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S Derbyshire County Scout Council Newsletter - Issue 6 - January 2011


K.Scout is the Newsletter of the Derbyshire County Scout Council. All contributions and photos gratefully received and should be sent to for inclusion. Deadline for next issue: 19th February 2011!

g r o . s t u o c s ire athaway h s y b r e d . www r, Martin H W ebmaste Our

Derbyshire Scouts 5 Years „On The Net‟ Some of you will know me. Some of you will not. My name is Martin Hathaway and I used to live in Derby and be quite active in the Scouting movement in Derbyshire, in particular around Derby East, Trent Lock and the Derby Area Scout Sailing Club. Towards the end of 2004 I ―escaped‖ and now live in the land of Concrete Cows a n d Ro u n d a b o u t s ( Mi l t o n Keynes!) However, despite now living 80 miles away, I still perform an important task for Derbyshire Scouts. It all started a little over 5 years ago, shortly after Peak 2005. I met up with Dave MacAlister and Ian Po wnal l i n my ―Derby Office‖ (otherwise, known as the Malt Shovel in Spondon!!) to discuss the Derbyshire County Scout Council website. It had all started a few weeks earlier. I think I had, rather foolishly, somehow let slip during a conversation with Dave, that I knew a little bit about websites and that, as they say, was that (yes, I think I actually managed to stitch myself up with this one!) Anyway, there we were sat in the Malt discussing what was required and what I could do and, just a few months later, we launched (version 1!) the new website! I think it was ready to go towards the end of 2005, but we decided that January 1st would be a good ―Go Live!‖ date, and so that is what happened. So, on Jan 1st 2011, the website ( ) celebrated its 5th birthday. There have been a lot of changes


over the 5 years. I hope, you will all agree, for the better. Initially, the site was (by my own admission!) a fairly boring, static, but functional site that provided basic information about Scouting in Derbyshire. It didn‘t have lot of garish graphics and animations (well, to be fair, it still doesn‘t!) but it was functional – which, to me, was more important. Since then, we‘ve implemented a number of ―features‖ to make the site look better and provide additional functionality and information. One of the most important changes on the website is that, rather than me having to update the website myself, a lot of it is now ―self-service‖. The point of this is that a lot of the content is now managed by more people, with information direct from yourselves – the members of Derbyshire Scouting. The site administrators can now, for example, upload their own files for you to download, edit the Latest News, modify the Group details (see below) and update the calendar. All this means that information can be uploaded much quicker. Previously, it was me doing all of the updates meaning, if I was away, there could be a considerable delay in getting the information onto the site. Around a year ago we implemented the map—allowing prospective members (or their parents) to identify their nearest Group. The group information on the map is now submitted by you, the members of a particular Scout Group – the logic being that no one knows a group better than the members of the

Group itself - rather than one single person having to collate all the information about all of the Groups, and find out what nights certain sections meet. So, if you haven‘t already, why not submit your Group‘s details – by going to index.php?Content=Submit HQ and make sure prospective members can find your Group?? The information from the map is also used to provide information on the District pages. And, it is hoped that a future enhancement of this system will allow you to update your own Group details (at the moment, you will have to contact me or one of the other site administrators for changes). All members of the County Team are contactable via the Contact form on the website saving time having to look up contact details for a member of the County Team. Many of them are contactable via a email a d d re ss ( N. B. T h e e ma i l addresses are only published in the County Directory, but not on the website for security reasons – the Contact Form should be used for contacting people via the website). It is YOUR site, not mine! If there is anything you would like to see on your website, this can usually be accommodated. Contact either me if you require a new page or section, or one of the site administrators (Tom Stoddart, Dave MacAlister or Jacqui Riley)

K.Scout is the Newsletter of the Derbyshire County Scout Council. All contributions and photos gratefully received and should be sent to for inclusion. Deadline for next issue: 19th February 2011!

Tom’rbsysThirue Cronunty Scout Council ioner, De

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Well here we are the start of another year with lots of Exciting Scouting to look forward to in 2011. But first a little look over the last twelve months and what Derbyshire Scouting has achieved . By that I of course mean what you have done and been party to, in no particular order more as I remember them. For me all those young people becoming Queen Scouts and then doing an excellent job representing us at Windsor must be the highlight of any Scouting year ,Sir Richard and the Lord lieutenant Willie Tucker being able to present so many awards at the beginning of the year was a good start to 2010, The roles so many people have taken to with such a positive attitude be it Deputy County Commissionering , Media managing, K. Editing / producing , taking on a new Beaver colony, a new role on an executive committee, managing a Scout active support unit as ever I could go on . All of these roles done with such enthusiasm and commitment that is being reflected in Scouting across the whole of Derbyshire. Peak2010 epitomised all of the Scouting & Girlguiding values that we all strive to engender within the young people we work with on a weekly basis what a fantastic success and that is not just recognised by Scouting & Girlguiding in Derbyshire but nationally as well. Four Inns, border hike, ready steady cook, district camping competitions, 100 year birthday celebrations at

