Special Event Guidebook

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Special Event Permits are required and issued to allow street closures, use of public space, sound amplification, and use of City services for public or privateevents.

Special event organizers must fill out the online Special Event Permit Application NO LESS THAN 90 DAYS PRIOR TO THE START OF THE EVENT.


Once an application has been received, the City events coordinator will review details and availability. Once accepted, it will be shared with the Special Events Committee, which consists of members from City Administration, Fire, Police, Public Works, Water & Sewer, and more. The Special Events Committee will meet as needed to discuss all upcoming events held on City property. Additional requirements may be determined at that time. All event organizers must meet with the Special Events Committee for application review unless notified otherwise by the City events coordinator. Temporary Occasion Beer Permits and road closure applications also require approval by the City Commissioners. Regularly scheduled meetings are held the first and third Thursday of every month. Online applications are available at www.johnsoncitytn.org. All applications must be completed by an authorized representative of the hosting organization. The City’s events coordinator will contact the organizer upon receiving the application and serve as your primary point of contact throughout the permitting process. After approval by the Special Events Committee, the applicant will be notified and invited to the next City Commission meeting if needed.

AllinformationandfeessetforthintheSpecialEventPermitProcedureandOvervieware subjecttochange.

Siteplansand/orcoursemapsmustbe submittedatthetimeofapplication.


Founders Park, Pavilion at Founders Park, King Commons, King Commons Amphitheater, Downtown Square Breezeway, and Majestic Park. Events may also be held on a small selection of downtown public parking lots and streets.


Festivals are organized events lasting for two ormore consecutive days with more than 2,000participants, merchandise and/or food vendors, temporary structures, serving and/or selling alcohol, and held in Founders Park or King Commons.


Events lasting for one day with more than 5,000 participants, merchandise and food vendors, temporary structures, and held in Founders Park or King Commons are considered large-scale.


Events lasting for one day with LESS than 5,000 participants with merchandise and food, or temporary structures, and held downtown, public parking lots or in Founders Park, the Pavilion or King Commons are considered small-scale.


The Board of Commissioners will allow only approved road courses for all race/parade requests. Organizers who have held an event in previous years must continue to submit courses for all recurring events. These events may not exceed 4 hours.


Street events will be considered as needed by the Special Events Review Committee. Street events are limited to certain streets and boundaries. These events will only be approved to be held during the hours of 6 a.m.-11 p.m. Street events are limited to Saturday or Sundays only, unless approved otherwise.


Freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment which may include but is not limited to expressive messaging events such as political rallies, religious gatherings, rallies or festivals for particular causes, etc. Events with expressive messages that are held on public property are not insulated from the First Amendment rights of others. Events that have an expressive message must be identified as such on the application. Additionally, all special events with an expressive message must be ticketed and private security is encouraged. Other requirements may apply.


Charitable nonprofits may conduct a road block to solicit donations on approved intersections. Fundraiser road blocks require approval by the Special Events Committee and do not require City Commission approval.


-All participants must be at least 18 years of age.

-All participants are required to wear ANSI/ISEA 107-2010 Class 2 Garments.

-Visible signs must be displayed with the name of organization in all areas.

-Solicitation may only occur between 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


1.Roan Street & Mountcastle Drive

2.Princeton Road & Broyles Drive

3.Sunset Drive & Sundale Road

4.Knob Creek Road & Sidney Street

5.University Parkway & Buffalo Road

6.Walnut Street & University Parkway

7.Broadway Street & Main Street

8.Unaka Avenue & Broadway Street

9.Legion Street & State of Franklin Road

10.University Parkway & Cherokee Road

11.Greenwood Drive & State of Franklin Road

12.Market Street & John Exum Parkway

13.Watauga Avenue & Roan Street

14.Roan Street & Walnut Street

15.Unaka Avenue & Roan Street


To host events at parks such as Rotary Park, Winged Deer Park, Memorial Park Community Center and other City facilities, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 423-283-5827. Other fees and policies that are specific to their department will apply.

