A Walk in the Park Newsletter - February 2021

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Looking Forward to Seeing You! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division Highlights

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e :


F e b r u a r y

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Looking Forward to Seeing You! In anticipation of our city’s reopening of community centers, resuming athletic programming, weekend athletic events and permitting some special events in the coming months our staff is preparing facilities for the safe return of our patrons. Nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of our patrons. Things might seem a bit different when you return. You may experience limited enrollment in activities, screening questions prior to entry, face masks requirements, social distancing, limited use of equipment, water fountains, bottle refill stations and coffee or tea service suspended temporarily. Reservations for programming and activities will be required. Call-in reservations will begin on April 5 for Carver, Langston and Memorial Park Community Centers. The centers scheduled opening is April 12. The Athletic Division will open registration for adult softball and youth soccer, T-ball and softball on March 1 with games scheduled to begin April 15. Reservations for usage of park pavilions will be accepted beginning March 1 for dates on or after April 1. Help us keep each other safe. If you are at an increased risk or sick, please stay home.

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