Chesterfield, Derwent and dove, new executive toilets & shower block at Gradbach, County ball, network Zig Zag day ,abseilday, Alton Towers camp, Evolution week end, Kinder walk, Dove canoe race, 4% increase in membership, with Peak District being the 10th fastest growing district in the country, praise from the Royal Navy at Long Eaton Sea Scouts, award for all grants, to name a few and at that I have not scratched on all the brilliant Scouting that is going on week in week out in the various groups. I encourage you all to look back on your Scouting year as if you were highlighting it to someone else I guarantee you will be amazed and I hope proud at just what you have achieved. I know I am proud of what you all have done for Derbyshire Scouting this year. But as we all know we are a movement and 2011 will see us delivering a whole new range of exciting activities & events and quality Scouting to Derbyshire youth. Starting with the Chilly Challenge , Beaver Bonanza well underway, adult conference planning just starting etc etc,there will be more details in the coming months but in November there is a possibility that the Chief will be able to visit at our conference week end Bear should be in the region and I hope will be able to visit for a little while. However do not get too excited yet as at the moment it is only a possibility. Again I do not want to produce another list but I am excited by the change of format for the

Distr ict Comm issioner meetings, the opportunities being offered by Sally and her team with training meetings . More excitement comes on the back of Rag assessments with Peak & High peak districts benefitting from a ÂŁ5000.00 grant from the Freemasons grand charity to enable them to do some work on new provision and recruiting Adults. I know I have been going on about RAG assessments all year but it is good to start and see some very positive benefits. I do hope all districts can complete early in the new year so we can look at the future. The County plan will also be available early in the new year so we can all see what is proposed for Derbyshire for the next couple of years I hope you all have had chance to discuss at your district meetings. Finally I wish to start 2011 by saying on behalf of the County thanks to each and every one of you who gives of your time for Scouting in Derbyshire. I do know it is not always as easy whatever role you have. Several people having had a particularly difficult time this year. Thank you for making myself and the team so welcome into your districts a n d g r o up s a nd f o r supporting so enthusiastically some new ideas. I think 2011 is going to be a really exciting year for Scouting in Derbyshire and I sincerely hope you are as excited as I am.. With love & very best wishes for an exciting new year Tom

mp a C t u o c S Gradbach ess! c c u S h t i Flushed W

ideally situated for climbing, walking, caving, watersports, exploring the Peak District National Park and an ideal venue for ‗back to basics‘ Scouting, where you are still allowed to dig ‗pit fires‘.

For more details about the camp site go to www.gradbachscoutcamp. or phone the Camp Warden, Mark Rushworth on 01260 227679 /07949 965194

The official opening of the new toilet and shower block has taken place at Gradbach Scout Camp, providing facilities for both campers and building users. Features also include washing up sinks with hot and cold water, disabled facilities, underfloor heating and incorporates the latest energy saving technology. The project has been made possible with the help of Garfield Weston Foundation and a grant of £60,000 from the Peak District Rural Action Zone LEADER fund. This is provided by the European Union and Defra, and aims to give financial help to very small rural businesses and social enterprises. Located in the Dane Valley seven miles south west of Buxton, the camp site

extends over nearly 50 acres, including farmhouse & cottage indoor accommodation, open and woodland pitches, offering a range of choices for large organised camps & events down to simple bivouacking. The site is a ‗natural playground‘

Photo Tom Stoddart, County Commissioner; Cllr Lewis Rose, Chair of the Peak District Rural Action Zone; Stuart Young, Deputy Mayor of High Peak and members of the camp staff at the recent official opening of the toilet / shower block.

roup G t u o c S r 3rd Codno rive D g n i s i a r Fund It has been a busy couple of months since issue 1 of our fundraising news and the launch of our plan to completely refurbish the Scout Hall.

by our group members have been printed and are available for sale at £3 per pack of 10 cards (each pack has a mixture of three designs).

We have now increased our funds for the work to £6,000 and can now start making plans to engage contractors to undertake the building on the project. A significant mile-stone in our fundraising quest!

Congratulations go to George Morris (Beaver), Rafe Bennett (Cub) and James Cantrill (Scout) for their successful designs.

