A Walk in the Park Newsletter - November 2019

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Langston Centre Opens to Packed House! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e :

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Langston Centre Opens to Packed House! On Sunday, November 17, 2019, more than 500 Johnson City residents participated in the Langston Centre grand opening. Elected officials, Langston High School alumni and business/ community leaders were on hand to celebrate the nearly three-year renovation project. Washington County’s segregation-era high school for African Americans has been repurposed to focus on multicultural arts, education and leadership. Adam Dickson, Langston Centre supervisor, emceed the occasion and stressed the significance of understanding history and exactly why the school was built in the first place. Mayor Jenny Brock conveyed the city’s appreciation to key donors who helped to make the event a reality. She also celebrated the rich diversity in the room that afternoon and emphasized the worth of community. The event also included remarks from individuals connected to the Centre. ETSU student Drew Keith shared his thoughts on how the Langston Centre could become a “healing agent” for genuine communitybuilding. Langston Education and Arts Development (LEAD) Chair Michael Young expressed gratitude for the community’s support in constructing the Centre. Young also announced anonymous donors and ETSU’s College of Education will provide two scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each. The scholarships were named after former Washington County Commissioner and longtime community activist Mary Alexander. Callie Redd stole the show as she recounted her time as a student and teacher at Langston. She had the audience in stitches as she remembered with clarity how she was asked to come to Langston to teach. The ceremony ended with an impromptu but appropriate recognition of Dr. C.H. Charlton and his public service to Johnson City and the Northeast Tennessee region. Dignitaries expressing their appreciation included State Sen. Rusty Crowe; U.S. Rep. Phil Roe and ETSU President Brian Noland.

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