Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Our Mountain in the City! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division Highlights
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e :
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Our Mountain in the City! Buffalo Mountain City Park has gotten some much needed attention lately. Since Buffalo is a city park, it attracts a lot of ‘city’ hikers. Not quite the caliber of an Appalachian Trail hiker, city hikers anticipate and expect signage at intersections. The park now has almost 30 new signs! It may interest you to know that the National Park Service evaluate signage color choices by ease of visibility. Blue and white are at the top of the list and those are the colors chosen for our signs. The signs also have a number on the lower back right corner. In the event a hiker gets lost, they often make that decision when they come to another intersection. If they were to call the nature office for help with directions, and reference the closest sign number, they can be placed at an exact location on the mountain. Then specific directions can be given to get them back to the trail head in the most direct way. The Johnson City Police and Fire Department will also have this information for any situation that may arise, thanks to our GIS Department. The larger tasks were completed by the nature office, volunteer Allan Dearstone and an adult scout leader. For example: signs have to be placed at the intersections; close does not cut it. Therefore, without convenient trees at some locations, cedar logs were cut to 8’ lengths, stripped of branches and loose bark and carried up the trails to nine different locations. Holes were dug to a depth of 2 and a half feet-some were easy, some not so much… Trails are marked with traditional blazes and they can be done quite a few different ways. Blazing in Buffalo Mountain City Park refers to painting marks of a specific color on a trailside tree, allowing a hiker to easily identify the trail and do a quick visual check as they hike. Oil based paint is used because it lasts a long time. There are four main trails in the park. We will move away from the whole park being blazed in blue and white by adding 2 new colors to help differentiate the trails. Now you will easily know where you are providing you’ve glanced at a map. (The updated map will not be on our web site for about two weeks). Hikers will be able to check out the map online, print one and take it along, pull one up on their phone or take a picture of a very simplified ‘snapshot’ trail map in the trail head kiosk on their phone before they head off. We were able to move things along with a very successful partnership with the Boy Scouts of Johnson City troops 36 and 37. Here are some tasks that we are closing in on with their help: - Carrying 25# bags of cement up the mountain in back packs to set the cedar logs for new signage. (Many trips)! - Carry new signs up mountain as they are installed at sites. Collect and carry old signs off. Signs were installed with security hardware and are UV protected. - Help with reblazing two trails-preparing tree bark to accept new painted blazes to mark trails in accordance to National Park policy. - Abandon old or rouge, unofficial trails to help with trail clarity, reduce erosion concerns, reduce confusion. (This is done by dragging downed logs, sticks, leaves, etc. across undesired trail, making it visually disappear and redirect hikers with signage). - Brush out trails to remove vegetation. (Encroaching trailside plants are cut back where necessary to allow for a 3’ corridor width and 8’ height). In a 725 acre park, there is a lot more to do, especially rework some sections of trail that need attention. This is the perfect time. Buffalo Mountain City Park is a BIG beautiful park. For example, if you chose the White Rock Loop, it is just a speck less than a five mile commitment. Got about three hours, because you may need it depending on your hiking ability. It is also a mountain! There is 1,100 feet differential from the two trail heads to the popular Tip Top or White Rock Overlook. It is wonderful to have this resource right in the city limits! Go hike, run, meditate, take pictures, bird watch, or paint. Get wet in Catbird Creek, string a hammock for a nap, check out wild flowers, have a picnic, watch the sunrise at White Rock, watch the sunset at Huckleberry or Sunset Point and on and on and on… See you on the mountain.