105/08/12 溫熱治療

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溫熱治療 (腹腔溫熱化學治療灌注術) Hyperthermia intraoperative peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC)

黃冠誠醫師 阮綜合醫院血液腫瘤科

OUTLINE 1. 溫度之迷 2. 溫熱治療 3. 溫熱治療新里程---磁振導航超音波熱治療 (MRgFUS)

溫度之迷 1. 人體體溫為何是37C 2. 腫瘤耐熱溫度為何 3. 人類溫度之極限 4. 熱湯熱茶之致癌問題

伯格曼法則(Bergmann's rule) 德國19世紀的生物學家卡爾.伯格曼發現: 同一物種在越冷的地方個體體積越大,外形 越接近球形。 所以,北方人比南方人大隻 但是,北方人南方人東方人西方人,都是370C

人體的體溫370C 是為了避免真菌感染

在近 30 年的研究中,卡薩德瓦利發現:入侵人體的真菌數量驚人地少。 其中最常見的包括幾種毛癬菌,可以引髮腳氣癬;還有肺囊蟲,可能使 人免疫系統受損而引發肺炎。甚至在大多數情況下,肺囊蟲都只能溫順 地生活在我們的肺。其他的一些真菌,包括了念珠菌、隱球菌、麴黴和 組織漿細胞,往往只生活在免疫系統受損的人身上。雖然它們可以造成 傷害,但是它們並沒有成為病原體。相反,它們只是偶爾利用宿主的弱 點來發威。 無獨有偶,人類並非唯一不受真菌困擾的物種,絕大多數哺乳類和鳥類 都很少受到真菌的騷擾。儘管會接觸到的真菌種類超過 4000 種,但長 在哺乳類動物身上的只有不到 500 種,並且大部分都不會致病。對鳥 類的研究同樣顯示,幾乎沒有什麼真菌引發的鳥類疾病。 考慮到這些動物的共同特徵,卡薩德瓦利的研究團隊測量了 4082 種真 菌存活的溫度,並把結果與哺乳動物和鳥類體溫進行了比較,比較結果 驗證了他的猜想:-4℃~30℃是大多數真菌頻繁活動的溫度。一旦超出 這個範圍,它們就難以生存,只有不到三分之一的真菌能夠在 37℃以 上的環境中存活,僅有 5%的真菌能夠在 41℃下存活。

接下來,卡薩德瓦利仿照哺乳動物的身體尺寸及其維持溫度 需要的能量損耗模擬了最適宜它們身體的溫度,然後將此與 溫度變化對防禦真菌影響的模型相結合。結果發現:耗能成 本最少、防禦能力最佳的「黃金溫度」是 36.7℃——與人 類和多數哺乳動物的體溫驚人的一致。 而那些體溫比「黃金體溫」略低的少數哺乳動物,似乎都更 易感染真菌。鴨嘴獸就是一例,它們體溫略低,僅有 32℃。 同樣的,在北美,凍僵的冬眠蝙蝠也容易被真菌入侵,引發 白鼻子綜合症,並易發病死亡。而兔子身上雖然幾乎沒有病 原真菌,其睾丸部分卻易受到真菌襲擊,因為這個部位僅有 35℃。,比它們身體其他部位要低 4~5℃。


人類溫度之極限 Dry air: 120+ °C short term, 70+ °C long term. Tropical air: 60+ °C short term, 47 °C long term. Saturated air: 48 °C short term, 35 °C long term. Water: 46° C short term, 41°C long term. PS. dry air. (> 10% humidity) tropical air. (> 40% humidity) saturated air: (100% humidity)

熱茶與食道癌之相關 溫茶: < 65 C; 熱茶: 65 ~ 69 C; 超熱茶: > 70 C 熱茶V.S.溫茶: 2倍食道癌 超熱茶V.S.溫茶: 8 倍食道癌 Compared with drinking warm or lukewarm tea (65C or less), drinking hot tea (65-69C) was associated with twice the risk of oesophageal cancer, and drinking very hot tea (70C or more) was associated with an eight-fold increased risk. BMJ 2009;338:b929

