If you enjoy crochet or knitting and helping others, we have a surplus of donated yarn, so we are looking for folks to make crib/child size Blankets and Afghans. See Chyrl or Ann for yarn.
Currently accepting donations of OUI Yogurt jars for a craft project.
Please call 423-434-6226 for donations of yarn or material prior to dropping off. We do not always have a need, but appreciate you thinking of us.
Instructors: Mona Bawgus & Donna Smith
Cost: $2 per class (Ages 18+)
Mondays, 1-3pm
Learn the technique of upcycling old books into a more unique personalized book with many uses. Come share ideas and a make a new friend. Basic supplies provided.
Instructor: Bobbie Pearson
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Mondays, 1- 3pm
Join this welcoming group if you desire to sing gospel music and share the joy of music with local nursing homes. The group will resume on Monday, March 24th.
Instructor: John Martin
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays, 10am–12pm
Come learn and have fun with this welcoming group of amateur musicians. We play a variety of music including gospel, bluegrass and even Irish jigs. For more information, contact John Martin at 423444-6289.
Provider: Amy Kinley
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Mondays, 3:30-4:30pm
As a service to our community, Amy, an experienced seamstress with a specialty in alterations, will be offering small sewing repairs such as buttons, rips and hem repairs for folks who need assistance with sewing.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays, 1-2:30pm
Tuesday afternoon drawing offers an encouraging, relaxed atmosphere in which to create and learn. Materials will be available or bring your own and take advantage of any instruction needed.
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: $5 per class (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays, 1–3pm
‘Charlie’ will be available to offer guidance and assistance and share her knowledge in Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor technique. Bring your project and materials in for expert advice in an encouraging and relaxed atmosphere. Suitable for any skill level.
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 1-3:30pm
We have a surplus of fabric which has been donated to the center. In an effort to give back to the community, we are making lap quilts and/or pet beds. Sewing machines will be set up and all supplies will be available.
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $10 per lesson (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays 1-2pm
Learn to play the Dulcimer with
Roxanne! Please bring an instrument that is ready to play. Please pre-register and pay by the Monday before class.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 2-3pm
This is a time to get together and work on your skills and share ideas while enjoying the company of other players.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursdays, 10-11:30am
Join this lively group who loves to sing a variety of songs including show tunes and popular songs. This group is led by Cherry Smith. The group is open to anyone who is looking for a low stress, less demanding group with which to per-
form. No audition required. The group will resume on Thursday, March 6th.
Instructor: Rheva Myhre Luckey-Smith
Cost: $13 per lesson (Ages 18+)
Thursdays 1:30-2:30pm
Come explore Appalachian, Irish and Scottish fiddle tunes, techniques and history! All levels of experience welcome. Please pre-register and pay by the Tuesday before class.
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $13 per lesson, includes materials fee (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 3-4pm
Have you thought about learning to play the Ukulele or need to refine your skills?
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $13 per lesson (Ages 18+)
Fridays, 11am-12pm
Would you like to learn to play the guitar or develop your existing skills? Bring your guitar (in playable condition) and join this class. Please pre-register and pay by the Wednesday before class.
Instructor: Joan Scott & Martha Rafftery
Cost: $4 per class (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, February 12th and 26th, 1:30-3:30pm
Join this class to explore the many ways Paper Quilling can be used to make fun, attractive and useful Art, as well as gifts. All materials supplied. Instruction provided for all levels. Please pre-register and pay by the Monday before class.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, February 5th, 12:30-2pm
Although the term “the Renaissance” is most commonly associated with Italy, the massive cultural transformations that were remaking the world were having as significant an impact on Art throughout northern Europe as well. We will view paintings, woodcuts, engravings, etchings, sculptures, and drawings from this era.
Instructor: Deb Nelson
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Thursday, February 13th, 1-3pm
Make your own unique reversible wood pendant! Choose 2 images from a variety of paper napkins to decoupage onto a 2” laser cut disc. Add a bail and a cord and you’ll have a piece that’s versatile for travel and uniquely yours! Bring your own paper napkins if desired.
Instructor: Maureen Mulroy
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Friday, February 14th, 1-3:30 pm
If you are new to digital photography, interested in learning how to use all the “bells and whistles” on your camera, and want to learn the basic rules of photography, then this club is for you.
