S Derbyshire County Scout Council Newsletter - Issue 7 - March 2011
K.Scout is the Newsletter of the Derbyshire County Scout Council. All contributions and photos gratefully received and should be sent to news@derbyshirescouts.org for inclusion. Deadline for next issue: 16th April 2011!
iona t a n r e t n I ( ACC r u o g n i c Introdu Hi, my name is Simon Growcott & I have recently accepted the appointment of ACC (International). I have been involved in Scouting since I started as a Cub 35 years ago & for the last 15 years h a ve b e e n a Cu b L e a d e r i n Chesterfield, although some of you will know me from County Training or Peak camps. My twin boys are both in Scouts and my wife is a Group Scout Leader (recently deprived of her Cub Leader!). In my other life, I am an Assistant Headteacher at Saint Benedict School, Derby. So what does an ACC(I) actually do? Apparently, this is what my job description says! Key contact for the Visits Abroad Process If you are going abroad you will need to get the Trips Abroad pack from me & then return it 2 months before you go for trips to Europe and 6 months before for trips further afield. Support for the Global Programme Zone If you are not travelling abroad you can still promote International Sc o u t i n g t h r o u g h yo u r we e kl y programme. Have you used your Join-in -Jamboree booklet yet? Do you have a favourite activity from Programmes Online? Do you have a programme idea you want to share with others? What about JOTI or JOTA in October? Have you got links with a Scout Group overseas? Over the next few editions of K.Scout, we will have a look at some of these ideas. Encouraging leaders to organise international trips We have a number of Groups going overseas this year from Canada to France and Holland to Norway as well as our Jamboree Contingent who are heading off to Sweden. Do you want to take the plunge but you‟re not sure where to begin? Please get in touch, as there is a lot of experience across the County to help you get started. Don‟t forget to have a look at the new International page of the County website for more ideas. Are you interested in developing International Scouting opportunities across the County? I am looking to establish a team of International Ambassadors. So if you are an experienced overseas camper or enjoy
developing Global activities in your weekly programme please consider getting in touch.
My ACC(I) Challenges for 2011 (closing date December 31st 2011) Challenge 1 – The Derbyshire Scout Badge Goes Global How many countries in the World can we get the Derbyshire Ram to this year? All you have to do is send your badge (either the single County Badge or your combined District & County Badge) overseas as many times as possible this year. It could be worn by you on your travels overseas (Scouting trips or your ordinary holidays) or carried in your pocket! Maybe you want to send it to Aunty in Australia or to a Scout Group that you have International Links with. How creative can you be? All we need as evidence that your badge has travelled is a photo (which clearly identifies your badge & the country which it has travelled to) which you can send to me & if suitable photographic permissions have been granted then we can publish it on the website. If you can’t get hold of a County badge
why not use your District/County combined badge or even download the County badge from the International page of the County website. There will be a prize to the Group that collects the most countries & something for everyone who takes part. Challenge 2 – Your Group Mascot Goes International Many of you have some form of mascot, flag or pennant. Indeed recently, I saw an inflatable lobster that is a member of the Helios Explorer Unit in Chesterfield. How far can your mascot travel during 2011? Will your Group or Section be the first to win the title (& prize) of “The most travelled Scouting mascot in Derbyshire”? All you have to do is let me know the mileage & locations that your mascot travels to (Again photo evidence please). Please keep me up to date and I will let you know who is in the lead each month.
