Derbyshire County Scout Council Newsletter - Issue 3 - June 2010
WE‟RE GROWING 344 ne w members in D e r b ys hi r e have helped the UK Scout Mo ve me nt achieve its biggest growth spurt since 1 9 7 2 , according to statistics for the last year relea sed t o d a y . Scouting in Derbyshire has grown 4% since 31 January 2009, helping total UK membership reach 499,323. This impressive surge in membership - the fifth co nsec uti ve yea r of expansion - has helped cement Scouting‘s position as the la rges t coeducati o nal yo u t h Movement in the country. And a large part of this growth is due to record numbers of teenagers in Derbyshire joining. This is the fastest-growing age group with over 280 new members in the last year, up 8.6% on 2009. This
means there are now almost 1,300 teenagers in Scouting in Derbyshire— 28.7% more than 2001 when such detailed data was first collected and higher than the national average of 26.4%. Cameron Trail, a 17 year old Explorer Scout from Derby said: I’ve been an Explorer Scout for almost four years no w. I find it a great place to go out and meet new people; also to do awesome things that I would never have done otherwise. The best parts for me are the weekends a way , such as the
In This Issue
Tom‟s Turn
Promoting Derbyshire
Derby City FC Event
Growing Your Own
canoeing expedition, Apex Challenge competition and cam ping. Also th e independence it gives you and the skills learnt which help with the Duke of Edinburgh and Chief Scouts Awards that I have taken part in. It’s a great way to spend free time. Elaine Kearney, a Cub S c o ut L e a de r fr o m Tideswell, said: I’ve been involved in Scouting since I was 14—I’m now 62 and still love it. It’s great to see young pe ople being allowed to try new skills and d e v el o p i nto responsible adults with the help of Scouting. I now see parents, who were my Cubs, returning with their children to register them in Scouting. It has become a family affair! What better proof can you have that Scouting is alive, well and growing in Derbyshire.
K.Scout is the Newsletter of the Derbyshire County Scout Council. All contributions and photos grat efully received and should be sent to for inclusion. Deadline for next issue: 18th July 2010!
ag er pment Man lo e v e D ia d Our Me aver Danny We
Media Update I'm now a couple of months into the new role and starting to have a few successes with promoting Derbyshire Scouts in the local media. The Derby Telegraph in particular have been very helpful, but I also want to build links with the other local papers and radio stations around the county. So with that in mind, if anyone has any useful contacts that they are willing to share please let me know!
Some of the highlights so far: Growth in Scouting - this was a big story that got a lot of national coverage, but we managed to get some good local mentions in the B ux t on A d vert is er, D er by Telegraph and Matlock Mercury. I also ended up doing a very-last minute and hurried interview for Ram FM, which gave them a few brief soundbites to use in their news bulletins throughout the day. Cub Scout bravery award - This story had a paragraph on the front page of the Derby Telegraph, with a big picture and half page article on page 3. That same day, we had a total of six mentions in the paper.
Queen's Scout Awards - we had a good story and picture in the Derby Telegraph about our recent QSA recipients going to Windsor.
Offshore sailing trip - a nice little story about the Scout Network sailing weekend, with a photo.
These are just some of the articles that I have been involved with, but there has been lots of other great coverage that has been achieved by leaders locally. Examples include mentions for various fundraising events, Flying High, Peak 2010, St George's Day Parades, Ilkeston Scouts going to Holland and an interview with Sue Harris - DC for Derby East. All great stuff! What I would ask though is that if you do this, please let me know - I'm trying to keep a record of all the coverage we are getting and am willing to help out where I can. I won't be able to get hugely involved in every potential story, but will at the very least be able to provide a few tips and pointers. My focus is on spotting the really good opportunities to promote the key aspects of what Scouting is about - events and activities involving young people, and "good news" stories such as awards, growth, etc.
The county recently organised a Young Spokesperson course, which I was pleased to attend part of and meet s ome really enthusiastic Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members who
Log on to the official Facebook page at
have now received training on campaigning and how to give radio, tv and press interviews. All really useful skills that will be put to the test in the coming months, with many of them on the media team at Peak and I will also be making use of them wherever pos s ible for ot her media coverage.
Meanwhile, the facebook page continues to grow - at the time of writing this, over 530 people are signed up as "fans" and items are being posted to the page almost daily. We are able to post everything from external links (e.g. to Scouting articles on local newspaper sites or information on the national Scout website), to pictures, to our own articles/ features. However, we still need more people to get involved if possible - I'd like to build up a network of people from around the county wit h access to the facebook page so that they can add news from local groups etc in their home district. You all know better than I do what is going on locally! Just a small informal role really, so please let me know if you are interested in helping out. Finally, a massive thank you to everyone that has been sending Nick and myself stuff for the newsletter or media coverage keep it coming!