The key successes in the period are as follows: We have been awarded a grassroots grant of over £2,500 from the Derbyshire Community Foundation towards the project. Amber Valley District Council have continued to ex-tend their support to us and have awarded us a grant of £100 for the 2010/11 year We held one of our major fundraising activities at the Codnor bonfire and fireworks show providing bur-gers and hotdogs. Initial indications are that we have raised over £500 from the evening in what were chal-lenging weather conditions (it will take weeks to clean up the mud in the Scout Hut!) Christmas cards designed

The cards could not have been produced without the support of a number of local businesses and individuals. Our thanks go to: - George Parkes Chairman Codnor Parish Council - M. T Buxton Mechanical and heating Engineers (01773 714 339) - AP Cars - Used car sales (07709 290 229) - Gary Bannister Tyres (01773 710 106) - Hobson Tax Consulting Ltd Our thanks go to all our fundraising heroes. If you have a need for heating systems, a used car or replacement tyres please consider our sponsors all located in Langley Mill. If you have any ideas for raising further funds please e-mail or speak to the group leaders. If you

would like to receive this news by e-mail please send your details to 3 r d c o d n o r The next edition will be issued early in the new year.

Lands of Adventure is a programme run by the European Scout Office, to enable Scouts across Europe to learn about each others‘ countries, make contact with each other and work together. There is an annual Lands of Adventure camp, and three badges you can earn. I registered all our patrols for the EurHopping badge a couple of years ago, as I thought this would work for the Global Challenge, but I have not succeeded in turning initial contact into an activity yet. But for the last few years, there has been a ―Lands of Adventure Day‖ (actually a weekend) in the Spring, with a challenge to accomplish. So this year, 135th Derby entered two patrols. As we didn‘t know how difficult or time-consuming the challenge would be, we decided to make it an overnight activity at our Broadway HQ. Late responses meant that, in the end, 15 Scouts took part – this would have been better as three patrols. With its entry, each patrol had to send in a recipe from its country. Fox sent in Cottage Pie; Otters, like several other British & Irish patrols, chose Fried Breakfast. On Friday

night, Radu in Geneva posted the challenge instructions on the LoA website. Each patrol had been allocated a troop in another European country, and had to make, eat & photograph a recipe sent in by one of its patrols, and make an innovative sign saying ―Lands of Adventure.‖ We gathered after lunch on Saturday, and I briefed the Scouts. Off they went to a nearby home, to download their instructions. Otter had been allocated Hluk in the Czech Republic, and chose Potato Pancakes; Wolf had been allocated Quinta do Anjo in Portugal, and chose Drunken Pear. All the recipes from Portugal used wine – a challenge in itself for us as the Baptist Church does not allow alcohol to be consumed on the premises. The Scouts then scaled up the recipes to serve everyone, then went off shopping. On their return, Fox pitched tents whi le Otter ma d e & photographed their sign; then they swapped over. Then they star te d pre parin g th eir recipes. Although we were in the hall, each patrol cooked on a gas stove while the leaders prepared a sauce to go with the potato pancakes in the

ki t ch e n . Al t h o u g h t h e ingredients and instructions were in English, some of them took a bit of working out. But we wouldn‘t have had a chance if they‘d been in Czech or Portuguese. The meal was generally a success – everyone liked the pancakes, though not the sauerkraut we served with them. Some of the Scouts, bizarrely, don‘t like pears. Despite me obtaining alcohol-free wine, one of the Scouts cooking with it behaved as if drunk. After the weekend, we posted our photographs. They can be seen at …. We were sent patrol certificates and pin badges for each Scout. This year, there was no vote for a winner. Afterwards, I wrote to the Czech & Portuguese patrols, sending a photo and thanking them. I got a reply from the Czechs. The Scouts really enjoyed themselves and got immersed in the challenges, even peeling all the potatoes. We plan to enter again next Spring. Hopefully, the challenge will involve more contact with the patrols abroad. More info athttp:// www.loaday.landsofadventure.e u/

On Saturday 8th January, around 300 adult members of Scouting in the county gathered in their ball gowns and dinner suits at the Roundhouse on Pride Park for the annual ball. This was the second year that the event has been held at the historic Derby venue, which began life in 1839 as a railway maintenance shed but was reopened in 2009 after extensive refurbishment as part of Derby College. For one night only, it was transformed into a spectacular entertainment and dining venue. It is also the second year that Lee Smith and Becky Dennett have been in charge of putting the event together, with months of hard work resulting in a fantastic social event; with entertainment until the early hours supplied by the excellent rock covers band ―Mrs Miggins‘ Pie Shoppe‖ (apparently Blackadder-inspired!), and our very own DJ Spud – a member of Fusion Scout Network in Derby and DJ at several other Scouting events including Peak 2010 and Alton Towers Camp. The night also included a raffle, with prizes ranging from a signed football to Go Ape tickets. A professional photographer was also on hand to capture everyone in their smart outfits. A massive thank you is due to Lee, Becky and everyone else that helped beforehand and on the night. Watch this space for details of next year‘s event, which will again be open to all adult members and friends of Derbyshire Scouts; including leaders, Network and Active Support. In the mean time, if you attended this year please take a moment to complete the survey and provide feedback: http:// surveyID=HBINGL_2cb0418