Simon Growcott acc-international@derbyshirescouts.org
Some International Ideas for March & April Mar 08
International Women’s Day
Mar 14
World Book Day & Commonwealth Day
Mar 17
St. Patrick’s Day
Mar 20
World Frog Day
Mar 21
World Day to Eliminate Racial Discrimination
Mar 22
World Day for Water
Mar 25
Greece Independence Day
Mar 29
Earth Hour – 8pm Local Time
Apr 02
International Children’s Book Day
Apr 07
United Nations’ World Health Day
Apr 21
International Creativity and Innovation Day
Apr 22
Earth Day
Apr 25
World Penguin Day & World Malaria Day, ANZAC Day, Portugal Freedom Day
for more ideas have a look at: http://www.brownielocks.com
W it ard Service w A h rg u b in s Duke of Ed Nick Griffith Completing Having had a few enquiries within our district over the past twelve months from young people at school to come and complete their service element within a Beaver, Cub or Scout Section my initial response has always been yes of course, come and join Explorer Scouts as a Young Leader and job is done. In some cases the young person is happy to do this and signs up, completing their Young Leader training as and when offered via your ESL(YL) within the District. It is important to remember those over 18 years old completing the award, for whom there are various options such as s e c tio n a l le ad e r sh ip , s e c tion a l assistant, administrator or adviser. For young people under 18, there are two additional o p t i o n s available:
be a member of the Senior S e c t i o n w i t h i n Girlguid ing UK and assist with a Beaver Scout Colony, Cub Scout Pack or Scout Troop for a fixed period of time. Training and support will be offered by the Section Leader and by Girlguiding UK. be enrolled with The Duke of Edinburgh‟s Award, and undertake service with a Beaver Scout Colony, Cub Scout Pack or Scout Troop for a fixed period of time. You will need to be registered with your local Young Leader Unit in partnership with the Section Leader and the participant‟s Operating Authority. In addition, it is important to recognise the over 18 completing the award, where there are various options available, for example, Section leadership, Skills Instructor, Section Assistant, Administrator or Adviser. Point 2 above seems to becoming more and more popular, with Schools and young people themselves getting in touch more and more therefore communication is key to ensuring the
g hin Scouitin
experience is a positive one for all concerned and part of this needs to include a clear understanding of what is required to get the service section signed off. A couple of questions to be answered in order to ensure that the young person successfully completes there service are: How long is the service for? (Although if the young person enjoys helping out, they may after all decide to become part of Scouting as a Young Leader) Is the young person/school aware of the mandatory training requirement as part of the service?
Minimum Time Requirements The minimum time requirements are: BRONZE – 3 months involvement * SILVER – 6 months involvement GOLD – 12 months involvement * at Bronze, participants may choose to add the additional three months to this Section. For direct entrants, selecting the service section to undertake their additional time requirements, six months must be added to the Silver and Gold Award requirements. Involvement is to be measured in full months with an expectation of an average of at least one hour
per week. There is flexibility as to how the hours are deployed within the total time span as long as there is regular involvement throughout. Training Requirements Whilst undertaking the Service Section of the Duke of Edinburgh‟s Award, it is mandatory to undertake appropriate training. Where the training listed below is not available or appropriate, an alternative must be agreed with the County Adviser before the service commences. At Gold level, alternatives should be agreed by the Award Officer at
Gilwell Park before the service commences. Please see the table for Service section requirements when undertaken within The Scout Association. Assessment Assessment of the training is carried out by the District Explorer Scout Commissioner (for under 18s) or County/Area/Local Training Manager for over 18s. It is important to state in the Record Book the name of the module(s) or course completed. Further Information In the first instance speak with your DESC who should put you in touch with your ESL(YL) for all young leader related questions. For D of E related questions visit: http://dofe.derbyshirescouts.org
Tom’rbsysThirue Cronunty Scout Council ioner, De
miss County Com
Hello Derbyshire. I hope like me you think 2011 has got off to a very exciting start. I will not list everything that has been going on but I do have to mention the three Queen Scouts, two of whom, Rachel Pye & Katie Buxton, Derby North were presented with their awards by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant at the awards ceremony a couple of weeks ago. Eddie Hudson, Dronfield will be presented in March. Well done to all of you. I hope you inspire & encourage others to follow. Our president Sir Richard also presented 70 Chief Scout Gold awards, as well as several Platinum awards to the Explorer section. Well done to all. The presentations also had the Helios Explorer units powerpoint of their first year played to some 250 people. All the parents I spoke to were very impressed with the range of activities covered. Helios also won the Chesterfield Explorer Golden Duck awards - presented at a very posh night very similar to the Oscars. More Queen Scout news. Lucy has put together a really good resource for Scouts who are not sure / wondering how far they might be with their award / checking that they are as far on as they think they are. Look out for the link elsewhere in K. Last week saw the DC‟s meet for the day to discuss and look at Derbyshire Scouting. There was a very full agenda covering celebrating success, exciting news from Dan Weaver, the County media manager, Sally Eccles CTM, conferences, rag assessments and the County plan. The plan,