The deadline for inclusion in the next issue is:
18th July 2010
oyal R d l e i f r e t up o r Ches G e d i u G Scout & hesterf ield Hospital, C
Well Dressing
ith Calow Working W
Just a short report about Calow hospital group this time. The hospital had to c a nc e l so me more sessions over the last few weeks but the ones that we have been to have been great fun. Recently we have been pleased to have more of the older boys and we have got them balloon modelling and making St George‘s flag pin badges. They were not bothered about St George, but are certainly looking forward to wearing the badges when the World Cup is on! Our termly get-together is c o m i ng up a t t he Chesterfield Guide HQ on 24th June at 7.30pm. This is when we have a chance to discuss any problems that may have arisen and we set the themes for the forthcoming meetings. We intend to continue during the summer holidays, when those leaders who meet on a Wednesday and therefore cannot help out during term-time, will have a chance to step in. Anyone is welcome to these meetings. We will also be looki ng at merchandise that we would
like the hospital shops to sell for us. Our expenses are not high, but nevertheless we still need to provide materials for the activities. Interested in lending a hand? We are hoping to have another induction evening soon. Ring me if you would like to attend on 01773 603524
ATC 2010 The Facts: Date: 15-17 October 2010 Location: Drum Hill Scout Campsite in Derbyshire Format: A fun social weekend for age 18+ members of Scouting and Guiding The bargain price: the whole week end will cost less than the normal price for Alton Towers tickets alone! Two nights of entertainment ‗til the early hours S pec t ac u la r op en -t h eme fancy dress competition on Saturday night Well stocked and low cost bar Cook ed breakfast both mornings Latest posters and information. atc@derbyshirenet
With the approval of Stuart Groome & Ann Medcalf (Peak Organisers) 2nd Swanwick Scout Group used the Peak 2010 logo for their well dressing theme this year for t heir c ont ribut ion towards Swanwick Village Well dressing gala day on the 15th May. The well dressing was created by all sections of the Group, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts with additional help from the District‘s Beauchief Explorers all during the week leading up t he 15th May. This is now an established annual event and the Group has produced well dressing for the past 4 years.( a copy of last years well dressing is also attached). The day‘s events is now one of our major fund rais ers inc orporat ing a sponsored walk and tombola
I am pleased to say that I have now been appointed to the new role of Scout Active Su p p o r t Ma n a g e r for Derbyshire and will continue to give support where needed. I hope that this will be an opportunity to set up some new Active Support Units to support different activities that take place in the County, using those helpers who always come forward when help is required for County events. I wrote in the last issue about our forthcoming quiz. This was an excellent evening, the trophy being won yet again by a team from Derby East. Thank you to Derby North for hosting the quiz and especially Fellowship member Christine Meyers who allowed us into her pub for the evening and provided us with an excellent supper. Next year the quiz will be hosted by Chesterfield SAS. Ma n y F e ll o ws h ip / Ac t iv e Support members will be active at Peak 2010 in a variety of roles but for those who are not ‗working‘ there is an opportunity to visit the camp on Monday 26th July at 2.30pm or 6.30pm. This will be a reception for Fellowship/Active Support and Trefoil Guild members and a tour of the camp can be arranged by the hospitality team. The closing date for applications was the end of May but if you wish to come to this and you haven‘t replied to the invitation, then
get in touch with me as we may be able to accommodate you. Also if you are on the staff and can spare some time off, then please let me know if you would like to come along, it‘s open to all members but there is a limit on numbers. The main event for us this year will be the official launch of Scout Active Support in the County. Tom, our CC will host the launch, there will be drinks and nibbles and I hope all members will do their best to attend. The date and time is Monday 26 th July at 5.30pm in the hospitality marquee at Peak 2010, which can be either before or after the reception depending on which time members not in camp, are coming. This will only last for about half an hour and is timed so that members on the staff can hopefully get away for a break. So please make a note of this, invitations will be sent to all Units. Although Fellowships can exist until the end of 2010, we will use this opportunity to officially move forward to Active Support and discontinue using the Fellowship name. I look forward to seeing you all at Peak, come and visit me when your gas runs out or if you need spares as I shall be with the QM Gas Team in the site services area.
Jean Roulinson and A ngela Arter from Flying High Gang Show were invited to attend the County Trefoil Guild girlguiding Ce nt e na ry c eleb rat i on at Glenbrook to give a talk to the 150 members attending. They spoke about the history of gang shows and showed photos and memorabilia from gang shows in Derby going back to 1954. Aft er a superb lunch activities were on of fer an d many enjoy ed watching the DV D of the recent Flying High show.