Club l l a b t o o F nty form. Please DO NOT contact the Derby Cou Derby County Ticket Office as the Following on from the great success of 2010 Scout and Guide match at Pride Park, we have been working on our partnership with Derby County and on the details for the 2011 match. Our plans are to build on last year‘s event and to make the 2011 event even bigger and better with more chances for our young people to participate. There is also a chance to take part in a Scout and Guide sleepover on the pitch at Pride Park in May! (Date to be confirmed) On launching the details for 2011, Tom Glick, Chief Executive Officer of Derby County, commented ―I am delighted to announce that the 3rd Annual Scout and Guide Day will take place on the 12th March for the Derby County v Swansea City game. I have no doubt that this will be bigger and better than ever before. I look forward to welcoming you all to the home of the Rams on the day and hope that you enjoy this fantastic experience‖ The Derby County home fixture against Swansea City at Pride Park on Saturday 12th March has been designated a Scout and Guide match. We are not only able to purchase tickets for this match at specially reduced prices that are not available to anyone else but the price includes a host of ―money can‘t buy‖ extras and, new for 2011, everyone who purchases a ticket for the match will receive a voucher entitling them to take part in a sleepover on the pitch at Pride Park in May 2011. There will also be a few surprises but you will have to wait until the day to see them! The Match Derby County v Swansea City The Date and Time Saturday 12th March kick off 3.00pm Ticket Prices Children £8 (under 21 and over 60 years) Adults £17

1 free Adult Ticket for every 10 tickets sold Additional Benefits include:  Free foam hand  Take part in a SLEEPOVER on the pitch in May  Flag Bearers around the pitch  Guard of Honour for the teams  Walk out with the players  Be one of Rammie‘s special helpers for the day  Announce the teams  Take penalties on Pride Park after the match  Win a trip for your Group to go to Moor Farm training ground New for 2011: It is planned that we will have an opportunity for ALL of our young members to be involved in an activity on the pitch during the day! As you can see this is another great opportunity for our members to watch Championship Football at greatly reduced prices which have not been offered to any other community club or group. Once again we have agreed that the concession price of £8 will be for everyone under the age of 21 and over 60. To enable seats to be allocated for us to sit together we have set a closing date of 31st January 2011. All groups that book by this date will be entered into a draw with the prize of a trip to the Moor Farm Training Ground for their Group. What do you need to do now?.... Tickets for this match are available to any members of Scouting, Girl Guiding, their parents and friends and they will also be available for Scouts and Guides from the Midlands Regions. Tickets will be available on a first come – first served basis by using the enclosed booking

special tickets are ONLY available from the address on the booking form. A cheque payable to Derbyshire County Scout Council for the full amount needs to be enclosed with the booking form together with a Large stamped addressed envelope with 2 first class stamps. This will be used to dispatch your tickets and further information during in late February or early March. Further information on meeting times and the additional events will be e-mailed out when it is available and will also be posted on a special page on the Derbyshire Scout Web Site at If you have any specific questions p l e a s e e - m a i l Please note: It will be the Leaders responsibility to ensure that all Groups and Units have the correct ratios of adults supervising the party. As this event gives us a great opportunity to promote Scouting and Guiding to the general public, uniform should be worn by members and Leaders. We do hope that you will all agree this is an opportunity not to be missed to have an enjoyable day and to showcase Scouting and Girlguiding to the public. We look forward to receiving your booking forms as soon as possible to enable us to confirm the number of tickets that we require before they are put on general sale by the Club. Derby County have reserved the seats in two locations within the stadium providing we confirm our numbers by the 31st January 2011. Stephen Edwards




Evie Gains Donation at Prestigious Event

In April 2010 the DASSC moved to Carsington Sailing Club, this was after many years of good sailing at Swarkestone, but was necessary if we were to continue to provide Sailing opportunities for the Scout and Guides of Derby. The DASSC currently owns ten ―Topper‖ dinghies. Sailing instruction, generally, takes place during the evenings, in the period April to August. The programme dates have to be set to take into account the various holidays, particularly Easter & SBH. It‘s possible for a youngster to gain an RYA Stage 1 Award - in a six-week session; a minimum of twelve hours sailing. We have found that once the youngsters have got their feet wet, many, return in following years to gain RYA Stage 2 Award. The youngsters are then encouraged to visit their local Sailing Clubs, where many run Junior Sailing sessions. In 2010 it was only possible for the sailing instruction to take place on Thursday & Friday evenings. In 2011 it‘s hoped sailing can take place on Wednesday evenings too. This will only be possible if more adult leaders and helpers support DASSC as Instructors or support staff, we currently rely on the very generous support of

Carsington Sailing Club‘s team of Inst ructo rs, however it is imperative that we become more selfsufficient and develop our own team of qualified instructors. Should you be able to do so then please contact the DASSC Commodore? John Barratt – Tel: 07740 4 945 26 – e -m a il: Website: A date for your diaries: The AGM of the DASSC is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 9th March, in the Derby Scout & Guide HQ (120 Osmaston Road, Derby, DE1 2RF) You are invited to come and meet us. Please visit the DASSC website for more information, & our 2011 Programme – bookings now being taken.

