Johnson City Parks and Recreation
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Special points of interest: ~Anderson recognized ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Calendar of Events
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Dr. Frank Anderson recognized A dedication ceremony was held at Keystone Park Tuesday, Aug. 13 for the late Dr. Frank Anderson in recognition of his civic-minded contributions to Johnson City National Little League Baseball and the Johnson Parks and Recreation Department. Anderson’s wife and son were in attendance, as was Parks and Recreation Director James Ellis, Assistant City Manager Charlie Stahl, Mayor Jenny Brock, City Commissioner Todd Fowler and others. “Mr. Anderson was best remembered for his support and dedication of youth baseball and parks and recreation,” said Parks and Recreation Director James Ellis. “He served three terms on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and supported all programming and furthered the development of our city parks and facilities.” The well-known dentist was inducted into the Parks and Recreation Wall of Fame in 1988, and served three terms on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. He was a member of the Lions Club for 50 years and served as Little League Baseball’s player agent for 21 years, sponsoring one of the teams, the Dental Art Sockers from 1995-2015. His family has been involved in Little League as team sponsors, league officers, managers, coaches and players for more than 25 years. Anderson, an East Tennessee State University graduate, served in the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Naval Reserve from 1952-1982. He was selected in 1978 to serve as the Naval Reserve rear admiral – the youngest officer ever to be selected for flag rank (ranking officer) in the Dental Corps at that time. In 1979, ETSU’s College of Dentistry named him “Dental Alumnus of the Year.” He also served on the University of Tennessee Board of Governors and was a UT Public Affairs and Legislative Committee member. In 1982, he was selected “Outstanding Alumnus of the Year. Anderson served Anderson also was a member of ETSU’s President’s Trust, served as the university’s School of Dental Hygiene Advisory Committee chairman and was inducted int0 ETSU’s Military ETSU Hall of Fame in 2012.