SCOUTS HELP THE THEATRE Scouts from the 66th Derby (1st Spondon) Group and Flying High Gang S how were able to help the Derby LIVE Youth Theat re for their production of A Lady wit h a Lamp at the Derby Theat re during Easter week. The musical play called for 20 children wearing modern day Scout uniforms along with the rest of t he cast in Victorian costumes, the story being about a group of Scouts visiting the library and learning about Florence Nightingale. This new production was specially written for the 80 members of t he Youth Theat re to commemorate t he 100th anniversary of the deat h of Florence Nightingale who as we know lived in Derbyshire at s ome time. W it h parents ‘ permis s ion, S c out Leader Lindsay Coxon collected the scout shirts at the end of t he troop meeting and took them home and washed them. Jean Roulinson lent red scarves, woggles and navy trousers from Flying High Gang Show. The ‗Scouts‘ looked smart on stage and the show was a great success. The Youth Theat re benefited from the loan of the uniforms and the troop benefit ed from a donation from Derby LIVE..
Special Needs This area is now under the Diversity flag, but it is such a wide topic that it is impossible to take this on solely by myself. How do I want it to develop? I see the county leaders having access to other leaders who have experience of living with or working with youngsters with a wide range of different special needs. Perhaps you have one such child in your section and have learnt ‗on the job‘? In turn, these adults will know which agencies to call upon for backup and further expertise. Therefore, if you have a special need, have a child with a need, work with such children, or have just developed a special interest, why not join my team? Can you sign? I need you. Have you experience with ADHD, hearing or sight problems, I need you too. Autism, physical disabilities, speech prob lems, d iff icu lty in understanding; these are all areas where a child should still be able to access scouting without any of the other children losing out, in fact they will benefit from the contact if leaders are well supported. Do ring or email and then we can get together and decide how to move forward.
why? Well we need to accept that if scouting is open to all, then this will include those who are not heterosexual. No, I am not going to do a survey! Sex is something that is private and goes on behind closed doors BUT we are working with young people who are developing their sexuality and it can certainly be scary to come to the realisation that one may not be straight. Therefore we need please to be careful about ‗jokes‘ and how we refer to our gay, lesbian and bisexual colleagues. And I need help again. I would like to have some people to be contacts for any leader should they need advice in confidence. Perhaps they are being bullied and want to know how to counter this, perhaps there is a parent causing trouble.......... Again ring me if you would like to be involved and let‘s get a small team together. Well I think that I have said enough and will cover further areas another time as well as giving you updates on my requests. By the way, please show this to any leader or parent who you think might be interested because of the skills that they have. Contact me on 01773 603524 or via
I suppose that this was the last thing you thought you would see discussed in a scouting publication! So
Bakewell Show 2010 Wed & Thu 4th & 5th August's that time of year again... I know this year that the dates for Bakewell Show are just after Peak 2010 and many of us will be involved in the Camp, but I hope some of you can accept my invitation to come along and lend a hand at Bakewell Show. We are looking for people willing to give some time to help man our pitch at Bakewell Show. We will have a Climbing Wall (manned by its own specialist staff), a refreshment tens and some displays of Scouting materials. Help with any of these activities for a few hours is needed. In return you get - free tickets to Bakewell Show - lunch and refreshments. Help promote Scouting and have a great day out. Please let me know if you can come along - on which day(s) and how many tickets you want. Please pass this invitation on to others you may know in Scouting who may want to lend a hand. Cheers Mike Horrod 1st Bakewell (Parish Church) Scout Group
Explo re r Sc out Y oung Leader Jac k Coope is at agricultural college, but in his spare time leads the allot ment project that has got the whole of the 1s t Heage Scout Group digging, planting and grow ing their way to a balanced diet Over the summer, our Scout meetings tend to move from the village school, which we hire, to the allot ment patch we’ve had since last year. It’s not the normal sort of meeting place, but there’s always so much to do. With the help of the local council and a grant from the NHS, we got hold of a disused plot
of land on the allot ment in the village. To say it was overgrown would be a huge understatement, but after setting to it with a minidigger and some chainsaws, burying the worst of it under the soil, we had something to work with. Last year we got it ready, and grew our first crop. A
(ww w.originalt ouc Our main project for this year is that we are now keeping Honey Bee’s , starting with one colony “as very group does” and building from there .The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts all have their own growing be d’s , and w ill be responsible for tending to them. We love being outdoors for our meetings, it makes a changed from being trapped in the hall. It’s probably similar to how the hens feel after being lock away for a year in battery battery c a g e s .