Evie a Scout with 1st Loscoe Scouts was selected to represent the district at the 2011 Jamboree. Her older brother Cameron who is a Beauchief Explorer and Nigel Hall AESL Beauchief ESU were given the opportunity by Derwent Brass to sell programmes and merchandise at their concert with Treorchy Male Voice Choir which took place in the Derby Assembly Rooms. Derwent Brass are Derby`s premier brass band and the Treorchy Male Voice Choir have performed at worldwide venue`s including Sydney Opera house. The concert was a sellout and we enjoyed meeting all the people attending and persuading them to buy band merchandise. The band invited Evie to attend a charity concert to raise funds for Derbyshire Motor Neurone Disease Association where the musical director of Derwent Brass, Mr Keith Leonard presented her with a sizeable dona t ion to war ds he r Jamboree Fund

A Derby Scout Group has launched its golden anniversary celebrations with an evening of festivities at its headquarters on Allestree Lane. The event brought together over 100 past and present leaders, members and supporters to share stories and celebrate the history of the group, which has grown into a thriving organisation today providing activities and adventure to over 60 young people from the Allestree area. Everyone that attended joined in with traditional c a mp f i r e songs and sketches, and was able to view photos, letters and newspaper clippings from throughout the group‘s 50year history. Eight year old Cub Scout Jono explained why he enjoys being a part of the group: “It’s really good fun and I love playing games, like dodgeball and football when we go camping. Last April we went to Walesby Forest where we tried abseiling, climbing and making bottle rockets.” He is the latest in three generations of his family to be involved in the group, which began with his grandfather Gordon Hilton joining in 1971. Mr Hilton – now aged 83 – remains an active volunteer to this day, acting as treasurer to the group in addition to helping his wife Wynn with maintenance and cleaning of the headquarters that he once helped to build. The story of their self-built headquarters building, first opened in 1982, is one that the

group is particularly proud of. Since being first registered on 20 December 1960 with just six Scouts and one leader, by the early 1970s the 151st Derby (Allestree St Nicholas) Scout Group had expanded to the stage that it was decided they needed their own building. The resulting two

1982, she held roles in the Beaver and Cub Scout sections before taking on the Group Scout Leader role in 2005. She is credited with leading the growth of the group in recent years, by recruiting new leaders and attracting young people to the group with a range of exciting activities and camps. As well as the camp at Walesby Forest, the group attended the enormous international Peak 2010 camp at Chatsworth in July. The group‘s next major camp is scheduled to take place in September 2011 as part of their year-long anniversary celebrations. One of the Scout leaders, Brian Porter, talked about plans for the camp: “We’re taking the whole group, along with parents, to Sp it e w in t e r , a Sco u t campsite near Matlock. We’ll be doing all sorts of things, like the usual campfires and games, as well as go kart building, cooking competitions and pioneering.”

storey facility took an army of dedicated volunteers eight years and just £9,500 to construct, with little professional help other than advice from a local builder. In recognition of his many years of service as a volunteer, a surprise ‗This is Your Life‘ presentation was made to Mr Hilton – complete with stories from his Scouting career spanning almost 70 years. The current Group Scout Leader, Christine Varney, proudly honoured Mr Hilton with the titles of Vice President of the group and Chief Squirrel Catcher – a unique role emanating from yet another story about Gordon‘s involvement with the group‘s headquarters. Christine has herself been involved in the group for a number of years. Since first joining as a Venture Scout in

Explaining why he got involved in the group, Brian said: “I was a Scout as a child and then when my children went into Beavers and Cubs, I decided it was time to come back and I’ve been with the Scouts here since 2005.” At the event, Brian was presented with his Wood Badge in recognition of completing his training; whilst the group‘s newest adult recruit, Steven Reed, was welcomed into his new role in the Cub section for 6 -8 year olds. The group – which recently launched an environmental partnership with the University of Derby to plant dozens of trees on the site – is also launching a special edition 50th anniversary badge and t-shirt for members to wear proudly throughout the anniversary year.

Powerboat Certificate at the end of the course. Please note that the course will only cover d i s p l a c e me n t b o a t s – previously we have included planing boats as well.