Vision for Derbyshire, will be on the website after its final review and will give all a sense of where the County is going and will form the focus for support and planning. It will also provide support for any financial bids we intend making going forwards. Please make sure you make the local meetings where the DC‟s will be passing on the info seeking your views. I hope by now all are seeing the benefits of some of the changes in the county as highlighted / requested when I spoke with the District Commissioners just over a year ago now. Some of these requests have been happening and now need your support to maintain. For example, Dan has got the County & media to where I hoped he would do over time, the fact that we are there already is a credit to his enthusiasm. Now we have the infrastructure in place including the contacts with the Derby Evening Telegraph where we now have good coverage. Wider coverage in the County will come through Johnson press who are keen to support Scouting throughout their range of papers such as The Derbyshire Times, Local Advertisers, Chadd etc. We do need the district / your input of news & articles to keep the momentum up, Dan cannot cover the county singlehanded. The Financial sub Committee, led by Carole Grew are spending a lot of time getting us on a better financial understanding and, whilst not immediately obvious as to how it helps Scouting in a Cub Pack on a Tuesday, it will help in reducing training costs, minimising membership fee increases and improving
governance by the executive. Thanks to Carole and team. More excitement at The County Camp site Drum Hill with Rolls -Royce sponsorship of a Caving project kicking off which ties in very nicely with the start of the County‟s newest Scout Active Support unit centred on caving led by Nick Coward. Again a very enthusiastic Scouter interested in getting as many Scouts underground as he can this year. Look out for further details. Two more well dones To Meg Hudson, Peak District who has recently represented Scouting youth at a House of Commons “select committee” alongside such illustrious company as Derek Twine ,CEO the Scout Association, the heads of several organisations such as Y M C A , P r i n c e s T r us t , Safeguarding manager for Rugby Union etc. as well as a dozen MP‟s . I know that she did a really good job on the day, we are all very proud of you, well done Meg. http://newsletter.scouts.org.uk/ t/49065/8867494/1810601/0/ Also to Stuart Groom, whilst nothing to do with Scouting directly, he has been invited to Am er ic a to addr ess a conference on the work he does with Autistic children praise indeed. The last bit of excitement I want you to look out for are changes to the website where work has been going on in the background to improve access to Derbyshire Scouting information for parents, a possible Junior K. put together by an Explorer unit, and the introduction of K. plus or is that K. light or as Dave Ellis suggested last week Special K. !! Watch your inbox over the next couple of months. All the very best in your Scouting Tom
Quest Scout Network - Rachael and Katie become Queen‟s Scouts.
Queen‟s Scout Award – Meet Timmy! He‟s a busy Lynx Scout Network member and has been in Scouting for years. He had never thought about doing his Queen‟s Scout Award and to be honest didn‟t know much about it. So when he took 10 minutes to fill out a Reaching the Top! survey and found he had already completed 80% of the award he was pretty surprised. Timmy is now motivated to plan his expedition. He‟s hoping to complete it by bicycle with friends that have also used this survey to find out how far they‟ve got with the award.
Stand out from the crowd, learn something and get an award for it!!!!
Click on the link below to find out how you can achieve your Queen‟s Scout Award (don‟t worry we won‟t make you stick you tongue out or wear a sheep as a hat).
Network Leaders and Network members get together in the Cottage at Gradbach.…… Network Leaders and Network members from Lynx, Fusion, Genus, Quest and the new yet to be named Network from Derwent and Dove attended a social get together. Members stayed over Saturday night in the Cottage at Gradbach. It was great to have a catch up over a few cups of tea and Rosie and Lucy‟s homemade Chilli.
The Dragon Award has begun…… Derbyshire Scout Network members made the first step to gaining the Bronze Dragon Award last month by completing one night under canvas in January.
More information about the award can be found at:
http://www.scoutswales.org.uk/programme/dragon It‟s an award open to Network & Leaders so come and join the adventure. The award is split into 3 parts; Bronze, Silver & Gold. We are starting with the Bronze. BRONZE: “Spend one night under canvas or bivouac in each month of the year. This can be spread over any length of time and does not have to be completed in one period of 12 months.”
Keep up to date with our progress and find out about future events at www.derbyshirenetwork.org.uk. The Dragon Award - Tom, Ben and Adam enjoy a hot cup of tea at the January night under canvas. THE NEXT DRAGON AWARD EVENT IS ON SATURDAY 26TH MARCH AT LYNX SCOUT NETWORK HQ.