City-Sponsored Events

City of Johnson City events have priority in the use of any City-owned property or rightof-way. Other applications are processed in order of receipt. The use of a particular area is generally allocated in the order in which fully completed and executed applications complyingwith all requirements are received by the Special Events Committee.

Annual Events

Organizers who haveheld an eventin the previousyearhavethe first priority for allreoccurring dates and times only. Arrangements to reschedule prior events will be processed annually by submitting a new Special Event Permit application. This privilege shall not apply if the organizer did not follow set guidelines the previous year.


ONLY one special event concurrently per date may occur in downtown, Founders Park, or King Commons, except for road races and/or parades associated with a festival or event, or unless otherwise granted permission from the Special Events Committee.


Based on the type of event, the site plan should include the following when applicable:

•All Points of Entry/Exit

•Police Command Post Site & First Aid Post

•Staging for Concerts and Entertainment

• Mobile Food Units Including Tents and Trucks (in designated areas only)

•Merchant Vendors

• Controlled Beverage Zones

• Street(s) and Intersection(s) Closures

• Barricade Locations

• Generators or Alternate Power Sources

• Water Tap Locations

• Participant Parking Spaces

• Vendor Parking Spaces

• Parking Spaces for Handicap

• Portable Restrooms

Event organizers must submit a site plan during the application process. The site plan serves as a visual representation of theevent and should identify the location of all temporary site additions in relation to the property’s existing infrastructure. Site plan must be submitted electronically and should include a title and a key or legend to indicate any structural or electrical additions to the property. Hand drawings will not be accepted.

FOODTRUCKZONES: mobile food vendors are only permitted in the highlighted areas below.

The Fire Marshal’s Office reviews and approves all site plans and course maps to determine clear access for emergency vehicles and clear access to fire hydrants and standpipes. For approval, all site plans must indicate the location of tents, stages, portable restrooms, vendor booths or trailers, food trucks, vehicles parked on site, fencing, entrance gates, and alcohol permitted area (if allowed). All site plans and course maps must indicate which streets are to be closed and where the street barricades will be located. The City will determine which barricades will be hard permanent closings and where vendors will be allowed to enter and exit for loading and unloading for all events.

All site plans approved for festivals, events, parades, and road races may not be amended, altered, modified or revised without committee approval. All intersections approved for a fundraiser road block may not be amended, revised, modified, or altered without committee approval. Failure to comply will result in denial of any and all future applications for the organization.

A Certificate of Insurance must be submitted for all special events. The certificate must show general liability coverage with minimum limits of $1,000,000, name City of Johnson City as additional insured (Certificate Holder: City of Johnson City, P.O. Box 2150, Johnson City, Tennessee 37605), identify the name of the event, and identify the date of the event. All events involving alcoholic beverages must include liquor coverage with minimum limits of $1,000,000. Additional insurance coverage may be required depending on the nature of event (i.e. additional coverage for inflatables, certain activities, carnival equipment). The Certificate of Insurance must be submitted no less than 7 days prior to the date of the event.

Event organizers are responsible for procuring vendors and communicating the City procedure to all vendors including food, merchant and entertainment. Event organizers who fail to comply may be subject to denial or cancellation of the event. Vendors who fail to comply may be subject to removal from the event. Handicap access along sidewalks and street curbs may not be blocked during the period of the event. Vendors must carry a business license issued by the State of TN. Out-of-State vendors can obtain a Transient Business License prior to arriving. Information regarding business licenses can be found on johnsoncitytn.org or by calling the Finance Department at 423-434-2393. Food vendors should contact Washington County Health Department for approval at 423-975-2200.

Fire Prevention:

Tents with cooking or open flames must be approved by the fire marshal no later than 10 business days prior to the event. A separation distance is required between cooking tents and other vendors per adopted fire codes. No separation distance is required for noncooking tents if the aggregate floor area in the tent(s) is less than 15,000 square feet. Cooking and heating equipment is not allowed within 20 feet of any combustible material. “NO SMOKING” signs are required to be posted on the front side of the cooking tent and/or food truck

Mobile Food Units:

Mechanical hoods/hood extinguishing (suppression) systems are required in all food trucks conducting food operations producing smoke and/or grease-laden vapors. Proof of fire extinguishing system or hood cleaning inspection reports are required for all mobile food units and must be provided to the Fire Marshal 10 business days prior to the event. A separation distance is required between mobile food units by 10 feet. Fire code requires a fire extinguisher at each cooking location. Mobile Food Units are required to obtain a Mobile Food Vendor Permit from the City of Johnson City.