Dates of Course: Saturday/Sunday 2nd-3rd April 2011, 9am to 5pm each day The course is aimed principally at members of the Scout or Guide Associations but if there is room we may also take others too. Minimum age is 16 years, maximum – infinity.

It will be run by a team of qualified RYA powerboat instructors.

It takes place on the River Trent between Trent Lock and Sawley. Involves practice on a variety of inboard and outboard engined displacement boats.

Covers the whole gamut of boat ma noeu vring – in cluding anchoring, man overboard, towing, plus an understanding of the rules that apply to the activity.


Cost: £50 for Scout or Guide members, £85 for others

Cost includes lunch plus tea/ coffee etc on both days.

If you wish you are welcome to camp for the weekend – breakfast etc can be arranged with the team on duty for a small extra charge.

Places are limited so, if you are interested, get in touch with me as soon as possible.

Jim Davison Tel (home) : 01332 872669

THE OLDE HOUSE INN, NEWBOLD, CHESTERFIELD TEAMS OF 4 REQUIRED £4 PER HEAD TO INCLUDE PIE AND PEA SUPPER Please come along and compete for the Active Support Challenge Cup. All supporters welcome. Would each Scout Active Support Unit please let Jean know numbers of teams and numbers of people attending, the entry fees are required by 10th March

(mobile) : 07974 438577 e-mail :

If you are successful you will receive the RYA Level 2



News t u o c S r e empler Beav outs – Joy T r Sc ACC Beave

Are you ready for 2011? A Bonanza Year! Furry Fred and I send Christmas and New Year Greetings to all Beaver Scouts, their Leaders and helpers. Both he and I hope you have had a good break and a chance to recharge the batteries for 2011. We expect that you all know by now that it is a special year for Derbyshire‘s Beav er Scouts. There is certainly plenty to do – The County Challenge, attend Bonanza 5, Join in Jamboree activities and of course, celebrate 25 years of Beaver Scouting so don‘t forget to order the national badge from Scout Shops.

Furry Fred is looking f orward to iss uing certificates to colonies who have completed six

of the tasks in his County Challenge ―Exploring the Elements‖ and seeing what you have been up to via the photographs and samples that you send him. We hope every Colony has received their copy – if not, contact your ADC Beaver Scouts or District Beaver Scout Contact and don‘t forget

to order your Furry Fred badges. Please remember to send some evidence with your form! Fred and I are wondering whether any colony will complete the Mega Challenge – we do hope so! We are also very excited about the plans developing for our Beaver Scout Bonanza 5 on 3rd July 2011 and hope you have the date in your diary. The Land Leaders and their teams have

been working hard and have come up with some more great ideas for things you can do to explore Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The booking form will be available at the end of January – so make sure you get a copy. There are plenty of fun bases, lots of hands-on activities and a few wow! features appearing on the lists from each land. Please come and join us for this great day out especially for Beaver Scouts in Derbyshire. Thank you to all who have already volunteered to help us at Bonanza 5, but as is usual for any big event, we still need more people to assist with bases (both constructing and running) and central services – especially a First Aid Team. If you are interested and able to help then do please get in touch!

EWS N T U O C S CUB ub Scouts –Tracy Lugg ACC C

Hello everyone and happy New Year. I hope you all had a great Christmas and now looking forward to another great scouting year. Unfortunately the snow put a stop to a number of visits I had planned, last month including two carol services in Derby East and Long Eaton. I was lucky enough to visit Derby North. Nine packs competed for the Richard Edward Trophy. It was a great night and everybody appeared to enjoy the challenging activ ities provided by Andrew Templer the ADC including: mysterious feely bean bags, treasure map co-ordinates and identifying well known buildings of the world. They even had to answer the well known question, ‗How Long is a Piece of String?‘ I was also pleased to join Derby South on a night hike. All one hundred and seventeen walkers chatted and sang their way along woodland paths and muddy fields. They survived the bracing temperatures, the thick fog and arrived safely back at HQ for hot dogs and hot chocolate. It was the first time the district had held this event and it was very well received. Everyone was in high spirits and I am sure Chris and Rowland, the District Cub Scouters, will be including it on next year‘s calendar.