溫熱治療 HYPERTHERMIC INTRAPERITONEAL CHEMOTHERAPY(HIPEC) TECHNIQUE Perfusion of the peritoneal cavity with hyperthermic solution added with chemotherapeutic drugs. Hyperthermia: 41.0/43.0 °C • Flow: from 600 to 2.000 ml/min • Volumes: from 3.0 to 7.0 Litter • Time: 30/90 min • Technique: open/close abdomen

THERAPEUTIC INDICATION FOR PERITONEAL DISEASE The treatment is indicated after cytoreductive surgery of carcinoma, peritoneal sarcomatosis, gastrointestinal sarcomatosis, ovaric carcinoma, pseudomixoma and peritoneal mesothelioma.


Elias D, et al. J Clin Oncol 2009;p681

N=96, CRC with PM


Chemo alone

Median survival (m)



5-y survival



Elias D, et al. J Clin Oncol 2009;p681

Outcome (CRC) • a systematic review • 19 studies and 2492 patients • compared survival outcomes after CRS plus HIPEC to those after palliative surgery and/or systemic chemotherapy 19 studies, n=2492 Systemic review


palliative surgery and/or systemic chemotherapy

median survival (m)

33 (20-63)

12.5 (5-24)

40 (17-50) %

13 (13-22) %

5-y survival

Chua TC, et al. J Surg Oncol 2013;107(6):56673

Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Outcomes for colorectal cancer

Improving !

Peritoneal Surface Malignancies

Early diagnosis Adjuvant HIPEC

High risks • Minimal macroscopic PC • Ovarian metastases • Perforated tumor Second look: 6 months after adjuvant chemotherapy, after complete negative work-up (tumor markers and CT) • Metachronous PC in 23 of 41 (56%) -> CRS + HIPEC • No PC in 18 of 41 (44%) -> HIPEC

Scope of the problem • Local recurrence and peritoneal dissemination has been generously documented as a significant cause of cancer death for colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Incidence of peritoneal metastases in primary gastrointestinal cancer (synchronous) Stomach








Isobe et al. (2011) Japan


Jayne et al. (2002) Singapore

Mitchard et al. (2010) Cheltenham

Incidence of local recurrence and/or peritoneal metastases in recurrent gastrointestinal cancer (metachronous) Stomach








D’Angelica et al. (2004) MSKCC, New York

Winter et al. (2013) MSKCC, New York

Ole et al. (2011) Oslo

Mendenhall et al. (1983) Review P.H. Sugarbaker / Cancer Treatment Reviews 48 (2016) 42–49

Ongoing RCT (adjuvant HIPEC) ProphyloCHIP • Randomized trial comparing simple follow-up to exploratory laparotomy plus HIPEC in colorectal cancer patients • Inclusion criteria: resected minimal synchronous PC, ovarian mets or perforated tumor • Outcome: 3-year disease free survival • Institute Gustave Roussy, Paris

• COLOPEC • • • •

Randomized in high risk colon cancer patients (adjuvant HIPEC vs adjuvant systemic chemotherapy) Inclusion criteria: T4 Outcome: 18 months disease-free survival Netherlands

Cytoreductive Surgery

Cytoreduction Surgery

Prognostic factors - PCI • The PCI is another important predictor of survival and is based upon the size and distribution of tumor nodules in 13 different regions of the peritoneal cavity. PCI





5-y survival





Elias D, et al. J Clin Oncol 2010;28(1):63-8

Patient selection using prognostic indicators Completeness of cytoreduction score (CC) Peritoneal cancer index (PCI) : from 0 to 39

P.H. Sugarbaker / Cancer Treatment Reviews 2016

Prognostic factors - CC score • Multiple factors are predictive of survival outcomes – tumor grade, signet ring cell histology, patient age, lymph node metastases and small bowel involvement. • The completeness of cytoreduction (CC) score is an important prognostic factor



7m Elias D, et al. J Clin Oncol 2010;28(1):63-8

Patient selection using prognostic indicators Completeness of cytoreduction score (CC score) Peritoneal cancer index (PCI) Completeness of cytoreduction score (CC) CC0




