student photography 14 ENTRIES
Loyalist College | Deepak Sharma
Algonquin College | Emily Hsueh
A good photo is one that elicits emotion from the observer. This can be achieved either though expression, impact, or other visceral reaction. In this case the expression on the young girl’s face says it all. Out of all the entries, this is the one to which I responded to on an emotional level the most.
Excellent environmental portrait. Excellent composition, excellent lighting, and excellent editorial treatment. A very strong second place entry.
Humber College | Donna Akbari
Very good arts feature photo. Exceptional use of light and well composed. Layout is also top shelf. Was a very close call between second and third. In the end it came down to first impressions.
Centennial College | Kaj Larsen – This was a very difficult entry to judge. Strong points for composition and forethought. If the category were Editorial Photography it would be in the top three, but unfortunately it was up against some a very strong feature photos, an excellent environmental portrait, and a very good arts feature. Still worthy of an honourable mention. Loyalist College | Caleb Seguin – I had a tough time judging this entry. On one level it is a very interesting take on an environmental portrait of Manasie Akapaliapi, except that it is not an environmental portrait. It is an arts feature of a Documentary Festival. What stood out for me in judging the photo was the excellent use of lighting, depth of field and choice of image on the screen.
Overall, the entries in this division were diverse and technically very strong. If I were to offer any advice to the entrants, it would be to try to convey more emotion in their images.
2020 | BNC Awards Results
Judge Fred Sherwin Publisher Orléans Star Orléans, ON
Fred Sherwin is the owner and publisher of the Orléans Star. In a previous life he was a photojournalist having worked for the Ottawa Citizen, the Toronto Star, the Montreal Daily News, and the Ottawa Sun. He was twice a finalist for the National Newspaper Award in Spot News Photography and won the award in 1999. He purchased the Orléans Star from Transcontinental Media in October 2016, fulfilling a dream to own the newspaper he worked for as a columnist and editor from 1989 to 1999.