Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Thank You!! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights
~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division Highlights
A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e :
J a n u a r y
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Thank You! On behalf of our great staff, allow me to say Thank You to everyone for being so understanding to all the changes during this pandemic. YOUR safety and well-being is our priority. Numerous measures were implemented to assist in helping decrease the spread and keep everyone as healthy as possible. As we embark on 2021, we are optimistic that we will get through this and be even stronger than before. While some programming and events were not happening, our staff has been extremely busy with improving parks and facilities and performing a large amount of “needed” maintenance and enhancements that we normally would not be able to accomplish during our busiest times of the year. As you will see in some of the photos, staff painted outdoor restroom and press box buildings, both inside and outside. We were able to pressure wash the entire boardwalk at Winged Deer Park as well as replacing the top rail and damaged decking. Lastly, they applied stain and installed new pedestrian lighting. They have also assisted other departments with such as Motor Transport, Juvenile Court, City Hall and Facilities Management. The current recreational offerings open to the public are pedestrian and bike trails, all outdoor tennis, pickle-ball and basketball courts, playgrounds, outdoor restroom facilities at select locations, dog park, pavilions on a first come first serve basis, Pine Oaks Golf Course and all green spaces through-put the park system. Like each of you, we are anxious to return to some sort of normal as soon as possible, however; as stated previously, YOU are our priority and we must be diligent in doing our part to help keep you safe so that you will again be able to enjoy the recreational offerings provided by the City. As changes and updates occur, we will communicate them through the media and on the City’s website.
Be Safe!