A Walk in the Park Newsletter - October 2020

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ We’ll Be Happy To See You! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division Highlights

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e :

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We’ll Be Happy To See You! Memorial Park Community Center and the Johnson City Senior Center will reopen Monday, Nov. 9, offering programs and activities on a limited basis. Visitors must preregister for all activities by calling 423-434-6237. Call-in reservations begin Monday, Nov. 2. Hours during this first phase of reopening are 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday-Friday. The center will be closed on Saturday and Sunday. Activities available during phase one include: lap swim, therapy pool, pickleball, fitness room, classic and circuit fitness classes, Fit & Toned, stretch, billiards, homeshool and preschool PE and afterschool activities. Nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of our members and participants, and every step we have taken has been with this single goal in mind. The entire center has been deep cleaned and sanitized, and additional procedures are in place for continuous cleaning and sanitizing. First and foremost we ask that you be proactive and stay home if you have a temperature of 100.4F or higher or feel sick. Temperatures will be taken before entry and visitors with readings at or above this number will not be allowed into the building. Let’s keep each other safe. A thorough screening is required for each person entering the building, and we ask that you arrive no sooner than 10 minutes before your scheduled activity. Individuals will be restricted to a maximum of 90 consecutive minutes in the building at any given time, and class sizes are limited. Things will look a bit different, and visitors will be asked to follow these and other guidelines, requirements and recommendations during phase one of the reopening. We’re excited to see you. Welcome back!

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Administration Highlights ~ 

The department is preparing for reopening of Memorial Park Community Center. Staff has developed a Welcome Back packet which will be distributed at the door and emailed to the member database.

Athletic Highlights ~ 

Registration for youth and adult basketball opened on Oct. 9. Games are expected to begin on Nov. 30. Screening measures, including temperature checks, wearing a mask inside the facility and engaging in appropriate social distancing have been put in place in an effort to reduce or prevent COVID-19 transmission.

Park Services Highlights ~ 

Athletic fields - Spread 12,000 lbs. of seed, 40 acres of fertilizer and 200 tons. of sand.

Little League fields - Rebuilt pitcher’s mounds.

Rotary Park - Installed gutter guards on the Harris and Gump pavilions.

Pete Zannis Tennis Center - Pressure washed top four tennis courts.

Golf Highlights ~ 

Hosted 152 players for the Tri-cities ProAm. Ladies tournament, First Tee program were completed this report period and the Johnson City Area Homebuilders Association and Davy Crockett basketball outings also took place this month.

Senior Services Highlights ~ 

Weekly Hump Day Upbeat publication is being emailed to all members. The publication will continue through December.

Drive-thru congregate meals are averaging 30 meals weekly.

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection

Issue: 10

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Recreation Services Highlights ~ 

Memorial Park Community Center - The Fall Bioblitz using the iNaturalist app began on Oct. 24 and will run through Nov. 8. Participants will collect photos of wild plants and animals throughout the park system and upload their finds to iNaturalist.org. Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants with the most downloads.

Preschool and Homeschool PE will resume on Nov. 10 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Nature - A series of short nature programming videos have been successfully launched on social media. The videos discuss things of interest in the natural world that are happening at the present time. The latest one explaining the how and whys of our autumn leaf color change and drop.

Carver Recreation Center - The after school group mid-term results were impressive with all performing at above average in their classes. Great job kids!

Langston Centre - Served as neutral location for discussions between City of Johnson City leadership and local racial justice demonstrators.

Recognized Minority Business Development Week with a virtual panel of regional minority business leaders.

Launched a string of successful educational programs Including: The Ralph E. Davis (RED) Academy, The Langston Virtual Academy, The Langston Afterschool Institute and Community education classes for adults.

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Park Improvements ~  4137 Bristol Hwy. Johnson City, TN 37601 Phone: 423-283-5815 4137423-283-5829 Bristol Highway Fax: Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Email: Phone: 423-283-5815 jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org Fax: 423-283-5829 Website: www.johnsoncitytn.org Like us on Facebook @jcparkstn Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @jcparkstn

The sign at the bottom of the Lone Oak Trail was destroyed by vandals. Scott Turner, who hikes the trail very often, thought that replacing the sign would be a wonderful way to help the community and pay tribute to the trail’s original builder, Tommy Dosser. Working from old photographs and with a local sign company, Scott purchased the new sign and helped with the installation. Thank you so much Scott for your targeted appreciated generosity!

Winged Deer Park’s handicap accessible boardwalk is getting a much needed facelift. Replacement boards are in place, staining is taking place and new lights have been installed.

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