Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Centers Reopen: Athletics, Camps on Tap! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights
~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e : 4
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Centers Reopen: Athletics, Camps on Tap! Johnson City Parks and Recreation staff is excited to welcome back its patrons of all ages, sizes and interests following a yearlong pause in activities. On April 12, Johnson City Parks and Recreation began a measured, multi-phased reopening of Memorial Park Community Center, Carver Recreation Center and Langston Centre based on stringent guidelines aimed at safely allowing activities to resume. “We’re just really excited to get back,” said MPCC Supervisor Kelly Finney. “It’s like opening for the first time. It’s nice seeing people we know coming back, but we’re also seeing a lot of new people preregistering for activities. People have been very willing to work with us on our social distancing and other policies. There have been zero snags so far, and I couldn’t be happier.”
Required preregistration began April 5 for the first phase of the reopening, which limits the number of participants in each activity, includes a mandatory screening process and temperature checks and verbal health questionnaires. MPCC is offering limited participation in Aquatics (and Freedom Hall), homeschool/preschool PE, open gym, fitness room, pickleball, group exercise classes and billiards. Carver is registering participants for its afterschool program. Its fitness room is open and limited slots are available for open gym. Langston’s Afterschool Institute began April 12, and community programs are forthcoming. Meanwhile, the facility continues to provide virtual learning opportunities.
Registration also kicked off on April 19 for 23 summer camps designed to keep kids 6-12 active, engaged and connected to their friends and community. Jump-Start JC, Carver Recreation, biking, sports/specialty, nature and Langston Centre camps are being offered. Camp capacities were limited to maintain social distancing requirements. Athletics opened registration this month for summer high school and adult fastpitch, as well as adult slow-pitch softball leagues, and youth T-ball and softball practices began April 1. Registration for the summer tennis and pickleball camps begin May 1.