hours editing, before sending it to the

paper in advance of a set deadline. As part of the plan to expand the feature into other areas, I am looking to recruit volunteers to take the project on locally, with my support. Specifically, we have been asked about launching the feature in the Ripley & Heanor News and Belper News next – and so these areas are the first targets. However, the group of newspapers also includes the Matlock Mercury, Buxton Advertiser and Ilkeston Advertiser, so I would be very interested to hear from anyone in any of these areas that is interested in getting involved. Please do ask around and give me a call if you wish to discuss further! Dan Weaver media@derbyshirescouts.org 07742833724

Communications You can Facebook the County at: www.facebook.com/derbyshirescouts You can follow us on twitter at: @derbyshirescout Contact Dan Weaver (Media Development Manager): media@derbyshirescouts.org Send K.Scout Your News: news@derbyshirescouts.org

the other stood in the water and pulled them off at the bottom. We had 60 entrants who came from Derby, Long Eaton, Ashbourne, Duffield, Leicestershire and Hyde (Manchester).

The Leicester Caving Team said they had a brilliant day out!!!

The winner of the Open Race was Nathaniel Newsome of the 20th Derby Scouts, in a time of 1 hour and 9 minutes, the fastest female was Alexandra Pollard of the 1st

15th Long Eaton - "Thank you very much for you and your teams efforts in organising the race today. The scouts all had a great time". It was a lovely day - the best it's ever been - Ian Lamb marshall at the start.

Ashbourne Guides & seniors and the winner of the under 14's was Josh Constable of the 149th Derby. Over 75's winner was Dave Brown of the 132nd Derby. Pollard & O-HalloranBrown won the doubles.

The water on the third weir was very low, so the marshalls at one weir waded into the river, one pushed the canoists at the top of the weir while

The winners of the Spitfire Trophy for the fastest overall team were the 149th Derby Scout Troop from Mickleover.

A Win for High Peak Scouts For the first time in six years a local team of Scouts from 3rd Buxton (Harpur Hill) Scouts won the Border Hike competition held at Gradbach Scout camp in September. The trophy presentation was made by Derbyshire County Commissioner, Tom Stoddart. The Border Hike is a challenging, competitive hike for members of the Scouts from all over the country, with 48 teams competing for this year‟s trophies. Two competitions take place with teams of four Scouts taking part in the Border Hike and teams of four Explorer Scouts Teams participating in the John Bradbury Trophy. First thing on the Saturday morning the teams are given map coordinates for an 8-10 mile hike around the Derbyshire, Cheshire and Staffordshire borders. At points around the route the Scouts participate in incident activities based on general knowledge and scouting s k i l l s . T e a m s accumulate points for these activities, route planning and navigation. As well as receiving a winner‟s prize of £100 for the Scout troop, 3rd Buxton Scouts also retained the Johanna Knowles Memorial Trophy for the highest placed local team, competing against other teams from

Buxton and Chapel. Next year‟s event takes place on the weekend of the 21st –23rd September 2012. The entry fee is only £40, includes 2 nights camping for teams of 4 plus a leader and a prize of £100 for the winning team in each age group. All teams receive a Hike Pennant & Certificate for each member who completes the event, with trophies for 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each age group. With the maximum number of entries for the event being capped at 50 teams, be sure to get your entry form in early to avoid disappointment.

For further information, please contact Hike Secretary, Tony Rushworth on either 01625 431 006, tony@borderhike.co.uk or follow the Border Hike link on www.gradbachscoutcamp.org.uk



Mod 5 - Fundamentals






16th (Central)

6th Ilkeston

17th Staveley

Mod 7 - Valuing Diversity 14th Alfreton Mod 8 - Leadership

6th (Central)

Mod 9 - Working with Adults

21st (Central)

Mod 10 - First Response

26th Buxton

3rd Wingerworth 29th (Derby)

Mod 11 - Administration 15th Alfreton

16th Staveley

Mod 12 - Balanced Programme

15th Alfreton

16th Staveley

Mod 13 - Growing the Movement

15th Alfreton

16th Staveley

Mod 14 - Young People Today

14th Alfreton

17th Staveley

Mod 15 - Challenging Behaviour

14th Alfreton

17th Staveley

Mod 16 - Intro to Residential Experience Mod 17 - Activities Outdoors

12th (South) included on Mod 38 w/end

Mod 18 - Practical Skills Mod 19 - International

31st Chesterfield

Mod 38 - Skills for Residential Experience Safeguarding

24th Alfreton

23rd (Derby)

25-27th (TBA) 8th (Derby)

20th (North)





Mod 7 - Valuing Diversity 12th (Chesterfield)

21st (Matlock) 15th (South West)

Mod 10 - First Response

17th (North East)

Mod 11 - Administration

7th (Derby)

Mod 12 - Balanced Programme

7th (Derby)

Mod 13 - Growing the Movement

7th (Derby)

Mod 14 - Young People Today

6th (Derby)

Mod 15 - Challenging Behaviour

6th (Derby)

Mod 16 - Intro to Residential Experience

Mod 18 - Practical Skills

7th (Chesterfield) 3rd Ilkeston

24th Buxton included on Mod 38 w/end

Mod 19 - International Mod 38 - Skills for Residential Experience Safeguarding


6th (Derby)

Mod 9 - Working with Adults

Mod 17 - Activities Outdoors


25th (North East)

Mod 5 - Fundamentals

Mod 8 - Leadership


3rd Alfreton 14-16th (TBA) 11th (Central)

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