Derbyshire Scout Network Diary 2011 Join the adventure…..…Derbyshire Scout Network upcoming activities March - County Network Meeting. More March - March Dragon Award overnight camp More April - Monopoly Zig Zag Challenge. More April – April Dragon Award overnight camp @ The National Network Gathering More June – Caving Day Trip. More July – County Network Meeting. More July - Summer water activity day. More August – Kandersteg 2011, an international adventure for Derbyshire Scout Network. More October – Alton Towers Camp 2011. More November – Elimination, Megazone Derby. More December – County Network Meeting and Pub Quiz. More To view the full Derbyshire Scout Network diary please, click here.
Contact your County Scout Network Commissioner:
Lucy Robinson csnc@derbyshire network.org.uk
Job opportunities County Network Chairperson We are looking for an individual to Chair the County Scout Network Committee and help the County Scout Network Commissioner to organise a full programme of activities for scout network members.
Derbyshire Scout Network is looking for a financially minded person to keep account of all funds. The role involves upkeep of the general Derbyshire Scout Network accounts, and coordinating the finances for Alton Towers Camp and the County Ball.
Activity organisers Do you have a hobby you want to
County Network Administrator
share with Derbyshire Scout Network members, perhaps you love climbing, football, kite surfing‌. We are looking for people to organ-
Derbyshire Scout Network is one of the largest Scout Networks in the country and we’re growing! We are constantly recruiting new members and need an Administrator to ensure that records are created and kept up to date using the national membership database. Other duties include taking minutes at the County Network Meetings. Knowledge of Scout Network structure is desirable but is not essential as full training will be given.
ise activities to fill our monthly county programme. Activities can run for a day e.g. caving or can even be a weekend away.
For further details and full job descriptions for any of the positions above please email csnc@derbyshirenetwork.org.uk or phone 0115 9462445 and ask for Lucy.
A o T g n i m o C ou! Y r a e N r e NewsMpDaMpDanny Weaver Over the coming months, there are lots of events that we plan to cover and try to get in the local media. The following are some of the stories that we are currently working on and require your help with: MARCH: “Hands Off Our Huts” – The Scout Association will soon be launching a campaign around the increases in ground rent being suffered by Scout HQs and c o mmu n i t y buildings around the country. We will be looking for local examples of affected Scout groups as part of this project – please contact us if this is potentially an issue
Well Done Susan!
for you. APRIL: Scouting in Derbyshire continues to grow – Can you explain why Scouting is so successful, or why you volunteer? What have you enjoyed most in the past 12 months, and what are you looking forward to? This is your chance to get a mention in the local paper – we will be aiming to get this story in as many local outlets as possible; with local examples, figures and comment from leaders and young people alike. We need lots of local quotes and stories to support this
story, which is planned for mid-April as part of the nationally co-ordinated effort to publicise the key points arising from this year‟s census. APRIL: St George’s Day celebrations – With so many different events going on in all Districts around the county, St George‟s Day is a difficult one to cover well! We are on the look -out for any particularly interesting or unusual examples of Scouts celebrating the day – if you think that your event fits the bill, please get in touch. As always, if you have any other events or “good news” stories to publicise, please contact Dan Weaver media@derbyshirescouts.org
e Around Th ounty C ur new s! Send us yo
Scouts & Guides @ DCFC
East Scarsdale District Walk
As you will be aware, this year‟s match v erses Swansea City takes place at Pride Park on Saturday 12th March with a 3pm kick off. At present we have sold over 1100 tickets for the game to members and friends of both Scouts and Guides.