Instructor: Chyrl McLaughlin
Cost: $7 (Ages 18+)
Tuesday, February 18th , 9-11am OR Thursday, February 20th , 2-4pm
This is a make it take class that makes a variety of greeting cards. All supplies furnished for 6 cards in each class. Please pre-register and pay in advance to ensure your spot!
Instructor: Patty Baker
Cost: $12 (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, February 19th, 11:30 –1:30pm
Patty will be teaching a simple and attractive basket made with reed and sea grass. The February project will be an oval shaped ‘Cracker Basket’, which will include a band of color of your choice. This is a hands on class, your basket will be finished and ready to take home by the end of class!
Instructor: Deb Nelson
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Thursday, February 20th, 1-3pm
You’ll decoupage three different sizes of natural shells to create your custom collection. Trim out the edges with metallic paint for added dimension. Not just for display, they can be a practical jewelry dish as well. Create a matching or coordinating shell dish for the pendant you made on February 13. Bring your own paper napkins if desired.
Instructor: Patty Baker
Cost: $12 (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, February 26th, 11:30am-1:30pm
In this class you will enjoy creating with
other crafters and making a whimsical and unique hanger with dangles of buttons suspended from wood! If you have buttons stored at home, bring them to include in your project if you would like!
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, February 26th, 12:30-2pm
In this video series we will explore the fascinating Art movement known as Impressionism, which emerged in 1870s France. Rejecting the rigid rules of the beaux-arts (“fine arts”), Impressionist artists showcased a new way to observe and depict the world in their work.
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: $8 (Ages 18+)
Thursday, February 27th, 12:30-3:30pm
No talent required! Join instructor Charline Hughes as she walks you through creating a canvas you will be proud to display in your home. A make and take class, all supplies furnished.
Cost: $5 (Ages 50+)
Thursdays, 1:15-2:45 pm March 13-May 1
In this 8-week session, playwright and director Jules Corriere will lead participants in a storytelling game that brings forth stories from their lives. The group will work to develop these stories into scenes they will act out, culminating in creating and performing a one-act play. Senior Foundation Fellowship is available for qualified participants. Funding for this program is through a Creative Aging Tennessee III Grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission.
Mondays, 2pm (Ages 50+)
Come join us as we study God’s word together.
Thursdays, 8am (Ages 50+)
Come join us as we study the Bible together.
Thursday, February 6th,
Loaner Books Provided (Ages 50+)
If you like reading a variety of books and meeting new people, come join us. You are not required to join in the discussion or answer questions if you do not wish to. We will be discussing the previous month’s book and you will receive the book for the next month’s meeting.
Monday, February 3rd, 10am Cost: Free
This is our monthly volunteer meeting. Refreshments will be served. The guest speaker is Doris Kaifa with Celebrate Life. She will explain what their mission is and how we can be involved. We will have a fun activity for the group. Interested in volunteering? Check us out!
Tuesday, February 25th, 3:00-4:00 pm
Please pre-register! Did you know, you can find information about charter trips in the senior gathering area? Contact the vendors directly to book your next overnight adventure.
FTHRA serves lunch Monday through Friday from 11:30am -12pm. Please call 423-434-5723 for more information.
Welcome to the Johnson City Senior Center at Memorial Park Community Center. Spring will be here soon and staff are working on the annual Spring Forward project for qualified seniors. This project provides food and household supplies to seniors who meet the program criteria. You still have opportunity to participate in the seven weeks of giving to support this project; we are still
accepting donations of any of the items listed below. You can also assist by packing and/or delivering. Dates are March 31-April 2.
Week 1 –January 6-10 pkg. of 3 bars of soap preferably Ivory or unscented
Week 2 – January 13-17 Box of 160 Count Facial Tissue
Week 3 – January 20-24
25foot roll of aluminum foil
Week 4 – January 27-31 12 pack roll toilet tissue
Week 5 – February 3-7 8 roll pkg. paper towels
Week 6 – February 10-14 50 oz. Laundry detergent or pods
Week 7 – February 17 -21 25-32 oz. Dish detergent
There is a collection spot in the senior lobby to drop off your donated items.
Cost: Daily and Monthly fee options, (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit®, Fiton® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 14+)
Monday through Friday, 7am–8pm, Saturday 9am4pm
Fitness orientation required for new users to the fitness room. There is no preregistration required to use fitness room.
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Mondays & Wednesdays, 8am
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit®, Fiton®and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
One hour class that includes cardio endurance, strength, flexibility and balance challenges. The class includes cardio endurance, strength, flexibility and balance challenges. Wednesday’s class we move through circuit training stations.
