Johnson City Parks and Recreation
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection
Special points of interest: ~ Recreate Responsibly!
I s s u e :
~ Administration Highlights
Recreate Responsibly!
~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division Highlights
A p r i l
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Despite COVID-19, many recreational opportunities exist and we recognize that at time like these, parks can fill our needs to connect with the world around us. Getting outdoors is a healthy way to stay active, spend time with your immediate family and reduce stress and anxiety. Please recreate responsibly by adhering to the best health practices to prevent virus transmission.
DO visit parks close to your home.
DO stay at least 6-feet away from others and avoid groups of people who are not immediate family members or housemates.
DO stay safe, carry hand sanitizer and avoid areas touched often.
DO exercise outdoors. Being physically active helps control weight and lower the risk of chronic diseases and it also has benefits that are specific to the COVID-19 situation. Exercising helps relieve stress and strengthen the immune system. Exercising outdoors may have additional benefits for mental and physical health.
DON’T TAKE CHANCES if there are simply too many people in the park to visit safely, it may be best to take another route or visit at another time during the day.
DON’T go out if you’re sick.
DON’T let your dog drag you too close to other people. While dogs will not spread the virus to humans, they can suddenly drag you close to other people if they go towards them or other dogs without warning. Stay aware of what may attract your dog so you can prevent close encounters.
DON’T get stuck in a rut. Americans may be staying at home for several more weeks, so it is best to include a variety of activities to prevent boredom. Walking, jogging, biking, kicking a ball around at a park or against a wall, gardening, jumping rope, and cleaning out the garage are all good ways to get your heart rate up.
We’re all in this together.