**POWERORWATERACCESSISFORBIDDENFORFOODVENDORS.Foodvendorsmust providetheirownwaterandgeneratorforoperations.

Scan QR code for Mobile Food

Vendor Permit Application

Generators & Propane Tanks:

Generators must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Use of multiple gasoline generators at an event is not allowed. Diesel is preferred. Generators must be roped off with vents not facing windows or vendors.



All tents and temporary structures require anchorage instructions from the manufacturer. Scaffolding, stages and other unique structures often require anchorage instructions and design spec sheets from the manufacturer or a certified engineer. Anchorage instructions and spec sheets provide the technical details needed for permit review and proper installation. Anchorage instructions and spec sheets should be supplied with the Special Event Permit application and also made available on-site for inspections. Stakes or similar are not allowed to be used for any event. Weights such as water barrels, cement buckets or sandbags must be used when anchoring temporary structures. All weights must be 40lbs on each leg and securely attached to the top frame.



1. NO SMOKING on, in, or around the structure. “NO SMOKING” signs shall be posted. There shall be no open or exposed flames inside or within 20 feet of the structure. In addition, fireworks and stage pyrotechnics shall not be allowed within 100 feet.

2. There is NO COOKING under any structures unless current fire code states otherwise.

3. The structure shall be placed so as to provide free and clear egress from the area. If side walls are used or other obstructions exist, the exits shall be clearly marked and maintained in accordance with the adopted fire code of Johnson City. Must be pre-approved by fire marshal before usage.

4. The location of the structure shall not restrict access to buildings or other tents or structures that are located on the premise or to buildings that are deeded access on the property and allow for Fire Department access.

5. Structuresshallnotobstructaccesstoafirehydrant, Fire Department connections or buildings.

6. All electrical wiring shall be properly installed and maintained to be in compliance with the electric code of Johnson City. Electrical cables that run on the ground shall be protected by approved covers. For events that require wiring beyond the routine running of temporary lighting, include EXIT lights and emergency lights. The electrical inspector shall sign off on the project.

7. Portable ABC fire extinguishers with at least a 5 lb. rating shall be furnished and maintained on site as per current fire code.

8. Fire apparatus access road shall be provided and shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet unless approved by fire marshal's office.

9. A copy of the inflatable manufacturer’s manual on anchoring and wind load must be on site for review by the fire code official.

10. Structures shall be adequately roped, braced, and anchored to withstand weather elements and prevent collapsing as per manufacturer’s guide. Guy ropes and other support equipment adjacent to or in the path of travel must be effectively enclosed or guarded to protect persons from injury. Stakes are prohibited.

11. All temporary structures (e.g., stages) greater than 120 square feet that are used for an event with more than 10 persons will require a Building Permit. For more information, contact Development Services at 423-434-5845.



If the event restricts access to any parking lot, business, or residence, the organizers are required to submit a signed notice to those residents & businesses nearby providing: (1) name of organization and event; (2) contact information; (3) date and time of all listed street and lot closures at least five days prior to the date of the event. Additional fees may apply to reserve parking lots and/or close streets.

Event organizers must post 8.5x11 signs on lamp posts along all closed streets providing notice to the public at least five days prior to the date of the event. The signs must be weather proof and zip-tied on the post for easy removal.


If the event restricts access to any private parking lots, the event organizer must provide a signed Letter of Consent from the private parking lot owners. This may require the event applicant to lease the lot, pay for relocating the occupants or reimburse the property owners for any loss of revenue. This letter must be submitted before the Special Event Permit will be issued.

Portable Restrooms

Event organizers are required to provide portable restroom facilities at your event unless you can substantiate the sufficient availability of both ADA accessible and non-accessible facilities in the immediate area of the event site which will be available to the public during your event. The ADA recommends that you provide one wheelchair accessible portable restroom for every 10 regular portable restrooms. These restrooms should not be placed anywhere that requires the users to step up on a curb or in any other inaccessible location.

