Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Centers Closed, Outdoor Activity Encouraged ~ Administration Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division Highlights
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e :
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Centers Closed, Outdoor Activity Encouraged On March 18, Johnson City officials announced the closure of Memorial Park Community Center, Carver Recreation Center and the Langston Centre to protect members of the public from further spread of the coronavirus. Rentals of all facilities, pavilions and ballfields also were suspended on the 18th until further notice. Spring break camps underway at Memorial Park and Carver were cancelled as of Friday, March 20. Staff contacted those enrolled in next week’s spring break camp regarding its cancellation. Girl’s spring softball and T-ball, spring youth soccer and adult softball also have been postponed. Senior Services congregate meals became available for curbside pickup on Thursday, March 19, and staff contacted congregate meal participants for details regarding meal distribution. Meanwhile, city parks, playgrounds and Pine Oaks Golf Course remain open, and the city is encouraging the public to Go. All. Outside. Parks and Recreation staff took steps early this week to create additional outdoor programming and adjusted locations accordingly. “This is a great time for the public to get outside and enjoy a multitude of activities, whether it be a hiking or mountain biking experience or a casual stroll through Winged Deer Park to view the bluebell flowers,” said James Ellis, Parks and Recreation director. “We know families may be searching for alternative activities to enjoy together at this time, and getting outdoors can be both invigorating and soothing.”
Free guided nature hikes will be offered during the next several weeks. Each hike will be limited to 10 participants. Hikes at Jacob’s Nature Park at Sinking Creek have been scheduled on Tuesday, March 24 (10-11:30 a.m.), Wednesday, March 25 (1-2:30 p.m.) and Thursday, March 26 (10-11:30 a.m.). Hikes at Winged Deer Park featuring bluebell wildflowers will be held on Sunday March 29 (1-2 p.m.), Monday, March 30 (10:30-11:45 a.m.), Thursday, April 2 (10:3011:45 a.m.) and Friday, April 3, (6-7:15 p.m.). To register for one of these hikes, contact Program Coordinator/Nature Connie Deegan at 423-283-5821. The Introduction to Mountain Biking class has been relocated to the Meredith Pavilion at Winged Deer Park, and the $20 fee has been waived. Kids 8-12 will learn basic skills at Tannery Knobs Mountain Bike Park and the Tweetsie Trail from 4-5:30 p.m. on April 7, 14, 21 and 28. Participants must register by Wednesday, April 8 online at or by calling 423-434-5749.