lot of work went in behind t he scenes, w it h t he Explorers gett ing their hands dirty, and the amount we produced was more than anyone expected. A couple of the older blokes w ho ’v e had an allot ment for years apparently had a bet going on whether we’d grow anything at all, but we showed them. This year, even more is planned. We’ve beg un keep ing chickens, reclaiming then from battery farms and giving them free range in a coop we built from waste material f rom building sites in the area.. We’ve named all the chickens, harder to eat something w ith a name, so we named first one, Sharon, after the Group Scout Leader. As well as grow ing potatoes, onions and radishes, we’ve planted the free seeds from the BBC Dig In campaign and also got some more unusual things in there Raspberry Spinach , White Cucumber, Y e llo w be a n s , Z uc c a P u m p k i n
This project has brought the w ho le Gr oup c lo s e r together, and working on it makes everyone absolutely certain that growing your own is not only great fun, but tastes better too. Learn more about the 1st Heage and their allot ment p r o j e c t a t w w w .sc out s.o rg .u k/d i g in where you can also find advice and progra mme ideas to grow your own grub.
t Council Tom’sysThirue Crn o unty Sco u
sioner, Derb
mis County Com
I am not long back from Drum Hill where apart from lots of Scouts camp ing , th ere is i t seems whenever I go the inevitable Peak tra i n i n g e ve n t o r m e e ti n g happening. This week end the headquarters team delivering, a (in the end) well supported Speakeasy course for both the Peak ambassadors and lots of Explorer Scouts (more elsewhere) Thanks to those Dc‘s & Desc‘s who rallied round and delivered the participants. Also meeting were site services, QM team with Gill & Wendy almost asleep having been Cub camping all week end. Last week-end some of the same people were at Derby with Stuart & Anne for the managers meeting. I can‘t say on Derbyshire‘s behalf thank you enough times to all who not only deliver Scouting each week but take on a whole host of thing‘s, camp‘s, hikes, etc and then Peak 2010. You will hear our thanks again & again each time as sincerely meant as the last. Important Change in the County recently is the appointment of Steve Pa r ke r a s D e p u t y C o u n t y Commissioner support. Stephen as a lot of you will know has a wealth of experience to offer on most if not all aspects of Scouting. Stephen will be offering lot‘s of support within the county from supporting Sally (county training manager), Lesley (campsite manage r) and Dan (media manager) In practice this will mean for example supporting Sally who has a lot of ideas to develop re the practical delivery of training but also look at what you the districts want from training that is innovative, maybe offer locally. What can we do better, faster (wood -badges I hear you say ) easier. What do you want? Who has got what skills in the County to offer and more. Supporting Lesley and the team at Drum Hill what does the County want from is main asset? How do you want it developing? Also Supporting Dan as he develops this new (already showing results role) As well as being able to use his experience helping DC‘s where
reques ted wi th distri ct plans , mentoring new DC‘s etc & if that is not enough to support there is always me. Stephen will also sit on the finance sub committee and help revisit the County policy. The counties ACC‘s have recently met with Da ve Mitchell DCC Programme and are busy looking at Scouting in Derbyshire post Peak 2010 taking into account the association strategic objecti ves. They have a lot of interesting ideas. Do you pass your young peoples / yours on to your ADC‘s so they can bring them up at their County meetings? How do you listen to the voice of the young people you support something the ACC‘s will be asking when you meet. Last K. I spoke of the mobile display unit we collected. Ma y the 3 rd it had it‘s first outing to Church Broughton where whilst not logo‘d yet it provided a good resource for Mel & Stephanie to promote Scouting from. Better still the day resulted in a positive interest from adults and youngsters wishing to start a colony well done. I think it‘s next outing may be Chaddesden carnival. I referred earlier to Dan already having an impact on promoting Scouting certainly in the Derby area, so I am being told by Scouters I meet who tell me locally more is evident. He will be working on the rest of the counties coverage. Sue Harris also tells me Radio Derby are well into Peak. Thanks must go to Ann Thornton & Ros Heydon for organising this years St Georges day awards at South Normanton it was well received and a pleasure to see so many being rewarded for all they have contributed to Scouting, or in Paul Lowe‘s case a 9 year old Cub at the time displaying all those qualities we all aspire to bring out in our young people, leading to the Award for Meritorious Conduct. I also have to tell you what a special day Heather & myself had at Windsor and how well our Queen Scou ts rep resented Derb yshire