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Tuesdays 4-4:45pm
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit®, Fiton®and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
MUSCLE incorporates athletic exercises that boost overall fitness. Move through muscle conditioning blocks and activity-specific drills to improve strength and func- tional skill. The class includes cardio endurance, strength, flexibility and balance challenges. This class is more challenging and advanced class.
However, modifications are shown for exercises for all fitness levels!
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Cost: $2/class
Wednesday, 9-9:30am
This class will be standing and on the mat using a stability ball for upper body, lower body and core exercises.
Instructor Kelly Finney
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit®, Fiton®and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
Thursdays, 4-4:45pm
MOVE is a fun, dance-inspired workout. The class improves cardio fitness with easy-to-follow moves and energizing music.
If you or someone you know needs grief support, we invite you to join one of our support groups. Our groups are led by a compassionate professional, Chelsa Ervin, LCSW. Chelsa Ervin, LCSW
1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:00 pm
Everlan of Johnson City 2623 Peoples Street, Johnson City, TN
At Morris-Baker Funeral Home we know that everyone experiences grief in their own way, and we're here to support you in the ways that feel right for you. We offer grief support through various channels, including in-person meetings, online sessions, phone calls, and printed materials. LEARN MORE AT MORRISBAKER.COM
Instructor: Kathy Richardson
Cost: $4/class
Wednesdays 2:30pm
This class will focus on yoga poses as well as a determination to explore opportunities for mindful movement as part of a personal wellness journey.
Instructor: Kathy Richardson
Cost: $3/class
Fridays, 9am-9:45am
Move through sitting and standing athletic exercises and yoga postures utilizing a chair for confidence as balance, flexibility, and strength increase. Lighten up thoughts with focused breathing and mindful movements while letting go of anxiety, tension, and stress. No exercises will require going to the floor. Suitable for all fitness levels.
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® , Fiton® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am or 1:30pm
Increase muscular strength, range of movement and practice activities for daily living. This class designed to help you become stronger and improve balance.
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, Fiton® and Silver & Fit® eligible participants). (Ages 18+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 12pm
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence based, low-impact Tai Chi form modified for seniors.
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, Fiton® and Silver & Fit® eligible participants.) (Ages 18+)
Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am
Fridays, 11:30am
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence based, low-impact Tai Chi form modified for seniors. This is an advanced Tai Chi class for those already experienced in Tai Chi.
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants.) (Ages 18+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 11am
Fridays, 10:30am
Qigong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine that includes easy to learn, gentle, flowing movements that stimulate the meridian system of the body and promote relation and mindfulness.
Instructor Kim McLeod
Cost: $5/class (Ages 16 and older)
Mondays, 1:15-2pm, February 3, 10, 17, 24
Do you want to feel enthused and excited about a workout? This fun beginner Belly Dancing class will do just that! Join us as we dance through a workout and have fun all at the same time!
Instructor: Kelly Finney (Tuesday, Thursday @ 10am) Deb Fogle (Tuesday, Friday @ 8:45am)
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit®, Fiton®and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays & Fridays, 8:45am
Tuesday & Thursday, 10am
This class is designed to increase cardiovascular endurance and improve strength. This is a low impact class which offers upper body strengthening. Participant should possess consistent skills in agility, coordination and balance.
Instructor: Tricia Korade
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit®, Fiton® and Renew Active® participants)
Tuesday, 9-10am
Thursday, 9-10am
Move through seated and standing yoga postures to increase flexibility, balance and range of motion. No part of this class is done on the floor. A chair is used to meet a variety of fitness levels. The class is
appropriate for participants of all fitness levels, including those who have never practiced yoga before.
Instructor: Tricia Korade
Cost: Free
Tuesdays and Thursdays. 8:30am
Start your morning out with a 15 minute relaxation session.
Instructor: Dixie Neth
Cost: $5/class (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11am-12:30pm
Join us for a breath of fresh air as we explore the world of yoga postures, breathing practices, and relaxation techniques. This class requires movement to the floor and back up without assistance. Bring your own mat, yoga blanket, blocks, and yoga straps.
Instructor: Jen Coleman
Cost: $5/class
Mondays, beginning February 17
Barre is a toning, body-weight –lifting workout. With high repetitions and low-impact movements, Barre challenges anyone looking to fine-tune their muscles. No ballet experience required.