No disease




low-grade mucinous appendiceal neoplasms: down to 2.5 mm colorectal cancer: ≤1 mm gastric cancer : no visible evidence of cancer P.H. Sugarbaker / Cancer Treatment Reviews 2016

Sugarbaker PH. Surg Oncol Clin N Am. 2003; 703-27

5天: 4台 CRS+HIPEC + research meeting 阮綜合醫院洪國禎醫師歐洲進修紀錄

HIPEC euqipment

International Clinical Trial Update- Aug. 2015 74 HIPEC clinical trials on going including Phase III & randomize trials. 26 HIPEC Ovarian cancer trials. 20 HIPEC colorectal cancer trial. 18 HIPEC gastric cancer 10 Others 19 ILP / Limb perfusion in Melanoma. Source: Clinical Trial.Gov U.S National Institution of Health


HIPEC is working : Patient site

HIPEC is working



溫熱治療新里程 磁振導航超音波熱治療(MRgFUS)



治疗流程图 治疗计划: 3D图像更 好确认治 疗范围

治疗参数 调整:根 据实时温 度反馈调 整

射频通路可 见: 治疗过程实 时控制

MR测温功 能: 实时反馈治 疗温度,控 制治疗

治疗后评价 增强图像提供精 确评价

磁振導航超音波熱治療 ExAblate OR 未来的手术室

乳腺 妇科

ExAblate Neuro 脑系统 骨转移瘤


前列腺 脑


骨转移癌镇痛治疗临床结果 肿瘤特性: 原发肿瘤可以是:肾,盲肠,肺,乳腺,前列腺 和其他 治疗位置:盆骨,四肢等 骨组织:成骨及溶骨组织 主要是放疗失败的患者

Published in Annals of Surgical Oncology Liberman B, Gianfelice D, Inbar Y, Beck A, Rabin T, Shabshin N, Chander G, Hengst S, Pfeffer R, Chechick A, Hanannel A, Dogadkin O, Catane R. Pain Palliation in Patients with Bone Metastasis Using MR guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery, Preliminary Multicenter Clinical Experience,

CT images of patients treated with MRgFUS. Red arrows shows the targeted bone metastases

ExAblate的全球临床和研究地点 >100台 装机


AMERICAS 29 • • • •

24 USA 2 Canada 1 Mexico 2 Brazil

EUROPE 35 • • • • • • • • •

14 Russia 2 Israel 4 Germany 6 Italy 3 UK 2 Switzerland 3 Spain 2 France 1 Czech Republic

ASIA 29 • • • • • • • • • •

11 Japan 3 Korea 2 China 2 Singapore 1 HK 1 Taiwan 1 Malaysia 2 Australia 5 India 1 Vietnam


S.P. Botkin Moscow City Clinical Hospital

GE 的能力+ InSightec的专注 •GE Healthcare & InSightec – 13年伙伴合作 – GE是InSightec的股东 – 大于100 GE/InSightec 磁共振引导聚焦超音波在 20多个国家装机 新技术需要专注:InSightec 只专注这一个产品

+ 65

ExAblate 对比其他产品的优势 成熟产品 高效治疗 证明的安全性 全球装机 FDA 批准 多个适应症 领先的技术 有经验的培训师 专注的团队 GE的支持


关于InSightec • 1999年成立, 130名员工,总部位于以色列海法,办事处位于美国 达拉斯, 东京; • 拥有35项专利和相关知识产权 • 至于GE磁共振1.5T 和3T匹配 获奖: European Union’s 2004 IST grand prize 2004 Wall St. Journal’s Technology Innovation Award 2005 Diagnostic Imaging Technology Award 2007 Red Herring 100 Europe award 2008 World Economic Forum - Technology Pioneer 2011 Time Magazine: one of the 50 best inventions

GE 医疗负责全球销售

人們內心的火炬有時會熄滅, 必須依靠他人提供的火花, 才得以重新點燃 。 大家都該對那些點燃我們心中火炬的人, 懷抱著深切的 感激 。

史懷哲 (Albert Schweitzer)

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