Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Keeping Up the Pace! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division Highlights
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e :
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Keeping Up The Pace! As the pandemic continues so do the park improvements. Employees have adopted the goal of making continuous improvements, adapting to new duties and generating superior results for the park system. Buildings and restrooms throughout the park system are getting a fresh coat of paint. Winged Deer Park’s boardwalk is getting a much needed pressure washing and damaged boards and lighting is being replaced. Parking lot stripes have been repainted. The new Park Services location on Eddie Williams Road is up and running, trucks are being inventoried and the new Park Services Manager is getting acquainted with staff and his roster of duties. Picnic tables have been inventoried and needed replacements have been noted. Pine Oaks Practice Facility is sporting a new sign. Jacob’s Park at Sinking Creek has an new gated entrance off Ocala and a new living roof pavilion has been constructed. Senior Services is sending out a weekly Hump Day Upbeat newsletter keeping our seniors motivated and providing them with them ideas on how to stay active and engaged. Although some things have come to a halt, rest assured we are still here and still working to make things better for our citizens when things return to normal.
So if you see us out and about give us a wave we miss you and can’t wait to serve you in person! Stay Safe and Mask Up!