Lucy Robinson tells me she was very proud to be a Derbyshire Scout. It was also good to meet some of the families for a cuppa afterwards. If you do get the chance and I hope you will then please try to go. Do you know someone deserving of an award? If so let your DC know. Don‘t forget all of you need to take the trouble to nominate people for awards. It‘s a very Happy 100 th birthday to Chesterfield, what a brilliant district camp where they were celebrating in style, being 100 years old almost to the day. Once again lots of enthusiastic leaders lots of happy youngsters lots of first class Scouting even BP‘s Jam Roll and the one hundred year old minute book recording the occasion. Once again well done to all. Following Peak district‘s article in K.Scout re their work in developing Scouting It appears they are the number 10 district in England for growth another well done to And y, his team and his Executive. I spent an evening last week with Dean Smith reviewing my training the counties objecti ves where thanks to your efforts we are making progress on one or two areas he tells me he has enjoyed his visits to Derbyshire of late and is looking forward to being at Peak for the weekends both to work and to meet more of Derbyshire‘s Scouters. I also recently spent Time with Michelle Swain from the Regional D e ve l o pm en t se rvi ce , w h e re amongst other things it appears where districts have been more receptive to the rag work several development projects have been identified that they will be supporting the DC‘s with. Across the region there are some 60 + opportunities for improvement and development being identified following the rag survey. Finally Tracy Lugg ACC Cub Scouts and myself enjoyed first class hospitality and a good AGM in South Derbyshire last week. They had organised a fete beforehand food, stalls, climbing wall etc lance‘s youngsters taking another £6 from me for their Jamboree fundraising. A g o o d ni gh t an d a g oo d attendance.
Following the JOTT article in the last issue, 1st Sawley Phoenix Pack tell us of their adventure on the trail…… Well perhaps it would have nice if the weather had been a bit better, but there is not a lot we can do about that but apart from that our first venture wit h JOTT saw the Phoenix Pack follow the Hermit Walk, a four mile circular walk taking in the village of Dale, then Kirk Hallam, moving on to Fu rn ac e P on d be fo re heading back to Dale via the Dale Hermitage before returning back to Dale village. Setting of across the fields leaving Dale behind us we picked up the route of a former narrow gauge goods railway used to transport sand and coke, excavated in Dale for use at the smelt ing furnace. Gradually climb ing a hill we reached Kirk Hallam, where we cut through a housing estate to a nature reserve called Pioneer Meadows. Cross the nature reserve we again picked up the former track bed of the railway which led us to Furnace Pond, site of the smelting and where the railway was used to transport the resulting cast iron.
Leaving the pond behind us we followed the road back towards Dale but turning off towards Hermitage Wood. Climbing a short flight of steps cut into the hillside we reached the Hermitage Cave. The story behind this tells of a baker working in Derby in the 12 th century who was visited by and angel, t e l l i n g h i m t o m o ve t o “Deepedale” (former name of Dale) and take up a pious life of worship and helping people. This he did for about twenty years living in h is cave before building a small chapel in the
dale which developed into a large monastery, sadly meeting it s demise as part of the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the only remains being a large archway in the fields on the outskirts of the village. Climb ing back down the steps we continued to the village to a small farm which also houses one of the smallest churches in Derbyshire, if not the UK. This was the packs first involvement with JOTT but considering the interest we got from the pack it will not be our last, and we would have proberly got more interest if it had not clashed with a school residential weekend. It also is an interesting fact that although we did not meet any other groups “on the trail” our small group of 16 cubs and leaders we were part of over 7000 others in the worldwide Scouting Movement that also took part on May 8 th. As it stands there is another JOTT planned for 14 th May 2011, and if there is sufficient interest from the pack we will definitely be doing it again.
We need you ..... on the county executive. For the last t w o editions I have been re m in d i ng you all that we are looking for at least two n e w e le cted m em b e rs , as Sally Eccles and Mick Wells have served their time!!!! Now is the time to really spring into action and put your thinking caps on, talk to those in your district who you feel may be able to contribute. This could be your chance to get a voice on the executive. We are especially interested to see more young people coming forward, we need their input and their challenges ―Why do you do that?‖ is a very useful question sometime and one we do not ask ourselves often enough. The executive can really make a difference and it is important that we have voices on there that truly represent Scouting in the county. We are really grateful to all those members past and present who give up their time. Nomination forms will be coming out with the AGM invites and will be on the download section of the website from 1st June. Hope to see many of you at the AGM. This year we have a guest speaker from the Ellen McArthur Trust who will tell us of their work with young people in 8-15 age range. The trust aims to support, empower and enliven children suffering from cancer or leukaemia by introducing them to the joys of sailing on the sea. See you there!
