A Walk in the Park Newsletter - March 2021

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Carver set for New Splash Pad, Gardens! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights

~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e : 3

M a r c h

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Carver Set for New Splash Pad, Gardens! Carver Recreation Center is undergoing a major transformation that will result in the addition of a new, state-of-the art splash pad and a completely upgraded Carver Community Gardens. The estimated $400,000 splash pad will be funded by a $200,000 state Local Parks and Recreation Fund grant and a $200,000 local match. Johnson City also is funding a new outdoor restroom, fencing and a walkway. “It will open Memorial Day, the same day as the Rotary Park splash pad,” said Sam Miller, Recreation Services manager. “It’s a recirculating pad, the first in the city. And much like a swimming pool, the water is cleaned when circulated. The splash pad includes 24 standing and ground spray features.” Carver Community Gardens also is transitioning from traditional to raisedbed gardening. The garden has been completely tilled and irrigation lines are being installed to provide easier access to various locations. A yet-to-be determined number of 4’ by 8’ and 4’ by 16’ raised beds will be built from treated lumber, sit on top of a weed mat and rock and stand 16-inches high. The outdoor facility will include compost bins, two pollinator gardens, two handicapped accessible gardens with a new ramp and concrete entry. “We’re just playing it by ear as far as completion dates,” said Herb Greenlee, Carver supervisor. We’ve received donations and are working with the city and master gardener Nancy Shilling. We continue to work with different groups for mulch and other donations, and we’re looking at grants to help us as we develop.” Some that had gardens before the renovation will be given priority, but the public also will be able to enjoy the outdoor feature, Greenlee said. For more information, call Herb Greenlee, 423-461-8831.

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Administration Highlights ~      

Staff members visited Maryville and Knoxville Parks and Recreation to view existing pickleball courts and designs. Call-in registrations for all centers begin April 5. Centers reopen April 12. All signage, PPE needs and social distancing requirements are being put in place. Pavilions open at all locations April 1. All boards will resume in-person meetings in April. Kiwanis Park - Demolition of bandstand slated for week of March 29. Park Advisory Board did not meet this month.

Athletic Highlights ~   

Currently 800 youth enrolled in soccer. Registration underway for youth and adult softball. Weekend baseball/softball tournaments are underway.

Park Services Highlights ~        

All restrooms have been brought back online. Willow Springs Park - Memorial benches installed. Memorial Park Community Center - Installed new flooring in card room. Kiwanis Park - Electrical has been cut to the old band shell in preparation for demolition. Woodland Elementary - Sand has been delivered for soccer field. Winged Deer Park - Grounds have been improved around trees at the administration office and lakefront area. King Commons - Park Services has taken over restroom opening/ closing and grounds maintenance. Playground inspection completed. Buffalo Mountain Park - New park hours signage installed. Public Works removing trees and clearing an area for turnaround.

Senior Services Highlights ~   

The team is busy preparing for reopening April 12. New flooring has been installed in the game room. The Senior Center Foundation completed a successful Spring Forward event providing groceries and household goods to 204 low -income seniors. Donors included Modern Woodmen, AO Smith, Publix, ETSU Health, Johnson City Firefighters Association, membership and community donors.

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection


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Recreation Services Highlights ~ 

Memorial Park Community Center - On March 15, an Easter video was published on social media showcasing the center and asking participants to count the eggs they could find in the video. The winner will receive an Easter basket filled with goodies!

On April 3, MPCC will host a drive-through Easter goodie give away to the first 150 participants. The Keystone area and Mountain View and Northside Elementary Schools are being targeted for participation. The Easter Bunny will be on hand to give out filled eggs, crafts and a toy to each child as they drive by that day. Participants are encouraged to decorate their vehicles to really make the event festive and fun!

Staff also is gearing up for summer camp, Jump Start full-day camp and sports/miscellaneous half-day camps. Registration begins April 12. As part of opening preparations, staff also is painting the interior of the building, giving it a new splash of color.

Nature - AT&T has donated $1,000 to Nature, which will be used to purchase enough native trees to move Jacob’s Nature Park at Sinking Creek’s Level I Arboretum to a Level II. The number of native species in Jacob’s Park will jump from 30 to 60! Level II certification will not be sought until 2024, when the new trees are larger and more mature. Volunteers will help get them in the ground on March 27. ETSU has the only other Level II arboretum in Johnson City.

Aquatics - Developing a training program for the new splash pad at Carver. Preparing Legion Pool for opening.

Langston - Spanish classes had 140 registrants. The Intro to Eastern African Language had 10 students enrolled.

Golf Highlights ~      

Completed aerification, chemical and fertilizer applications. Mounding topsoil at 17 tee box as safety precaution. Spring/summer rates take effect April 1. Rounds of golf - 1,500. Golf Advisory Board met on March 10 and installed four new members. Carver Park - Installed irrigation lines for the new raised bed gardens.

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Administration Office ~ 4137 Bristol Hwy. ~ Johnson City, TN 37601 Phone: 423-283-5815 Fax: 423-283-5829 Email: jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org Website: www.johnsoncitytn.org Like us on Facebook @jcparkstn Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @jcparkstn

Park Improvements ~ 4137 Bristol Highway Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Phone: 423-283-5815 Fax: 423-283-5829

Upcoming Events March 24 - TRPA Virtual Workshop

April 12 - Carver, Langston and Memorial Park Community Centers open to public

March 27 - USA Spring Fling - Winged Deer Park

April 17 - USA April Classic - Winged Deer Park

April 1 - Pavilions open

April 24 - Annual Boone Lake Cleanup

April 2-6—Bluebell Wildflower Hikes

April 24-25 - Tri-Cities Diamond Classic - Winged Deer Park

April 3 - ETYS Easter Classic - Winged Deer Park

April 26 - Tri-Cities Prom Am - Pine Oaks Golf Course

April 5 - Call-in Reservations Begin - Carver, Langston Centre and Memorial Park Community Center

April 30 - May 3 - JC Parks Nature Challenge

April 10 - USA Duel on the Diamond - Winged Deer Park

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