         

Competition Time I would like cubs to design a badge for this event which w i l l b e a wa r d e d o n completion of the walk and the tasks. The badge can be round or square and include up to nine colours. There will be a prize for the winner. Please pass on or post your entries to your ADC by 16th February remembering to include the cub‘s name and pack. Have fun! High Peak Cub Report Jean Clough A.D.C. Cubs High Peak We will go into the hills and valleys in the north where the High Peak Cub Scouts, very busy, very active and very enthusiastic, are enjoying a wide variety of activities. Early in the autumn the Bowden Buffalo competition was held, based on basic Cub Scouting teams compete for the unique buffalo horns, which have been with the district for more than 35years. This years competition was based on a spy theme and was held at Gradbach camp site. Later in the Autumn as the nights got darker, an air rifle shooting competition was held for the Cubs in the district, organised by 17thBuxton Scout Air gun Club, Cubs competed for

individual awards and an overall Best Pack award. C h r i st ma s a ct i vi t i e s s o o n dominated December one Pack walked around their local neighbourhood carol singing, Father Christmas led the Cubs through the snow - deep and crisp and even, yes they chose the Monday evening of the 'big snow'. Another of the Packs held a Nativity play with carols the nativity had a comical element with a somewhat inebriated shepherd and a no nonsense modern mother to be (Mary) who negotiated a very favourable price for stable accommodation. A 'make & take' was the theme for another pack Cubs made a variety of crafts from a Christmas tree and table decoration to toys, bird feeders and steam train planters, they also made a gingerbread house - it didn't last very long but it was mighty tasty! In 2011 our only 'homeless' pack will be moving into their brand new group headquarters, this also coincides with the groups centenary. As a district we plan to mark 95 years of Cub Scouting with an inter-pack challenge, each pack to issue a challenge of their choice to the other packs in the district, each month a different pack has been nominated to issue their challenge

EWS N T U O C S CUB ub Scouts –Tracy Lugg ACC C

Chesterfield District Cubs Craft Competition November 2010 As a group with no fixed premises, we are a bit unambitious when it comes to trying out ―craft activities‖ at our meetings – anything we're not sure we'll be able to clear up in 10 minutes has to be deferred to camp. This has two consequences: a) we have got pretty good at clearing up the school hall and b) it is always interesting to see what our cubs come up with when they really are stretched. T he an nu al Cub s Cr af t Competition is a good eye opener for the second of these. It is run every year in late autumn and involves 4 cubs from each pack in Chesterfield District spending a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon trying to meet an interesting challenge. This might be construction based (design and build a chair) or more abstract (design a new cub activity and badge) – but needs a good combination of team-work, imagination and some practical nous. This year, teams were told to descend on District HQ along with a collection of possibly useful materials (card, foil, plastic, …). We were (typically) a few minutes late, so the other 10 or so teams were already at their tables discussing their plans when we trundled in to add our ―goodies‖ to the small mountain in the middle of the hall. My four cubs were led to the far corner to be given their challenge and, after checking in t h e i r h e a l t h f o r ms a n d permission slips, I departed – they were on their own! I returned something short of 2

hours later to see the District Team coordinating a major clear up session. If anything, the mountain of materials in the middle of the hall now appeared even bigger. This must just have been an illusion though, since each table now bore a construction of some kind. Some of these were a bit difficult to describe – large, angular cardboard-and-sellotape assemblies with odd appendages. These became a bit more recognisable when I learnt that the task had been to design and build a ―Useful Vehicle‖. I went to the far corner, where my four were looking rather happy with themselves - ―It's a Rescue Vehicle,‖ they told me, looking down at the tank and trailer in front of them. ―It's very well armed‖ I said, noting the big turret gun. ―It's solar powered too,‖ they pointed out, noting an optimistic square of silver foil on the roof. ―And it's camouflaged – we found some green paint.‖ Looking in more detail, they genuinely had done a good

cardboard constriction job and their finished product resembled their initially drawn plans very well. Team work was also evident – by having two parts to

their vehicle, it had worked out that a pair of them had worked on each part. They had clearly enjoyed the afternoon and were keen to show me the various gadgets they had incorporated. During this, it became clear that the green paint was still very wet. Before we departed, there was a brief thank you and prize announcement. I had not had the chance to look properly at any of the other entries, but hoped ours would be pushing for a place. In the end our pack - 1st Holymoorside - were declared winners! We try to make as many District events as possible, but joint second had been our previous best – it was great to turn up at our next meeting with a shield to show off. I just hope that next year's Craft Competition will be based on a challenge something like ―Design a process for cleaning green paint off the inside of Akela's car.‖

Picture Caption: The happy winners from 1st Holymoorside: George, Josh, Harry and Harrison.

Dave MacAlister The ACC (Scouts) view on the Scout Section Across The County

By the time you read this, most of the Christmas festivities will be over and we will all be sorting out our diaries and calendars for 2011 – just where did that year go to? Last year we presented nearly 100 Chief Scout Gold Awards between the two presentations – Cavendish Hall and Peak 2010 – I always said I would welcome having to have two presentations in one year!