Preregistration recommended for the above classes. Class size for classic and circuit is 20. Class size for chair yoga is 20.
(Upper Beginner/ Intermediate Level)
Instructor: Martha Davenport
Cost: $6 / (Discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, Silver & Fit®, and FitOn™ (if eligible)
Mondays, 3–4:30pm (Ages 12+)
For those wanting to brush up their line dance steps or learn new line dances. You will be having so much fun, you won’t even realize that you are exercising! Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, contact Martha drmd72@hotmail. com or check out this web-
site https://linedancingwithmartha.jimdosite. com/
Level 2&3 (Ages 18+)
Instructor: Sue Ayers
Cost: $6/ (Discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, Silver & Fit®, and FitOn™ (if eligible)
Wednesdays 4-5:45pm
Yes, we do love line dancing! If you’ve already learned basic line dance steps and have the desire to grow your skills and meet new friends, come join us. We dance to a mix of difficulty levels, with a focus on popular line dances done to both country and non-country music. Your brain and
body will thank you for this mid-week dose of joyful exercise.
Instructor: Sue Ayers
Cost: $4/ (Discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, Silver & Fit®, and FitOn™ (if eligible)
Wednesdays 6:307:30pm
Does music make you want to move? Come line dance with us! You will learn the basic steps and movements in this class, which we put together into fun dances. Many don’t realize that line dancing actually keeps your brain sharp as you learn new steps and choreography, all while listening to the
beat of the music. It’s a blast, and it’s a great way to meet new friends! Feel free to email Sue at pupstergal@yahoo.com with questions about any of the above classes.
Instructor: Martha Davenport
Cost: Free (Ages 12+)
Thursdays, 4:30-6pm
This is a volunteer group, which not only practices during this time frame, they also perform in the community. A variety of dances are taught every week keeping up with the newest and
most popular line dances and music. All levels of line dances are pulled into class, making it a fun and energetic class. Discover the performer inside of you- It will surprise you how much fun it can be! Whether you are a performer or someone who helps on the sideline, this is a great way to spread the joy of line dancing to others. For more information, contact Martha drmd72@hotmail.com or check out this website https://linedancingwithmartha.jimdosite.com/
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays, 6:30-7:45pm
Enjoy the company of other “I Can Dance “ Participants while brushing up on your ballroom dance skills. Max of 20, you must pre-register at 423-434-6237
Cost: $6 (All Ages Welcome)
Fridays, February 14th and 28th, 5:30-7:30pm New members welcome. Info. Call 423-612-0527 or 423-361-3152
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Thursdays, 1:30pm
Come and enjoy an afternoon of ballroom dancing.
1-3 miles, mostly flat, guided-tours
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday February 25th, 9am
This will be a 3 mile walk. Meet on the senior side of the building and we will walk over to the trail then down for 1 mile and back to the center Please pre-Register at 423-434-6237.
2-5 miles, easy to moderate trails, low or short elevation gain.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, February 11th. 9am
This will be a 3 mile make up walk due to bad weather. This will be on a gravel path around Duck Island. Meet at 9am in the marina parking lot. Please pre-Registerat 423-434-6237.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday February 18th, 9 am
Walk will be about 4 miles. We will meet at Persimmon Ridge baseball field
Parking lot and walk on the paved path to Main Street and back. Please pre-Register at 423-4346237.
4-10+ miles, moderate to difficult trails, heavier elevation gain.
• No transportation will be provided by the center.
• Remember to stay hydrated – Bring plenty of water
• Please register in advance at 434-6237
Jeanne Clarke, RN plans our health related programs, activities and screenings. She provides one-on-one health coaching, information, and resources as well as free blood pressure and fasting blood sugar checks. Her hours are Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9am-3:30pm.
Speaker: Elizabeth Renfro, MS, UT/TSU Extension
Cost: FREE (Ages 50+)
Monday, February 10, 1-2pm
Join the fun and workout your brain in this interactive program with brain teasers and games aimed at keeping your mind sharp. You’ll love it and your brain will too. Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.
Tuesday, February 11, 9-11am
Have your blood pressure and fasting blood sugar checked for free. Stop by the senior lobby for helpful information about heart health.
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Thursday, February 20, 12:30-1:30pm
This caring group is for all PWPs (People with Parkinson’s) and those who have PWP in their lives. Topics of discussion and speakers vary each month. The group meets in the Activities room at the far left end of the building across from the pool. No pre-registration required.