On Saturday 6th November over 70 young people, representing Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers set out to raise funds for their sections. The youngsters from 6 of the 7 East Scarsdale groups, with the support of 40 leaders and parents, walked a route which took them via each group‟s headquarters, taking in the sights from NE Derbyshire‟s infamous coal and corn fields to remind youngsters of their regional heritage. The staged route which began at Creswell led the walkers to Whitwell, Clowne, Barlborough, Killamarsh and finished at Inkersall Scout hut, which the Explorers and one Beaver walked the full 22 miles. They were welcomed at Inkersall by the retired walkers, a lit bonfire and warming food and drinks made by the District Beaver leader team. A big thank you to all those involved in the walk and a special thankyou goes out to Barlborough MacDonald‟s, who gave hungry walkers with a drink and a burger. The event was a great success and we plan to do it again this year, in October, if any one is interested in joining in or helping out then please get in contact with the organiser Graeme „Grizzley‟ T u r n e r o n grizzley85@gmail.com
Tickets and full details of the arrangements for the day including meeting times will be dispatched when the tickets have been printed by the club so as they arrive with you week commencing 28th February. Details of the arrangements will also be posted on the C o u n t y ‟ s w e b site www.derbyshirescouts.or g by the end of February – Just follow the link from the home page. Please remember this is also an opportunity to showcase Scouting and Guiding to the Derbyshire public so please encourage everyone taking part in the activities to wear their uniform for the match
If you have any specific questions, please email football@derbyshirescou ts.org
Stephen & Edwina
A VIEW FROM THE CHAIR Carole Grew The nights are drawing out and the snowdrops and crocus in the garden are looking wonderful, life is good and there is hope of better weather in sight. Could it get any better than this? Well I have some good news as we have managed to secure a new county Treasurer so I will be able to shed one of my jobs and will be very happy to see the back of it. Frank Hawkins will take over at the end March when he retires from work and I am very grateful to him. I am hoping that Frank will challenge what we currently do and hopefully make us better for that. Please remember that your census information should have been in by 21st February – to those of you who met the deadline Thank You very much. If there are still any of you who have not entered your information, please make this a priority (I know amongst all the other priorities!) then it‟s all over – at least for another year. Many thanks to you all. Carole
DU ilable To M e r i h s y b Der s On A Vital Resource Ava
Rita Hickin
nty Report s The Cou Use Acros
Do you know about it?
No? Well it‟s a brilliant resource for the county and is available for groups, districts & the county to promote scouting. It can be used for both youth and adult recruitment. In general its there as a super support to promote scouting in Derbyshire both locally and county wide. The displays in the unit can be changed to suit the event and needs of where it is being used.
I‟ll keep you updated on when and where the DMDU is out & about in Derbyshire.
Its first outing this year is at Pride Park Stadium on Saturday 12 March. It will be there with a team of enthusiastic volunteers to promote scouting in Derbyshire.
Its next outing is at Spitewinter Camp Site at the
Skills Day on March 19th . This is where leaders who are there on the day can get a look at the DMDU and see it for themselves.
WANTED for the DMDU We would like to build up the DMDU so that it looks the part with displays,
If so please email me on hickin@rhickin.freeserve.co.uk
or ring 747478
If the DMDU is required please book it via the county Adm in is tra to r Jacquie O1332 841519 / 0 7 7 6 2 1 4 0 9 6 3 admin@derbyshirescouts.org
Ideally Groups & Districts will need to have someone with a towing vehicle to tow it to where you want it although the county will help where it can.
equipment etc and would like the following things so do you have or know someone who does? a small kayak/canoe with p a dd le s a nd spraydeck Selection of climbing equipment, harness, karabiners, rope etc These only need be discarded items but would be brilliant for display in the DMDU
Some time in the next few weeks we plan to have a morning where dis tricts can nominate two people who can come along to the county camp site at Drum Hill and see how to set up the DMDU , general health & safety etc. In time we hope to be able to have the facility to play DVD‟s / slide shows – so watch this space…….!!!! That‟s all for now Rita (Rita Hickin)
g n i n i a r T y Count –Sally Eccles CTM
Nights Away Has been replaced by 2 Residential Experiences Modules. Module 16 – Introduction to Residential Experiences is an essential requirement for a woodbadge. It is being run as weekend morning session (4 x this year) and as part of our residential ‘L of a weekend’. Validation needs to be carried out by a Training Adviser. M odule 38 – Skills for Residential Experiences is not essential for the woodbadge but provides opportunities to learn and develop skills needed for validation for a Nights Away Permit. Validation needs to be carried out by a Nights Away Adviser. An
of a Weekend
(Residential) Friday 13 –Sunday 15 May at Drum Hill or Fri 9 – Sun 11 September at Spitewinter The following modules will be covered throughout the weekend so please do not submit an application for specific modules only: Module Module Module Module
16 17 18 38
– – – –
Introduction to Residential Experiences Activities Outdoors Practical Skills Skills for a Residential Experience
Please see the training section of the county website for details of further courses and applications forms.
