Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Delaying the Disease: A Worthy Goal ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e :
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Delaying the Disease: A Worthy Goal Observing closely the lighthearted yet purposeful Senior Services’ 12session series, Delay the Disease, brings home the significance of “functional fitness” for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. The program may have been flying a bit under the radar, but it is a community gem for many reasons. Senior Services Manager Deb Fogle said Memphis is the only other Tennessee city to offer the Ohio Health, evidence-based program. “Functional fitness is defined by exercises that help train your muscles to help you do everyday activities safely and efficiently,” Fogle said. “People tell us they enjoy it because they get to know others with similar challenges. They say they realize improvements in balance, concentration, sleep better and are more alert.” To teach the class you must go through a two-day training session and be a certified physical therapist, registered nurse, exercise physiologist or hold other classifications. The series includes lots of mobility, balance and aerobic exercises, stretching and fun exercises that require eye-hand coordination and word and body part association to keep the brain active. All 15 participants welcomed the challenges and encouraged others. “They are exercises that don’t require elaborate movements, but they keep intensifying the exercises,” said Jim Wise, Johnson City Vice Mayor Joe Wise’s father. “I’m still not on any medication, and I’m reluctant to tamper with them. It’s true, this is delaying the disease. We use muscles you wouldn’t normally use.” Janet Bickle said the program’s name fits. “It definitely is designed to delay the disease,” Bickle said. “I looked at research to confirm exercise helps. I’m at a point in my life where I need to do something beyond what I normally would do. We’ve all made friends and learned a lot.”
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Administration Highlights ~
Langston - The 21st Century Grant was presented to city commissioners Dec. 19. Cost estimates are being secured for staging, floor covering and sound system. Purchases will be made based on budget funding.
Carver Splash Pad - Bids opened Jan. 9.
Restroom projects - Currently working with Facilities Management and Water/Sewer for the budgeted restrooms at Tannery Knobs and Rotary Park. Provided funds are left over from these restroom projects, the outdoor restroom at Carver will be completed. If funding is not available, the project will go out for bid early July in order for completion by the opening of the splash pad.
Jamieson Hamilton was promoted to program coordinator. Congrats Jamieson!
Athletics Division Highlights ~
Youth and adult basketball programs are in full swing.
Youth soccer registration begins Jan. 28. Save the date - Adult softball registration begins Feb. 3 and youth girls Feb. 25.
New! Adult volleyball league games begin March 9. Registration is open.
Athletic calendar and scheduled has been finalized for 2020.
Park Services Division Highlights ~ Corey Parsons was promoted to crew supervisor in the Park Services Division. Congrats Corey!
Metro-Kiwanis Park - Removed 75 foot pine tree and replaced 30 feet of fencing including top rail and posts due to storm damage.
Winged Deer Park - Installed kiosk.
Tannery Knobs - Erected information structure for placement of an information kiosk.
Replaced entry devices at all Little League parks and TVA Credit Union Ballpark.
Golf Division Highlights ~
Membership sales have begun for 2020.
Christmas Eve and warmer temperatures have garnered 51 rounds of golf.
Working on bid proposals for contract mowing at Buffalo Valley course.
Check out the merchandise sales in the golf shop.
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection
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Recreation Services Division ~
Aquatics - Memorial Park’s Glow Stick Swim had 25 participants on Jan. 10.
Carver Recreation Center - Church league basketball began and the center is hosting four games per night. The center was closed the week of Christmas for gym floor refinishing.
Senior Services - Outing included Billy Graham University, 49 participants, Milligan College Christmas Concert, 55 participants and the Wohlfahrt Dinner Theater with 55 participants.
Langston Centre - A warranty repair was conducted on the malfunctioning elevator. Meetings held included CINTAS for custom floor mats and Thurgood Marshall College Fund scholarship opportunities. Formation of the Ralph E. Davis Future Leaders Academy to recognize the life and legacy of Ralph Davis, former NAACP president. The academy would target ages 15-17 to learn how to become agents of change and would include a summer internship and symposium at Langston where students would share their experiences. Met with Shara Lange at ETSU to discuss video programming of Langston alumni and youth and Tipton Gallery to offer art exhibits and speaker events.
Memorial Park Community Center - The Resolution Boot Camp began this month with 17 enrolled. New preschool classes have 10 families participating. Adaptive Recreation, Homeschool and Preschool PE had 60 participants. The Fitness Expo was held on Jan. 23 with 50+ participants taking advantage of building tours and sneak peaks at some of the programs offered at the center.
Nature - First day hike took place on Jan. 1 at Keefauver Farm with 68 participants. WJHL aired a program about the new classroom at Jacob’s Nature Park at Sinking Creek. Secured speaker Chris Smith, Utopian Seed Project executive director, Sow True Seeds marketing and communications manager and author for this year’s Jump Start Seed Swap and Pollination Day scheduled for Feb. 1 at Memorial Park Community Center.
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This month’s kudos goes to Mary Ann Kinch for her work on developing our 4137 Bristol Hwy. first-of-its-kind Annual Report. I Johnson City, TN 37601 wanted a report that we could Phone: 423-283-5815 distribute that reflects the efforts of 4137 Bristol Highway the department during this past year, Fax: 423-283-5829 Johnson City, Tennessee 37601both written and visual. As the old Email: Phone: 423-283-5815 saying goes, a picture is worth a Fax: 423-283-5829 thousand words and this is reflected Website: in this document. It took Mary Ann awhile to gather the information, Like us on Facebook design the layout and follow through @jcparkstn on having it printed all while handling her normal responsibilities. A great example of Going All Out! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @jcparkstn
Upcoming Events February 1 - Jump Start Seed Swap & Pollinator Day - Memorial Park Community Center
March 13-15 - USA Diamond Classic - Winged Deer Park
February 8 - My Little Valentine Daddy Daughter Dance Memorial Park Community Center
March 16 –20 - Spring Break Camp Johnson City Schools Memorial Park Community Center
February 20 - Basketball Video Game Tournament—Memorial Park Community Center
March 16-20 - Spring Break Adventure Camp - Carver Recreation Center
February 24 - Adult Softball Practices Begins
March 16 - Youth Soccer Practices Begin
February 25 - Girls Softball Registration Begins
March 16 - Adult Softball Practices Begin
February 27 - Black History Celebration and Taste of the Community - Carver Recreation Center
March 16 - Family Fun Night - Memorial Park Community Center
February 28 - March 1 - 2020 HS-JV Pre-Season Friendly Winged Deer Park
March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day Crafts - Carver Recreation Center
March 5 - Youth Soccer Coaches Meeting—Athletic Office
March 20-22 - East Tennessee Classic - Winged Deer Park
March 6-8 - USSSA 1st Pitch Invitation - Winged Deer Park
March 21 - Wacky MPCC Mini Golf Challenge - Memorial Park Community Center
March 9 - Adult Volleyball Games Begin
March 25 - Girls Softball Registration Concludes