Speaker: Jeanne Clarke, RN
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Monday, February 17, 11am-noon
We’ll focus on ways to love our hearts by eating more of some things and less of others. Learn about the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan, tips for adding flavor without the added salt plus how healthy fats and chocolate can be good for our hearts! Pre-register at 423434-6237.
Speaker: Tracey Kendall-Wilson, Alzheimer’s Tennessee
Cost: FREE (All Ages) Monday, February 24, 11am-12pm
Living with Alzheimer’s can be challenging for the person diagnosed with it and also those who care for them. Join us for an open discussion about some of the common issues that may be experienced and some suggested approach strategies. Gain a better understanding of the different stages, get tips for coping and learn about resources that may be helpful. Please pre-register at 423-434-6237.
Speaker: Rusty Mitchell, BSW, The Vein Company
Cost: FREE (All Ages) Tuesday, February 25, 11am-12p
Do you struggle with swelling in your lower legs? Prolonged swelling can cause an inflammatory process resulting in tissue damage, increased risk of infection and reduced mobility and quality of life. Learn helpful info about potential causes, signs to watch for, prevention tips and treatment options. Preregister at 423-434-6237.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday and Wednesday, 8am-1pm
Tuesday and Thursday, 8am-11:30am
Friday, 8am – 2:30pm Court #1 — Beginner Courts #2-6 –Intermediate
Paddle Up – All Courts
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8am-12pm
Join in on the fun! We play doubles. Open play.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday — Sunday 7am — 10pm
Paddle Up – All Levels – MPCC Outdoor Courts 1-12
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday through Friday, 7am-8pm
Saturday 9am-4pm
Four tables available for open play. Newly renovated.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-11am
Mixed doubles table tennis is a great way to keep your brain and body active.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+) Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-12 am
Drop in for a pickup game or just shoot some baskets.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8-9am
A class for individuals interested in learning how to play Table Tennis.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays in February, 1-2 pm
This is a trivia-based program. Come exercise for the brain, unleash your potential, and be empowered for a brighter tomorrow while showing off your trivia skills. Please pre-register.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays, 4-5:30 pm
Come! Learn! Discover the many things about who your ancestors were, their occupations, spouses, children, the states, and countries they came from. Learn how to build a true, confirmed family tree using Ancestry.com and Ancestry DNA, as well as other online free sites. Learn about the available online and print research resources. Bring a laptop. Please Preregister.
Cost: Free (Ages 16+)
Wednesdays in February, 10-11:30 am
Lifelong learning of
German Language, Culture, History, etc. Attendance is NOT required to participate. DROP-IN/-OUT anytime during the meeting. Simultaneous ZOOM is used, making our meetings available worldwide. To prevent “echoing,” Please use “earbuds” when more than one computer is in a room. Sharing and show-and-tell are encouraged and always welcome. For more information, contact Lon Felker at 423-4084670 or lonsfelker@ gmail.com.
Cost: Free (50+)
Instructor: Connie Deegan, Park Naturalist
Tuesday, February 11th, 10:30-11:45am
Small, easy things to consider for your yard or on your balcony that can have a big impact on wildlife. Emphasis on the importance of native plant species verses invasives and the beneficial rippling effect that planting natives has. One small change can make a big difference! Please PreRegister.
Cost: Free (50+)
Instructor: Neal Bowes, Certified Senior Advisor
Wednesday, February 19th, 10:00-11:00am
What senior living options are available in our area? What are the benefits of “independent living?” Who needs “memory care” and who doesn’t? What does insurance cover? You can get the answers to all these questions and more, and learn about the no-cost help available in making senior living decisions. Neal Bowes is a Certified Senior Advisor from Johnson City, and will present this seminar. Please Pre-Register.
Cost: $3 (Ages 50+)
Wednesday, February 12th, 10-11am
This paleontology program you will learn about different types of fossils and the daily life of a paleontologist. Participants will get to see and touch multiple fossils that are between 5 and 65 million years old and get the chance to search for 5 million year old marine micro fossils. Please PreRegister!
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers will prepare your federal taxes for free beginning Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at the Memorial Park Community Center. Tax preparation will be by appointment only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. each Tuesday and Friday until April 11.
Taxpayers will have an initial intake interview with a tax counselor. If the return is for a married couple, both spouses must be present for the appointment.
The return will be prepared by one counselor and quality reviewed by a second counselor. Once the taxpayer approves the return, a printed copy of the return will be provided and the return itself will be electronically filed with the IRS.
