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Jacob’s Nature Park Adds Digital Arboretum! Jacob’s Nature Park at Sinking Creek will host the official opening of its latest environmental learning feature on Monday, Oct. 29, from 4:30-6 p.m. The Tennessee Urban Forestry Council has certified the feature as a Level I arboretum, making Jacob’s Nature Park Arboretum the third in Washington County to be certified. The arboretum includes signage identifying nearly three dozen tree species, with more signs planned. Signs will include codes that direct smartphone users to a Jacob’s Park Arboretum link on, on which visitors can identify each tree by its scientific and common names, as well as the butterfly and/or moth species supported by the tree type. “I was very moved when I read the story of how Jacob’s Park came into existence, and this arboretum seems a perfect addition to such a natural, peaceful setting,” said Jill Smith, TUFC executive director. Attendees will gather at the park where information will be provided about the arboretum, how the idea came about, what it adds to the park’s value, how the digital resource makes learning more robust, and how the arboretum was joined with the park’s pollinator element. Attendees can tour the park’s lower section and ridge, time permitting. Jacob’s Nature Park at Sinking Creek is a city park consisting of 28 acres of restored wetlands and steep wooded slopes. Its development was spearheaded by local attorney Bill Francisco in honor of his son Jacob, who died in 2004 of a bacterial infection caused by E. coli thought to have come from the creek.