Dave MacAlister The ACC (S couts) view on the Scout S ection Across The County
Global Challenge – Roll of Honour tops the 100 mark! To date we have recorded 107 Scouts who have achieved the award in 2010 – from just 3 Districts. If you haven‘t yet heard about the challenge, check with your Leader or ADC or just go to the Download section on the Scout section page on the website for details. Check out the Roll Of Honour at the back of this issue.
trophies in the County – first presented in 1912!
Challenge Guidance Sheets
Up And Coming Events
We have now completed the Creative, Fit ness, Global, Community, Expedition and Promise Challenges. These, aimed t o be aide memoirs, are now available to download from the Scout section on our website.
Chief Scouts Gold Awards
Derby Area “Foxwell” Competition. This Scouting skills competition was won, onc e again, by the 35th Derby (Markeaton) Troop with 68 points, Runners Up were 147th Derby with 65 points and 20th, 27th and 107th ‗B‘ all with 63 points – a very close contest. The organis ers were well pleased with the standards achieved this year – well done to all the 16 teams that took part. Looking at the Foxwell Cup, this must be one of the finest
attending P eak, you are welcome to come along to have your certificate pres ented there.
Sunday 26th September Download ―flyer‖ form the website for details of this year‘s Kinder Walk and Kinder Challenge.
Rampage 2010 We have a tot al of 19 recipients to date – the next presentation will take place at Peak 2010 on the Tuesday evening – even if you are not
Watch out for details in the next issue – Sunday 10th October
The 151 st Derby (Allestree, St. Nicholas) Cubs decided to hold this years' camp at Walesby Forest having seen an Advert in the Scout Magazine for the A c ti vi ty C ha l le ng e th Weekend 30 April to 3rd May 2010.
F r i d a y n i g h t . Ho we ve r there was an advance challenge of 2 0 Que s ti o ns to see if we knew about Wale sb y Forest. The Activities included 25ft Climb, 45ft Climb, A r c he r y , a Ri ve r Crossing, Crate Stacking, A cave maze, also logical challenges such as a log in a box, Phil‘s bridge.
out of the 3 Cub teams. The final challenge was an egg drop from 75ft. unfortunately our Egg didn‘t survive the fall. However at noon we got the final results. We managed to stay in front and remain 1 st in the cubs section bringing home the Trophy for the 2010 Walesby Forest Challenge Weekend. Having held a post camp de-brief this week at Cubs with all the pictures from camp, all the cubs (including some that didn‘t go) have said they would like to go back for the 2011 challenge. Many Thanks to all the Staff at Walesby Forest for all the hard work they put in to the weekend.
The final Activity details were kept as a closely guarded secret by the Walesby Forest Staff and weren‘t revealed until the
The Cubs thoroughly enjoyed themselves and at 9am on the Final day were laying 7th out of a total 15 groups. And 1 st
April saw over 500 members of all Sections along with Girlguiding Derbyshire meeting at Pride Park for the second Scout and Guide
Football event. The day start ed with 60 young people taking part in foot ball skills training.They were put through their paces by Sam who is a coach with Derby County in the Community and also a member of Scouting in Derbyshire. It was then off to t he stadium to take part in the pre match activities. The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts were all keen to get involved with forming a guard of honour
for the players and waving big Derby County flags around the pitch. As a special treat, 18 young members of the two associations were able to walk out on to the pitch hand in hand with the players. This was a special moment for them and to see their faces when they were told was a picture. We had also been allowed to parade a flag on the pitch as the t eams walked out. Thanks to Dean, our Regional Commissioner, we managed to borrow a very large parachute with a badge in the centre – no one in the ground could have doubt ed who we were! When Tom and I spoke with some of our hosts from Derby County at lunchtime, we were
told to look at Rammie (the mascot) as he had a special surprise for us! What a great surprise it was too – we now have an extra member of Derbyshire Scouting for next year‘s cens us, as Rammie proudly let out the players wearing his Scout uniform! (see the photograph) It was then time for us to sit down to watch the match which finished as a 1 – 1 draw but not before another group of Scouts and Guides had formed a guard of honour to welcome the players back for the second half. After the match a 100 budding penalty takers tried to beat Rammie with a penalty kick. This rounded off a great day for all involved and our grateful thanks go to everyone at Derby County for looking after us so well. Watch out for details of next year‘s match and events as we continue to develop the partnership with Girlguiding Derbyshire and Derby County.