All volunteers are trained using the IRS and AARP Foundation TaxAide standards and must pass an IRS test. They can prepare individual and joint tax returns, with a few exceptions for certain complicated returns. There are no age or income limitations for this free service. If you have been impacted by a federally declared disaster, you should stop by the desk at MPCC to pick up a Casualty Loss Screening Tool. IRS does not allow Tax-Aide volunteers to prepare returns with casualty losses.
However, not all taxpayers benefit from claiming casualty losses on their tax return. Review the Casualty Loss Screening Tool to decide if it will be beneficial for you to claim a casualty loss and have your return prepared by a paid tax preparer. If you need assistance using the tool, our Counselors will provide you with assistance, but we will not make the decision whether you should claim a casualty loss on your tax return.
You must bring your taxpayer identification number (Social Security card or ITIN documents) for yourself, your spouse if you are married filing jointly, and all individuals named on the return; photo identification for yourself and your spouse if you are married filing jointly; and all tax forms or other documents relating to your 2024 income, expenses, and deductions including W-2s, 1099-Rs, SSA-1099s, 1099-Bs, 1099-INTs and 1099-DIVs as well as your 2023 tax return. If you purchased health insurance through the Marketplace, you must also bring your form 1095-A, which you will receive from the federal government. Until you have received all necessary forms, our volunteers will be unable to complete your return.
For appointments, please call MPCC at 423-434-6237
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursday, February 6th , 9am
Are you new to the center or want to know more about programs. Plan to attend a “Try Us Out” session. This is an opportunity to meet staff, check out programs and take a tour of the center. New participants will receive a gift. Please stop by the front desk or call 434-6237 to reserve your spot.
Thursday, February 13 12:00p
Cost $8.00 includes lunch and play
“Walk, Don’t Ride” lunch and play will be presented on Thursday, February 13, starting at 12:00pm. Presented by The Word Players, Walk, Don’t Ride is a presentation of drama and song depicting events that helped shape American freedom. The story includes The Montgomery Bus Boycott; The Nashville Lunch Counter Sit-ins; and The Greyhound/Trailways
Freedom Rides, and ends with a recollection of Dr. King’s famous dream with a moving call to keep it alive. Must pre-register by Tuesday, February 11th; no refunds
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Monday February 17, 6pm
Join us for an evening to meet and socialize with other seniors who are single.
Cost: $8 (Ages 50+)
Friday, February 21, 6-9pm
This will be a great night of fun and music. We will have the Jerry Pierce
and the Nightlife Band. We will have Hors D’oeuvres. Come out and enjoy
the fun and friendships. Sponsored by Tetrick Funeral Services. Please preregister at 423434-6237.
Welcome to February! Since we’ve already had a snowy start to the year, watch for announcements for “pop-up” outings in February. We’ll check the weekly forecast, pick a favorite lunch spot on an upcoming sunny day, and send out an announcement in the Wednesday Hump Day Headline the week before the outing.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Mondays in February, 1-5pm
Come and play this card game. If you don’t know how, no worries, they will teach you how.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Prizes sponsored by Tetrick Funeral Services
Mondays and Wednesdays, 10am-10:45am OR 11am-11:45am
Would mixing bingo with physical activity increase your interest in an exercise program? Space is limited. Pre-register by calling 434-6237.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays, 11am-1pm
Come join this group who loves to test their spelling with the luck of the draw of tiles. The more the merrier. Dictionaries are provided.
Cost: Free (18+)
Tuesdays, 2-5pm
Open to all skill levels. Come join our group.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Wednesdays, 1-5pm
A trick taking card game for four.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursdays, 1-5pm
Rook is a challenging trick taking game played with a special deck of cards and a special group of people. Please join us!
Cost: Free (18+)
Fridays, 9:30-11:30am
Beginners and experienced, come join us for a game of mahjong, a tile based game similar to rummy. If you are wanting to learn, someone will be there to teach you. Come join us!
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Friday, February 7th & 21st, 12:304:30pm
If you enjoy playing bridge, but haven’t tried duplicate bridge. Join the fun!
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Prizes sponsored by Mooney’s Pharmacy
Monday, February 17th, 10-11am
Come join in on the fun of B-IN-G-O.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursdays in February, 10am-1pm
This is a popular engaging tile-based game that blends strategy, luck, and social interaction. Played with a set of double dominoes, the objective is to be the first player to lay down all of your tiles by building chains, or trains; from a central hub. Come join us!