Handwashing Stations

Portable sinks are required at portable toilet locations if the event has four or more food vendors. The sink-to-portable-toilet ratio is 1:10.

Sound at Your Event:

Amplification of music and sound as part of the special event is regulated with the City’s Noise Ordinance. Event organizers should be sensitive to local businesses and residents when using sound amplification and equipment. Amplification shall be allowed only as it applies to the event itself. Amplification outside the event is prohibited to avoid disruption. Sound amplification may occur at your event from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. No exceptions.


The City of Johnson City strictly prohibits undomesticated animals, farm animals, and petting zoos on City property. Events allowing dogs must abide by the following: water bowls must be available, on-leash policy enforced (non-retractable), event organizers must provide waste bags around the venue and enforce a clean-up plan. Owners assume full responsibility for their pets. The City of Johnson City cannot be held liable for any incidents or injury. By entering the event space, attendees accept full responsibility for any risks to themselves and their pets.

The sale and consumption of beer for street festivals will be limited to the City’s downtown area in the B-2 Zoning District, Founders Park, the Pavilion, and in King Commons. An application for a Temporary Occasion Beer License is required for selling beer in these areas. To qualify, the organizer must be a nonprofit or business with an on-or off-premises beer permit that does not possess a State Liquor-By-The-Drink License. This license shall not be issued for longer than one consecutive 48-hour period. A $75 non-refundable fee is required with the application. The Temporary Occasion License must be approved by the Beer Board Commissioners and must be submitted no less than two weeks before the next available Beer Board meeting. Beer sales shall begin no earlier than 1 p.m. and shall end no later than 10:00 p.m. Coolers, glass bottles, glass thermos bottles, and breakable glasses or containers shall be prohibited within the permitted area. No container of beer shall be capable of containing more than 16 fluid ounces and must be served in clear plastic cups.

Scan QR code to access application

The consumption of alcoholic beverages on City streets, alleys, or other City-owned property is limited.

See Title 8 of the Code of the City of Johnson City, Tennessee.

Serving hours must be posted, with prominent visibility, at all serving locations.

Signs informing participants that alcoholic beverages are prohibited beyond the boundary of the event permit area must be posted.

Anyconsumptionofalcoholbyemployees,workers,volunteers,etc, sellingor serving the alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Alcoholic beverages must be sold and served in clear plastic cups and distinct from non-alcoholic beverages.

It is a violation to sell or serve alcoholic beverages to an intoxicated person. Those arriving in an intoxicated condition, even if of legal age, must be denied.

It is a violation to knowingly allow a person under 21 years of age to purchase, possess or consume alcoholic beverages.









Police Services:

Event organizers can hire off-duty Johnson City Police Officers or private security for the purpose of security when needed or required. Security is required for any special event allowing alcoholic beverages or any special event with a protected expressive message. The City requires overnight security for multiple day events, including events with setup or tear down schedules that extend beyond a single day. Temporary infrastructures, materials, and supplies, such as tents, platforms, and generators, may not be left on City property unattended. Organizers may request towing services for a special event only if approved in advance by the special event review committee. A towing notice template can be provided upon request. Event organizers and private security companies are required to meet with JCPD one week prior to the event to establish operation and safety policies.

Emergency Medical Services:


Washington County/Johnson City Emergency Medical Services provides stand- by medical assistance for special events for an additional fee. EMS coverage isREQUIREDfor events and/or festivals with estimated 5,000 or more in attendance and for certain events including but not limited to sporting events and others based on the nature of the event. The City Events Coordinator has the right to require coverage for festivals and events as needed. The application is available at www.wcjcems.org. Billing for EMS services will come directly from that organization. Call 423-975-5500 for more information.

Temporary Power:

The City may offer installation of temporary power to public property in cases where the activity warrants a specific need. Temporary power is considered, not guaranteed and must be requested in the Special Event Permit application.

