A Walk in the Park Newsletter - May 2019

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection

Special points of interest: ~Parks and Rec turns 75! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Calendar of Events

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Parks and Rec Celebrates 75th Anniversary! The Johnson City Parks and Recreation Department officially began its journey on May 18, 1944, and its 75th anniversary was cause for both reflection and celebration this month. In that time, we’ve moved from organizing ball games and events on makeshift playing fields and inside warehouses, to operating and programming state-of-theart parks and facilities that are the envy of Tennessee and beyond. On May 16, a time capsule filled with memorabilia and documentation reflecting the department’s history and accomplishments was buried at Powell Square Park, established in 1888. City officials, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members and others attended the dedication. The time capsule will be reopened in 2044 to mark the department’s 100 anniversary. A celebratory luncheon followed at Rotary Park, the city’s 10.4-acre park featuring one of the department’s crown jewels, the all-inclusive playground and splash pad. The celebration moved to the 67,000square-foot, multigenerational Memorial Park Community Center on May 18, where more than 350 attended Candyland Carnival. The spring carnival offered old-fashioned games, face painting, candy station, 75th birthday cupcakes, a magician and balloon artist, entertainment and inflatables. The celebration will conclude on May 25 with a free swim at Legion Street Pool at which free hotdogs and drinks will be given to the first 200 people. A Parks and Recreation Board was first established in 1944, when city leaders approved an ordinance to better organize recreation activities and programs. Today, that purpose and commitment to the community remains rock solid and continues to blossom. The department now provides a growing number of widely recognized and award-winning facilities and programs, and the journey is constantly in motion.

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