(Ages 18+)
Members of the Center will be able to check out an Access card to the Computer Lab at the Senior Front Desk to gain entrance into the Lab from 8a-5p, Monday through Friday. Times/Availability subject to Change.
Cost: $5 Every Session (Ages 50+)
Every Monday in February, 10am-11am OR 11am-12:00 pm
Join us as we offer a realistic way for individuals to explore the world of aviation. Using advanced software, these simulations will create the experience of piloting an aircraft, complete with controls and visual displays. Participants will be able to practice takeoffs, landings, and learn
the navigation system. This technology not only provides a thrilling experience but also helps improve cognitive skills and hand-eye coordination. Please Pre-Register, limited seating available.
Cost: Free
Appointment Only
February 4th, 12:30-4:30pm
February 18th, 9:00am-12:00 pm
As we have no Digital Skills this month, we are offering a one-on-one support for those that need help with electronics to meet with the instructor from Goodwill, this will be appointment only, Please call to make a appointment at 423-434-6229.
6:00am-7:00am Masters Swim (Freedom Hall Pool)
7:00am — 8:00pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults Only Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
8:00 Beginner Table Tennis
8:30 Pickleball
8:00 Boom Muscle
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:00 Doubles Table Tennis
9:00 Mommy & Me Swim
9:00 Morning Water Aerobics
10:00 Classic Exercise
10:00 Advanced Tai Chi
10:00 Bingocize
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Bingocize
11:00 Qigong for Health
12:00 Beginner Tai Chi
1:00 Hand & Foot Canasta
1:00 Treasure Books/ Junk Journals
1:15 Beginner Belly Dancing
1:30 Classic Exercise
2:00 Our Holy Bible Study
3:00 Line Dance with Martha
3:30 Simple Sewing Repairs
4:00-5:45 Open Swim
6:00-7:30 Lap Swim
7:00am to 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 11:00am Adults Only Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:45 Circuit
9:00 Chair Yoga
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:15 Aquamix (pool)
10:00 Circuit Exercise
10:00 Memorial Park
Community Center String Band
11:00 Scrabble
11:00 Yoga “Just Breathe”
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Arthritis Class (pool)
11:45 Splash (pool)
1:00 Pencil Drawing made Easy
1:00 Bring Out the Artist in You
1:00 – 4:00 Adults Only
Therapy Pool
1:00 Brain-A-Cise
1:30 Delay the Disease
2:00 Chess Club
2:00-3:30 Home School
Swim(Aug-May Only)
4:00 Genealogy
6:00 – 7:30 Adults Only Therapy Pool
6:00 Evening Water Aerobics
6:30 I Can Dance(Ballroom Practice)
6:00am-7:00am Masters
Swim (Freedom Hall Pool)
7:00 am — 8:00 pm
Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults
Only Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:00 Beginner Table
8:00 Boom Muscle
9:00 Doubles Table
9:00 Mommy & Me Swim
9:00 Morning Water
10:00 Classic Exercise
10:00 Advanced Tai Chi
10:00 German Conversation
10:00 Bingocize
11:00 Bingocize
11:00 Qigong for Health
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
12:00 Beginner Tai Chi
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Sewing Group
1:00 Dulcimer Lessons
1:30 Classic Exercise
2:00 Dulcimer Practice/ Jam Session
2:30 Flex and Flow Yoga
3:00 Ukulele Lessons
4:00-7:30 Lovin Line Dance
4:00-5:45 Open Swim
6:00-7:30 Lap Swim
7:00 am — 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 11:00am Adults
Only Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:00 Men’s Bible Study
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:00 Chair Yoga
9:15 Aquamix (pool)
10:00 Circuit Exercise
10:00 Mexican Train Dominoes
11:00 Yoga “Just Breathe”
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Arthritis Class (pool)
11:45 Splash (pool)
1:00 Rook
1:30 Delay the Disease
1:30 Ballroom Dance Practice
1:30 Celtic and Old Time Fiddle
1:00 – 4:00 Adults Only
Therapy Pool
2:00-3:30 Home School
Swim(Aug- May Only)
4:30 Dandy Line Dancers
6:00 – 7:30 Adults Only
Therapy Pool
6:00 Evening Water Aerobics
6:00am-7:00am Masters Swim (Freedom Hall Pool)
7:00 am — 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults Only Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:00 Beginner Table Tennis
8:14 Step class
8:45 Circuit Exercise
9:00 Doubles Table Tennis
9:00 Sit and Stretch Chair Yoga 9:30 Mahjong
9:00 Morning Water
10:30 Qigong
11:00 Guitar Lessons
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:30 Advanced Tai Chi 4:00-7:30 Open Swim
9:00 am — 4:00 pm Billiards Room
9:00am – 4:00pm Fitness Room
9:00 – 3:30 Adults Only Therapy Pool
9:15 Saturday Blast
10:30-12:45 Lap Swim
12:45-3:30 Open Swim Pricing and details about aquatic programs are available at the recreation desk.