Solid Waste

The City of Johnson City requires all events to be litter-free The City provides options for all events for solid waste services such as garbage collection & recycling containers. *NOTE: Fats, oils & grease are a leading cause of sewer backups, septic system failures & environmental disasters. Events that include deep frying cooking oil operations are required to use grey water & cooking oil disposal barrels provided by the Solid Waste Division. All cooking grease MUST be removed from the site immediately after the event. Illegal dumping of cooking grease will be prosecuted. Use of private haulers is allowed


Entire Park (full day) - $500

Great Lawn (full day)- $360

Pavilion (full day)- $450

Pavilion (half day) - $300

Amphitheater (full day) - $250


Entire Park (full day) - $360

Entire Park (half day) - $310

Amphitheater (full day) - $250


(full day) - $175

MAJESTIC PARK: (full day) - $175

STREET FESTIVAL: (select streets - per day) - $600

ROAD RACE/PARADES:(up to 3 hours) - $100

PUBLIC LOT: (up to 6 hours) - $100 each - select lots only

JCPD COVERAGE - as of October 2024 JCPD no longer uses Off-Duty Management for booking. To request police officer coverage and rates please call 423-434-6159.

*Pleasenotethatadditionalfeesmayoccurforpermits,eventservices,andmore whenapplicable.

*FailuretoabidebytheTermsandConditions,FacilitiesRentalAgreement,orCity policymayalsoresultina$100fine.


*Non-profitscanreceivea50%discountedratewithproofofcurrentnonprofitfiling status.

Updated: October 2024

As a part of the permitting process you will have to agree to thesetermsandconditions:

• I/We agree to abide by all ordinances and regulations of the City of Johnson City and all conditions placed upon the event by the city manager and Board of Commissioners.

• I/We do swear or affirm that all of the information given in this application is true and complete

• I/We do hereby agree to assume the defense and indemnify and save harmless the City, its Commissioners, boards, commissions, officers, employees, and agents from all suits, actions, damages, or claims to which the City may be subjected of any kind or nature whatsoever resulting from, caused by, arising out of or as a consequence of such event and the activities permitted in connection therewith

• I/We agree to provide insurance. A Certificate of Insurance must be submitted for all special events. The certificate must evidence general liability coverage with minimum limits of $1,000,000 (one million dollars), name City of Johnson City as additional insured (Certificate Holder: City of Johnson City, Attention Special Event Review Committee, P.O. Box 2150, Johnson City, Tennessee 37601), identify the name of the event; and identify the date of the event. All events involving alcoholic beverages must include liquor coverage with minimum limits of $1,000,000 (one million dollars). Additional insurance coverage may be required depending on the nature of the event. The Certificate of Insurance must be submitted no less than seven days prior to the date of the event.

• I/We agree to provide a copy of this signed Special Event Permit Application to any vendors, planners, and related parties for this event

• I/We understand that I/we assume the responsibility of the actions of any vendors, planners, and related parties for this event.

• I/We understand that granting a Special Event Permit does not imply granting of other permit that is separately required.

• The application for a Special Event Permit shall be filed not less than 90 days prior to the scheduled date of such event. Events shall not be advertised until a Special Event Permit has been obtained from the City. Failure to file in a timely manner may result in denial of a Special Event Permit.

Primary City representative: 423-434-5975

Completed Special Event Permit Application (no less than 90 days prior)

Submitted site plan and/or course map (8.5x11 format)

Contacted Police for traffic control/officer assistance: 423-434-6159

Requested barricades/cones

Requested recycle bins/trash bins

Requested Water & Sewer for water access

Contacted Fire Marshal for tent information/food vendor inspection: firemarshals@johnsoncitytn.org (no less than 30 days prior)

Requested power hookups (if needed)

Contact Development Services for staging and other temporary structure requirements: 423-434-5845 (if required)

Submitted Temporary Occasion Beer License (if required) (no less than 30 days prior)

Submitted Transient Vendor License by all vendors who do not have a TN Business License

Submitted Certificate of Insurance (no later than 10 days prior)

Posted Notice to Public signs posted along closed streets (5 days prior to event)

*all applications and permits can be found at www.johnsoncitytn.org

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