A Walk in the Park Newsletter - June 2021

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ JC Parks GO. ALL. OUTSIDE! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights

~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division Highlights

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e : 6

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JC Parks GO. ALL. OUTSIDE! The recent dedication of Carver Recreation Center’s new splash pad was followed by a rush of Parks and Recreation summer camp kick-offs, pool and splash pad openings, team sports and other activities, helping move enthusiastic community members of all ages outdoors. Rotary Park’s popular splash pad came to life with Carver’s state-ofthe-art amenity on May 28, doubling the public’s opportunity for wet, entertaining outdoor play. Legion Pool opened on Memorial Day, and the location has been a hotspot since day one. Jump-Start JC, Carver Recreation, Langston Centre, nature, athletic and specialty camps are full and churning out smiles. Youngsters and others are exploring our parks and facilities. They’re swimming, hunting critters, playing soccer, mountain biking, running the bases and taking their first-ever airplane flight. They’re also learning. Program coordinators, instructors, speakers and staff are teaching everything from fitness and sportsmanship to the science of the natural world. The Lakeside Concert Series is drawing robust numbers, and an uptick in newcomers is evident. A refreshed and scenic Boone Lake, pristine lakefront and amenities receive compliments and kudos on a regular basis. Flag football and ecosystems. Footwork and pollination. Rafting, geology, music, herb gardens. It’s here, and more is on the way. Summer camps are just now picking up steam, and a number of field trips and other activities are planned through July. Enjoy!

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