February 6th 2011. To date I have 34 names- but there‘s still time of course. Looking forward It would be really wonderful to have one or more Troops from every District with their names on the Chilly Challenge Roll of Honour and also every District achieving Chief Scouts Gold Awards. There are lots of activities planned for the coming year and my wish is that more and more of our Scouts get involved especially in the outdoor activities – we know this is why they join in the first place. Here‘s for a successful 2011! Next ADC Meetng

The Global Challenge Roll of Honour contains 260 names from 12 Districts across the County, hopefully these Scouts will be on their way to gaining their Chief Scouts Gold Award this year- well done to all concerned.

Chief Scouts Gold Awards

Our next ADCs meeting is set for 19th January at Alfreton Fire Station – 8.00pm. We will look at our final Guidance Sheet - the Adventure Challenge, at this meeting. Please make sure your District is represented – a new year resolution perhaps?. Dave MacAlister ACC (Scouts) E-mail:

The next presentation will be at County Hall in Matlock on

The “Chilly Challenge” Our new challenge for 2011 is now underway and I know of quite a number of camps planned across the County. All you have to do to achieve your pennant is to camp, under canvas, in the month of January. Once completed, your ADC Scouts or DC will be pleased to supply/award the pennants.

e Around Th ounty C ur new s! Send us yo

Wilmot Wander Wilmot Wander walk is due to take place on January 30th 2011 and is 35 miles. It is open to those aged 14+. Information is available from Bob Rogerson telephone 01332 873464 or by e-mailing John Pye -




Edwards Trophy Winners Each year, Derby North District holds an annual Cub Scout competition that involves fun activities revolving around scouting. The trophy that is awarded is called the Richard Edwards Trophy, named after out late District Commissioner who sadly died a few years ago. We held our competition on the 9thNovember 2010 and the 124th Derby (Li ttl eover Methodist) Team ‗C‘ came first.

Could I do that? There are currently a few vacancies within the County.  All of them supporting roles.

 All of them usual pay and conditions.  All of them very rewarding,.  All of them to support the leaders and through them our young people.  All of them to enable more and better Scouting to take place in Derbyshire. Of course perhaps it is that you could not do any of these roles but you may know someone who can, someone you work with, someone you have watched develop as a Scout / leader / assistant. An enthusiastic parent who may not want to help on a regular night. Someone who is simply ready for a change All I ask that if anyone is interested or you know someone who you think would be perfect for the role. Please get in touch and myself or one of the team will meet with them, supply all the relevant information etc. There will be no pressure from anyone on anyone.

Vacancies  District Commissioner. Following Mel Dyson stepping down Derwent & Dove district are looking for a new DC.  ACC Activities. An important role in such an active County as Derbyshire.  Conference organisers I am looking for a few people with creative ideas to plan and run the leader conference in November as well as a treasurer, and admin person usual pay and conditions.

A VIEW FROM THE CHAIR Carole Grew 2011 already and before I started writing these few words I looked back at the last issue. It always amazes me what a really active bunch of folk are involved in and around Scouting in Derbyshire. We are very lucky to have you all and as a county I feel we are all very lucky to have such a proactive County Commissioner in Tom Stoddart. His enthusiasm and commitment never ceases to amaze me. I know there are some great plans for the coming year and it really is up to you all to make the most of the opportunities available. The county executive is keen to support the growth of scouting in Derbyshire. The plans for a new building at Drum Hill is moving forward and all the sections are trying new events, all which need funding, one way or another, either through the membership subscription or through grants and fund raising. The executive is once again without a treasurer as Jenny Kendall had to stand down due to family pressures. We are hoping to have a new treasurer in place in March. At the AGM there will be opportunities for some of you to get involved in the executive as some of the current members will be standing down. Please consider getting involved. It is your chance to have an input into how the County is managed. We are still really keen for more young people to get involved, we need their input and their challenges ―Why do you do that?‖ is a very useful question sometime and one we do not ask ourselves often enough. Happy Scouting and many thanks to all of you, leaders and supporters who put so much into this game of ours and ensure that the young people of Derbyshire have really memorable Scouting experiences.

"Please make sure that there is someone in your group/ district who is taking responsibility for the Census return. It is really important that all the numbers and supporting information is returned to Ann Thornton as soon as possible. This will then allow the County to send out the bills in good time so that they can be paid before the deadline so that we can all benefit from the 50p reduction. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.










Scout & Guide, Derby




15th Matlock




Ilkeston Fire Station

Saturday (am)



Ilkeston Fire Station

Saturday (pm)



Ilkeston Fire Station

Sunday (am)



Chesterfield Fire Stn

Sunday (pm)



Chesterfield Fire Stn




Notts Road, Fire Stn




Chesterfield Fire Stn




Alfreton Fire Station

Saturday (am)




Saturday (am)




Sunday (am)



15th Matlock

Sunday (am)



15th Matlock












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Staveley Fire Station




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