Around Th S en d u s yo
Derbyshire WSJ Jamboree Unit Badges E very four years, tens of thousands of Scouts, from every corner of the world, gat her in a tented city for two weeks of activities and adventure! This is a fantastic event where up to 40,000 Scouts live and learn together. This is an amazing first -han d ex perie nc e of multiculturalism in action, an opportunity to int eract and participat e with others from different cultures and to build solidarity and understanding across cultural and geographical boundaries. This is a World Scout Jamboree!
e County
u r n ew s! distribute the badges (c hequ es made payable to DCSC – Jamboree). Your son/daughter may wear it on their uniform for the next 18 months at the top of their left sleeve. Thank you for s upporting Derbyshire and the Midlands Scouts and Guides. To purchase yours, you can either s peak to any young person attending the WSJ within your district, failing that James Stafford has some to sell and you can contact him on 01332 873725..
Situation Vacant Trent Lock Activity Centre has volunteer opportunities. There are two posts to be filled – if possible by the end of 2010. One is the Chief Warden (ADC Trent Lock) and the other is one of the six weekend wardens. One role is to take charge of one o f t h e e xi s t i n g t e a m s . Commitment needed: every 6 th weekend from early evening on Friday until end of afternoon on Sunday. You will also join the Centre‘s management committee, which meets about 5 times per year. Second role is the job of chief warden to lead the whole team – i t is an Assis ta n t Dis tri ct Commissioner level appointment. F o r i n f o rm a t i o n co n ta c t
In order to raise some money for the units we are selling our bad ge, whic h h as be en designed by unit members from Derbyshire and the Midlands. The badge depicts the Peak districts rolling hill and t he Rivers Derwent and Dove, linking the Union and Swedish flags as a water channel. The badge is in two sections each £1.50 (total £3). If you would like to buy a badge pleas e ret urn t he slip below and your money to your section leader and I will
Derby North DC—Stephanie Argyle wanted to share their District’s approach to recruiting inspirational volunteers - well done John Meggitt
e Around Th ounty C r S en d u s yo n ew s!
S c o ut A c ti ve S up p o r t fo r Chesterfield and District and also helps at the 2nd Brampton Scouts, is one of 500 UK ad ult volunteers who will be attending the Jamboree.
members through their involvement and the World Scout Jamboree is a great example of this. Over the course of the Jamboree they will be able to met people from around the world, take part in amazing adventures and e xp e r i e n c e s a nd
Vincent Given Scouts Honour A minibus driver from Chesterfield has been selected from 100,000 adult Scouts to represent the UK at an international event. Vincent Littlewood, who lives in Chesterfield will attend the 22nd World S c o ut J a m b o re e in Sweden in July next year and form part of The International Service Team (IST). The IST is made up of volunteers who make the Jamboree ha p p e n. Vincent, who has been a Scout for 40 years and attended the UK Jamboree in 2007, said: I had a great and fun time working in transport for IST at the last Jamboree in 2007. I am very excited to go back and do the same thing in 2011. World Jamborees are just brilliant; Vincent, who is part of the
He secured his place by impressing the judges at a special event in Nottinghamshire, where he had to complete a variety of team activities and creativity tests to demonstrate why he should gain a place. Chief Scout, Bear Grylls said: ―Congratulations to Vincent and all the other UK volunteers who have been selected to go on this trip of a lifetime. While lots of people know that Scouting is all about adventure, they often don't realise that adult volunteers get to do joust as much as our young
challenged to think about global issues in a new light. I wish all the members of the IST all the best and I know they are going to have an amazing time next year.‖ In total three adult members from Derbyshire are attending t he W orld S c o ut Jamboree in Sweden as part of the IST— Elizabeth Jones of South Derb ys hir e, Thomas Nunn of Dronfield and Vincent Littlewood of Chesterfield.
e Around Th ounty C S en d u s yo
LIFE SAVER Adrian Marriott explains the essential Life Saving Skills he learnt with St Johns Ambulance makes a real difference—I was on duty at Notts County, on the 5th of September, when I heard over the radio t hat someone had fallen out side the ground, When I arrived on scene I saw a police officer on his hands and knees doing CP R on the pers on on the floor, I assisted the offic er by putting a Defibrillat or on the person and giving him a shock, Then helping the officer with CPR till the ambulance turned up and assisted the Ambulance Crew in getting t he person ready to go off to hospital. A week later I heard that he had pulled through and that if I hadn't had shocked him first he would have died which made me feel really good knowing that what I learn wit h St John c an really make a difference. I was introduced to the pers on the other week at Notts County ground and he told me that he wasn't going to go to the match but stay at home and do some
u r n ew s! gardening and if he hadn't gone to the match he would have had the heart attack at home and most certainly have died. I was given a letter of commendation from Graham Robi ns on our Count y Commander also on that day. It was als o my first time doing CPR and probably wont be my last!
