Johnson City Parks and Recreation
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection
Special points of interest: ~ Spring Youth Soccer Draws Over 1,200! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Calendar of Events
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Spring Youth Soccer Draws Over 1,200! Johnson City Parks and Recreation’s Spring Youth Soccer games began April 6 with 1,241 exuberant youngsters participating in the 82-team, six-age-group program at Civitan and Winged Deer parks. “This is by far one of the largest youth soccer leagues in the state that’s a true parks and recreation program,” said Amanda Hollifield, Athletics manager. “We’ve got a lot of competition, but we do all the hiring and run the entire program.” Hollifield said 364 children between 3-5 are engaged in the coed age group, a jump from the 305 that registered last spring. “That’s where they really start learning,” she said. “Soccer is a great way to learn motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Our goal is to provide kids with a fun opportunity that allows them to be interactive. We’ve got great coaches and great fields and we want to give kids and parents a great experience.” Seventy-four girls between 12-15 registered, a number well above average. Also, a total of 165 volunteer coaches are involved this spring, 82 of which are head coaches who received training on concussions and cardiac arrest. More than a dozen of these volunteers coach multiple teams. Age groups are 3-5 (coed), 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13 and 14-15. Children are placed according to Johnson City school districts. An average of two games are played each week per team during the 10-week season. Registration for Parks and Recreation’s fall soccer program begins July 8. Practices start in August, and games begin in early September.
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Administration Highlights ~
Employee service awards - Golf: Ray Weber, 5 years, Bill Fuller, 25 years. Senior Services: Escuse Charles, 10 years. Parks and Recreation: Rachel Bowers 5 years, Randy Harness 5 years, Richard Marosites, 10 years, Tamara Foster, 15 years, Herb Greenlee, 30 years and James Ellis 40 years.
James Ellis and Steve Willis successfully completed Title VI training for the Carver Splash Pad grant process. James Ellis and Charlie Stahl attended the second of three required grant workshops. A design meeting was held with Randy Trivette to discuss adding two restroom entrances from the outside of the building.
City Services Day - James Ellis, Jim Hughes, Deb Fogle, Amanda Hollifield and Sam Miller presented an overview of the department operations and provided a facility tour of Memorial Park Community Center to those in attendance.
TVA Credit Union Ballpark - a meeting was held to discuss the operations and defined responsibilities of the school system, Boyd Sports and parks and recreation. The amount of play on the field can be minimized by moving all JV and JV B team practices and games back to the Liberty Bell Complex.
Athletics Division Highlights ~
Youth soccer - 82 teams with over 1,200 participants this season. Special thanks to the 165 volunteer coaches for their willingness to serve.
Seven youth softball teams have registered.
Park Services Division
Civitan Park - Topdressed with 100 tons of sand.
SHHS and Little League fields: Completed baseline and infield work.
Winged Deer and Civitan Parks - Spring soccer prep lining fields, setting goals and installing nets.
Golf Division Highlights ~
Fertilized all greens and collars. Added sand and reworked all bunker edges. Applied first application of pre-emerge herbicide to fairways and roughs. Graded and applied seed around bunkers with installed drainage.
Installed TV/DVD in maintenance building to assist with safety training. Completed SDS Manual and trained employees.
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection
Issue 4
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Recreation Services
About 40 hearty participants learned campfire construction and firestarting techniques, practiced shelter building, backpack packing, tying knots and map reading March 30 at Winged Deer Park during Survival Challenge Day. Campers used clues and maps to find their way back to "civilization" after being imbedded within the park's trail system. Program Coordinator Connie Deegan and ETSU Parks and Recreation Camp Leadership class members instructed the 7-12 year olds. Nature—
Memorial Park Community Center - Custodial staff cleaned all heating and air rooms and added water to all drains. Replaced old chairs in exercise room, classroom, performing arts room, billiards, game room and nurses station. Spring Break Camp for Washington County Schools was held the first week of April with 30 participants. A sock hop was held on April 4 with 25 in attendance. The Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt was held on April 18 with over 300 in attendance. Girls Night Out held on April 19 had 24 in attendance.
Keystone Community Center Installed new AED and clean facility inside and out.
Senior Services - The annual volunteer luncheon was held on April 18 with 119 in attendance. The group was entertained by dueling pianos.
Aquatics - Infant Swimming Resources Program instructor’s training has begun. Once trained, these instructors will provide a new resource for our community. Norwell has addressed the UV filtration system issues at Freedom Hall Pool. Legion Street Pool has been painting in preparation for the season opening.
Carver Recreation Center - The annual Easter Egg Hunt and Cookout was held on April 18 with 200+ in attendance.
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Parks Services’ MEO and special projects crew leader Rich Marosites gets the nod this month for his oversight of two 4137 Bristol Hwy. important projects. Marosites, with help Johnson City, TN 37601 from Nathaniel Marcus, Dean Fulton Phone: 423-283-5815 and Tim Depriest, constructed Buffalo 4137 Bristol Highway Fax: 423-283-5829 Mountain Park’s new attendant building. Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Email: The building, which has a barn-style roof Phone: 423-283-5815 and Dutch door, will be placed near the Fax: 423-283-5829 Website: park’s entrance. Marosites and Marcus also played key roles in renovations at the Pine Oaks Golf Course Pro Shop, Like us on Facebook including new flooring, as well as finishing and painting walls and @jcparkstn installing new electrical outlets. Congrats and thanks, Rich. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @jcparkstn
Upcoming Events April 26-28—Winged Deer Park - USSSA Hardball Invitational
May 17-19 - Winged Deer Park - USA Battle of the Bats Bash
April 27 - Winged Deer Park Meredith Pavilion - Boone Lake Clean Up
May 23 - Carver Recreation Center - Thomas Wade Veterans Program
April 27 - Winged Deer Park Bike Trail - Popcycle Ride
May 24-26 - Winged Deer Park - NSA Memorial Day Border Battle
May 1 - Athletics - Youth/adult tennis registration begins
May 24 - Carver Recreation Center - End of School Block Party
May 3-5 - Winged Deer Park - Tennessee Super NIT
May 31 - June 1 - Memorial Park Community Center - Twirling and Cheering Mini Camp
May 4 - Memorial Park Community Center - Mother’s Day Tea
June 8 - Legion Street Pool - Mountain Games
May 10-12 - Winged Deer Park - USSSA Mothers Day Special
June 17 - 23 - All parks - Pollinator Week Treasurer Hunt
May 14 - Carver Recreation Center - Awards Banquet
June 28 - Kermit Tipton Stadium - Olympic Day
May 16 - Powell Square Park - Time Capsule Burial May 16 - Rotary Park - 75th Birthday Luncheon