A Walk in the Park
Johnson City Parks and R e c r e a ti o n
Your Parks and Recreation Connection
Special points of interest: ~ Golf Course Navigates COVID19! ~ A d m i n i s t r a ti o n H i g h lights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division lights
~ R e c r e a ti o n Services Division Highlights
I s s u e :
M a y
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Golf Course Navigates COVID-19! As with everyone during these unprecedented times, golf courses have altered their business model, taken extreme precautions, and depending on what city or state have closed their doors. Luckily for us here in Johnson City, TN our governor and local officials have allowed Pine Oaks Golf Course to keep their doors open while taking extreme precautions to provide some escape for people to be able to get outdoors during this global pandemic. Some of the new business practices that patrons might experience at Pine Oaks are:
Enforcing social distancing of 6 feet at all times on the golf course Mandatory single riders in golf carts (unless immediate family living together) Requesting golfers to leave flag sticks in the holes while they putt Foam placed in the bottom of golf cups to prevent ball going complete to bottom and make easier to retrieve Restriction of 5 Customers in the golf shop at any one time Disinfecting of golf carts prior to and after every person uses one Hand sanitizing station in the golf shop Requesting patrons to wash their hands as often as possible Staff constantly cleaning and disinfecting golf shop and check in desk Spreading out tee times to prevent too many people around the first tee at one time
As this list shows, the Pine Oaks staff takes the health of their customers very seriously. We have been extremely fortunate to remain open and provide an escape for people to come out and enjoy a round of golf on our beautiful golf course. We encourage anyone looking for a safe place to get out and enjoy some sunshine to consider Pine Oaks when they feel ready to begin getting out of the house again. We hope everyone is staying safe and look forward to seeing you out on the fairways!
Bryan Bentley
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Administration Highlights ~ Until things return to normal, members of our staff have been deployed to other jobs completing tasks that will improve the quality of our park system. Check out their efforts as they work to make improvements throughout the system. The new Park Services building is taking shape. The photos over the next two pages reflect the hard work and dedication to detail as staff prepares the space for move in.
A Walk in the Park Y o u r P a r k s a n d R e c r e a ti o n C o n n e c ti o n
Issue: 5
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Restroom pressure washing Winged Deer Park administration building.
Metro-Kiwanis tennis courts got a much needed refresh, which will surprise players when they can return to the courts. Began patching and will complete as weather allows.
4137 Bristol Hwy. Johnson City, TN 37601 Phone: 423-283-5815 4137 Bristol Highway Fax: 423-283-5829 Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Phone: 423-283-5815 Email: Fax: 423-283-5829 jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org
Website: www.johnsoncitytn.org Like us on Facebook @jcparkstn Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @jcparkstn
Metro-Kiwanis Restroom got a fresh coat of paint.