light e! n o o M n o i t Opera report on their Experienc
Alex & Ben
MOONLIGHT Moonlight. 8 hours of hell! Twice I have done this and twice I asked myself: why did I do it? The answer seems to be that it sounded like a good idea at the time in the comfort of the scout hut, but actually doing it was torture. Packed into the back of a rattling death trap, singing along to Queen, our group was buzzing with excitement heading off. But coming back, we barely had the energy to sleep. Our demonic driver smiled a crooked smile as we collapsed in our seats before the three hour drive back. Admittedly we were full of gusto setting off; confident we could do it, dressed like soldiers with m assive backpacks full of energy drinks and sweets. But then it grew dark and colder still and we started to doubt our own ability.
The second time around, a SLIGHT detour made us miss out on a respectable time but we were by no means last. It was on the way back home that I made a firm resolution to never do it again before slipping into a pain induced coma. Though I made the same promise last year! Alex Marriott
I have done this twice. The first time I came away with a limp and two blisters the size of an egg. I put this down to trekking through mud whilst a perfectly good path was metres way (our navigator failed to see it). The second time around I got two little ones on both feet and another limp! Despite losing several lives, one to a dropout, our Explorer group came 17th on the leader board. It was great (and embarrassing) to see PANTS (long story) there for everyone to see on the website on our first attempt.
MOONLIGHT I did Moonlight this year, but not willingly! My brother paid for me as he wanted to see me suffer. I was woken at 5.30am and told to get dressed and after eating a bowl of porridge (to give me energy my mum said) we proceeded to the scout hut for 6am. We drove for 3 hours in our leaders landrover listening to Weird Al and playing eye spy. After queuing up to buy a sausage cob we were herded onto a coach which dumped us in the middle of nowhere, 14
miles from our destination. Following this was 6 gruelling hours of non-stop walking. I felt like death warmed up and looked like it too. After 10 miles of our 16 mile route I decided to call it quits. After we called an official, I was picked up and taken back to base in a mini van, which was a cold hall full of screaming children. Oh joy. I met up with our leader Craig and welcomed the rest of the team back sometime later, by which point the tent where you submitted your time had been dismantled and packed away. All in all I wouldnâ€&#x;t do it again if you paid me but it was a good laugh and credit to those who managed to get to the finish by themselves (unlike me). Ben Marriott
EWS N T U O C S CUB ub Scouts –Tracy Lugg ACC C
Wow – it is o f f i c i a l , Derbyshire has the best b a d g e designers. The Cub ADC‟s had a very important decision to make but it was a very difficult task. They were over whelmed by the number of cubs who had taken part in our badge design c o mp e t i t i o n a n d we r e extremely impressed by the high standard. All the entries were imaginative, creative and some were even humorous. The judges did finally make a choice, the winner is ….. I‟m not going to say! It will remain top secret until the day of our walk on Sunday 10th April. Here are a few of the brilliant designs. I would like to say a big well done and thank you to all those who took part. Once again I have been out and about in the county. I witnessed a very serious yet fun draught tournament in Derby East. The cubs were true professionals – you could
d r a m a sketches.
have heard a pin drop during play as they considered every move. I was just sorry I missed the Bacon Butties! I also attended a very exciting design competition in Long Eaton where the cubs built „Time Machines‟. Their ideas and explanations were amazing, each machine had a number of very quirky features .and I particularly enjoyed their little
Has your district announced the date to hold their heat for this years cooking competition heat? The theme is County Ball. We would like packs to imagine they are preparing either a starter and main course, or main course and pudding for leaders attending the County Ball which takes place each year in January. The final cook off will take place in October – so get your Chef‟s hats on.
