Johnson City Parks and Recreation
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Bert Street Music Series a Hit! July’s Bert Street Music Series marked the first time since its opening in December 2012 that Memorial Park Community Center’s outdoor amphitheater has been programmed for consecutive weekly public events. The Marketing Office began planning in May to schedule a limited test run, if you will, of evening summer events that did not conflict with Johnson City Cardinal home games, could be held on successive weeks and did not coincide with any planned events at the center.
Dates were set for Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23 and 30, and an extensive search ensued to secure local talent of various genres. That search yielded Beach Nite Band, Tennessee Champagne, Southern Rebellion and The Billy Crawford Band. When performers were locked in, the Marketing Office reached out to potential sponsors, with the Johnson City Press agreeing to place four, color, quarter-page weekly promotional ads each Monday in its Mountain Mischief section. WQUT 101.5 Tri-Cities Classic Rock also came on board to spread the word via radio. The Washington County Sheriff’s Office also supplied bottled water to keep the musicians’ whistles wet. Ads and signs were crafted as were announcements and flyers that were posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram prior to each event. Full press releases that included bios and photos were assembled and distributed to media and the public through the Communications and Marketing Department. Flyers also were distributed to Johnson City businesses, music venues and eateries for further exposure. During the first concert, Beach Nite Band singer Don Hagy asked those in the audience to raise their hands if they had never been to MPCC’s amphitheater. More than 90 percent did. Park Services, MPCC staff and Senior Services provided support, which included setup, electrical, teardown and other needs, a medical/information tent and a senior bus that transported visitors to and from the amphitheater. Both concert-goers and performers gave positive feedback on the series, and band members expressly stated their wishes to return.