S c out ag e. Th e r e s o u r c es g i ve practical advice to young people about how to stay safe and still have fun online. Only adults who have been specially trained c an acc ess and deliver the materials to young people. What does the training involve? The t raining provides a background to the way young people use the internet and some of the risks involved. There will also be a briefing about Scouting‘s safeguarding arrangements. Those applying to attend the t ra in in g M US T h a ve completed a Criminal Records Bureau/ Disclosure Scotland/ A cc ess Nort hern Ireland Disclosure via Scouting – this is CEOP requirement.
What is „Think U Know‟? ‗Think U K no w‘ is a government initiative aimed at keeping young people safe online. More information can b e f o u n d a t CEOP have developed ‗Think U Know‘ resources designed to be delivered to young people of Scout and Explorer
Delivering the material to Troops and Explorer Scout Units will need to be done by at least two people, in addition to the section leaders. Huge technical knowledge is n‘t n ec es s a ry , b ut pa rt ic ip a nt s s h o ul d be comfortable with the use of computers and have an e-mail address. The material is delivered to young people via comput erbased resources, so those delivering it will need access to a laptop and projector. This t raining has been designed - by young people t o be hard-hit t ing and challenging. When & Where? 4th July – NSPCC Training Cent re, 3 Gilmour Close, Beaumont Leys, Leicester. LE4 1E Z Time 13.00 – 16. 00 Booking I s Required. Further details off Liz Walton Derbyshire Scouts Safeguarding
AY UP Me Duck Network Recently four members of AY Up Me Duck Network, and 10 net work members from Derbyshire, along with 4 others from Cheshire and Lincolnshire, had a weekend sailing from Ipswich‘s Haven Marina down the river Orwell and S t our and heading to S h o t l e y Marina on S at urday evening and on the North Sea and back again the trip took place on the 16th April – 18th April . The weekend start ed at 7pm Friday for me when Andy picked me, meg and moz up from chesterfield, (A ndy did his usual running fashionable late). We headed down to Ips wich playing guess the picture on the way on the ds and arrived at the Marina at 9pmish. We met all the crew and the skipper and first mate our very own Danny Weaver explained all the health and safety stuff and then we all headed for a
drink in the yacht club. S at urday started out with Break fast at 7.30am ready and waiting on the table with a nice cup of tea. Once we was all ready to go we set off from the Marina at 9 a m , setting up the sails and getting t hro ug h the lock and out Into the R i ve r , after a leisurely wander down the river the skipper quickly decided to teach us what to do if we had s omeone go over board as we lost the scout flag however we over come this problem very quickly as we all work well as a team we soon located the flag and put it back up the flag pole. During the afternoon whilst the tide was still smooth enough. We decided to the sails with the offshore scout Sail which was a challenge putting up and the spaz handle David Whelan name of the winch handle had to come in to good use when putting this up. In the evening we headed back to the marina and helped get tea ready and Martin E vens from Derby Network did the peach challenge he ate 3 tins of peaches do you think you can challenge him?
Sunday we had a nice leisurely morning with a nice cooked break fast and Andy had his fresh grapefruit (Tesco special from a tin) we then had a nice morning Hiya love how are you today off meg as she came to check on the time we was laving as her skipper want ed to arrange the time we can set off to head on to the Nort h sea. We headed out the marina at about 10ish. Today was the day we placed the Ay UP Me Duck mascots into the north s ea one duck was yellow (Quakers he can be found on face book so you can track where in the world he is) and the other was pink both duck had Claire c ontact details on and a tag to inform people what do to if they found them. Hopefully Claire will get a phone call saying I have found your duck one day soon! During are sunny Sunday morning S haun Maskrey from Derby Network had a go in the Big nappy; i.e.: being hoisted up the mast and Taking a few photos. The rest of the day was spent trying to find a bit of wind eventually we headed back to Ipswich where funnily Danny tried to park the boat. I definitely can‘t wait to go sailing again, maybe with a little more wind Thanks to Danny for organising the week end and looking forward to next year.
BORDER HIKE Would you like to compete in a demanding Incident hike for Scouts and Guides (11 to 14) and a separate event for Explorers (14 to 18)? The hike takes place around the challenging terrain of the borders of three counties (Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Cheshire).
If so join us on the 17th to 19th September 2010 Based at Gradbach Scout Camp in the heart of the Peak District Camp from Friday evening to Sunday Teams of 4 plus a leader only ÂŁ40 or bring the whole troop for the weekend.
Prize money of ÂŁ100 for the winning team in each age group All teams receive a pennant and certificate for each member who completes the event For further information either ring Tony Rushworth on 01625 431 006 or email or have a look at our website