Dave MacAlister The ACC (Scouts) view on the Scout Section Across The County
What a bumper start to 2011 we have had – record numbers of Chief Scout‟s Awards and an amazing take up of the all new “Chilly Challenge”.
undertaken by Scouts (and Leaders!) from 12 of our Districts with some Districts achieving pennants for
The “Chilly Challenge” Being the first time we have run the Challenge, we wondered just how many pennants to order. We took the decision to order 500 and not put the year on, in this way we could use the pare ones for next year and even beyond. Having now used all 500 we have placed an order for 140 more!! The Challenge was
e v e r y Troop. The “Roll of Honour” is now up to 11 pages with some names still to come in. Venues ranged from Scout camp sites (including
Gilwell) Rectory Gardens and S c o u t headquarters. Well done to all concerned – next year we may even quote the locations
and lowest recorded!
Chief Scout’s Gold Awards Having only had 34 names when we went to print for the last K.Scout, I was particularly pleased and amazed that the final number reached 73. It was so good to celebrate our Scouts from all over the County receiving their certificates from our president Sir Richard Fitzherbert Bt. The new venue at the prestigious County Hall was a splendid location – even if in the end it was a bit crowded! Thanks indeed to Ilkeston SASu who provided a super buffet for us. Hopefully we can go again next year (5th February) but we are also looking at doing one in September if this can be fitted in. If you are not sure how to get your Scouts in on the act – download the CSA Notification Form from the website. Our next ADCs meeting is set for 5th May at Alfreton Fire Station – 8.00pm. It would be really good to have representation from every District there. Dave MacAlister (Scouts)
A CAMP JUST FOR ADULTS ! Dear leader Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. To some of you the above title will mean absolutely nothing as Camp Shiree was last run in 2004, to others it will stand for brilliant weekend CAMP for Leaders and Helpers 18 + . An opportunity for you to participate in a range of activities aimed at Adults having FUN. ( YES WE ARE ALLOWED TO ). It is hoped to hold a camp at the Sir ‘John Lowther Activity Centre off the A43 just outside Kettering where all manner of activities, like mountain biking to climbing, go-carting , sailing may be horse riding to name but a few, these activities would be made available for you to choose to participate in within a camp fee of around £20 to £25 .00. Everyone under canvas and catering for themselves. If adventure is not your thing, then the vast array of other activities will be available around the craft marquee, of which there could be at least 25 to 30 different things to do on site. Who can come to this camp I hear you ask. The only stipulation is that you must help in some way with the Cub section, which is quite broad parameter, you could be a parent helper, chair person, helpful Beaver or Scout Leaders and be OVER 18 on the day of the camp. This could be an opportunity for you to team build within your group / section or district, get a crowd together and come and have some fun. The weekend would start off with social event on a Friday night (yet to be decided) Saturday would consist of an opening ceremony, then all day activities of your choice, followed by a different social activity Saturday night. None are compulsory as you do what you want, it’s your weekend! Sunday morning would be some quieter activities as you may have been talking all night! Camp would close around 2.30 on the Sunday, and then you can stager home where ever that may be. To ensure this camp could happen in early May 2012. We need a considerable number of you to come to ensure that it will happen on a good financial footing therefore, if you could simply send me an e mail to show your interest giving me some idea of numbers wishing to come then I can move this proposal of a camp just for leaders forward. From an organizers point of view, if you do not show any interest this camp will not happen, therefore please register your interest and numbers coming at, shireecamp@aol.com by the 27th of March 2011. If you have any questions talk to your ADC / ,ACC or drop me a line at the above
e mail address.
Your ACC and ADC, CS will know all about this camp and will be enthusing you to come from all across the region to come to Shiree, Looking forward to seeing you at camp. Mark Stafford.
Month March
8 12 12 13 13 21
Tues Sat am Sat pm Sun am Sun pm Mon
19 International
Nttm Rd Fire Station
Staveley Fire Station
11 Administration
19 25
Thurs Wed
Safeguarding Leadership
11 11 12 12
Sat am Sat pm Sun am Sun pm
13 17 13 17
Growing Outdoors Growing Outdoors
15 Behaviour
4 12 20
Mon Tues Wed
19 International 11 Administration 5 Fundmentals
Ashbourne Peak 15 Matlock
9 7 16 7 16 15
Work with Adults Diversity Residential Exp Diversity Residential Exp Behaviour
Alfreton Fire Station
Alfreton Fire Station
The Den, Repton 15th Matlock HQ Bakewell
Ashbourne Ilkeston Fire Station 15th Matlock
Scout & Guide, Derby Staveley Fire Station
Alfreton Fire Station Chesterfield Fire Station