LocalHospiceAgencies arecomingtogetherwith TetrickFuneralServices toprovidesocksfor patientsinlocalnursing homes:
We orient our skilled nursing services around the provision of specialized care for recovery after hospitalization. Our dedicated team helps residents and family members feel at home while receiving individually-focused healthcare.
Whether you need Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapy, our therapists are committed to returning residents to the highest possible level of function, independence, and quality of life. Whether recovering from a hip replacement surgery, a stroke, a fall, or any other health condition, residents can benefit from our rehabilitation services.
Our energetic staff also focuses on socialization as a vital aspect of creating a home-like environment. We supplement wellness by delivering opportunities for residents to maintain a fulfilled and pleasurable stay. Community involvement ranges from exercise classes, beauty shop visits, and pet therapy, to holiday events, community involvement, and religious services.
10:00 Bingo
10:00 Flight Simulator President Day - No Congregate Meal Served
11:00 Eating Smart for a Healthy Heart
6:00 Senior Single Social Mixer
11:00 Alzheimer’s- Practical Suggestions 11:00 Help for Swollen Legs
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Mondays in February, 1-5pm
Come and play this card game. If you don’t know how, no worries, they will teach you how.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Prizes sponsored by Tetrick Funeral Services
Mondays and Wednesdays,
10am-10:45am OR 11am-11:45am
Would mixing bingo with physical activity increase your interest in an exercise program?
Space is limited. Preregister by calling 4346237.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays, 11am-1pm
Come join this group who loves to test their spelling with the luck of the draw of tiles. The more the merrier. Dictionaries are provided.
Cost: Free (18+)
Tuesdays, 2-5pm
Open to all skill levels. Come join our group.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Wednesdays, 1-5pm
A trick taking card game for four.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursdays, 1-5pm
Rook is a challenging
trick taking game played with a special deck of cards and a special group of people. Please join us!
Cost: Free (18+)
Fridays, 9:30-11:30am
Beginners and experienced, come join us for a game of mahjong, a tile based game similar to rummy. If you are wanting to learn, someone will be there to teach you. Come join us!
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Friday, February 7th & 21st, 12:30-4:30pm
If you enjoy playing bridge, but haven’t tried duplicate bridge. Join the fun!
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Prizes sponsored by
Monday, February 17th, 10-11am
Come join in on the fun of B-I-N-G-O.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursdays in February, 10am-1pm
This is a popular engaging tile-based game that blends strategy, luck, and social interaction. Played with a set of double dominoes, the objective is to be the first player to lay down all of your tiles by building chains, or trains; from a central hub. Come join us!
1.Allinclusive! Allincludedinrent:utilities,cable,transportationtoDr.appointments andshoppingtrips,socials,events,bi-weeklyhousekeeping.3flavorfulhomestyle mealsaday&more!
2.Spacious&airyapartmenthomes! Mountainanddowntownviewsinawarm andinvitingcommunity.
3.Communityfeatures! Chapel,IceCreamParlor,DiningRoomandCafe,Movie Theatre,Libary,MediaCenters&MeetingRooms,Event&Activityspacesanda FitnessCenterwithState-of-the-ArtEquipment.
4.Outdoorfeatures! Large,beautifulcourtyardwithpavedwalkingpathsand comfortableseatingareasthroughout,resident’spersonalraisedgardenbeds,games& picnicarea,dogpark,firepit,andresidentsecureparkingwithelectronicgateaccess.
5.ExceptionalStaff! Concierge,security,maintenance,housekeeping,activities& dining.
6.Location! LocatedinDowntownjohnsonCitywithwalkingdistancetoparaks, festivals,library,shoppinganddining;convenienttoI-26,SeniorCenter,VAand medicalservices.
7.ActivitiesGalore! There’splentytodo,chooseasmuchoraslittleasyouwouldlike.