Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Carver set for New Splash Pad, Gardens! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights
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A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e : 3
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Carver Set for New Splash Pad, Gardens! Carver Recreation Center is undergoing a major transformation that will result in the addition of a new, state-of-the art splash pad and a completely upgraded Carver Community Gardens. The estimated $400,000 splash pad will be funded by a $200,000 state Local Parks and Recreation Fund grant and a $200,000 local match. Johnson City also is funding a new outdoor restroom, fencing and a walkway. “It will open Memorial Day, the same day as the Rotary Park splash pad,” said Sam Miller, Recreation Services manager. “It’s a recirculating pad, the first in the city. And much like a swimming pool, the water is cleaned when circulated. The splash pad includes 24 standing and ground spray features.” Carver Community Gardens also is transitioning from traditional to raisedbed gardening. The garden has been completely tilled and irrigation lines are being installed to provide easier access to various locations. A yet-to-be determined number of 4’ by 8’ and 4’ by 16’ raised beds will be built from treated lumber, sit on top of a weed mat and rock and stand 16-inches high. The outdoor facility will include compost bins, two pollinator gardens, two handicapped accessible gardens with a new ramp and concrete entry. “We’re just playing it by ear as far as completion dates,” said Herb Greenlee, Carver supervisor. We’ve received donations and are working with the city and master gardener Nancy Shilling. We continue to work with different groups for mulch and other donations, and we’re looking at grants to help us as we develop.” Some that had gardens before the renovation will be given priority, but the public also will be able to enjoy the outdoor feature, Greenlee said. For more information, call Herb Greenlee, 423-461-8831.